6. Read the text and say what the major sources of protein for animals.
6. Read the text and say what the major sources of protein for animals. *** The sources of nutrients for animals are many and extremely varied. Important animal feed components include roughages, concentrates, animal by-products, minerals from mineral deposits, and nutrients made chemically. These are called synthetic nutrients. Proteins The major sources of protein for animals include oil seeds such as soybeans, peanuts, cottonseed, and linseed. These seeds are processed by cooking and other procedures to remove the bulk of the oil from them. The remainder of the seed content is then dried and ground up for feed. The feed consisting of ground oil seeds with the oil removed is called oil meal. Cereal grains provide lesser amounts of protein, but are also important protein sources. Good quality legume hay, such as alfalfa and clover, is also a good plant source of protein for ruminant animals. Animal protein is generally of higher quality than plant protein. More specifically, animal protein usually contains more of the essential amino acids than does protein from plants. Sources of animal protein include tank age, fish meal, blood meal, skim milk, feather meal, and meat scrap. Nonprotein nitrogen in the form of urea can be used as a substitute for protein for ruminant animals. Urea is a synthetic source of nitrogen made from air, water, and carbon. The feeding of urea should be limited to not more than 1% of the total dry matter fed. Young ruminants and all nonruminants are unable to digest urea. 7. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 1. The major sources of protein for animals include oil seeds such as soybeans, peanuts, cottonseed, and linseed. 2. The feed consisting of ground oil seeds with the oil removed is called soybean. 3. Cereal grains provide bigger amounts of protein, but are also important protein sources. 4. Urea is a naturel source of nitrogen made from air, water, and carbon. 8. Analyze the text and tell the sources of carbohydrates and fats.
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are found in all plant materials. The major sources of carbohydrates for animal feed are the cereal grains. Corn is the most important of these in the United States, followed by wheat, barley, oats, and rye. Other sources of carbohydrates include non-legume hay such as orchard grass, timothy, other grasses, and molasses. Normal animal rations generally contain adequate levels of carbohydrates.
9. Give the English equivalents: растение, основной, углеводы, злаки, пшеница, садовая трава, патока. Fats Because fats are needed in fairly small amounts in the diets of animals, it is seldom necessary to identify specific sources of dietary fat. Most sources of protein are also sources of fat. This is especially true for the oil seeds and animal by-products.
10. Write down the general elements of the text.
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and minerals are part of all the normal feeds of animals. Ruminants manufacture B-complex vitamins in their rumens. Exposure to sunlight allows the body to manufacture vitamin D. Contact with the soil, coupled with other feeds grown on fertile land, provides most of the mineral requirements of animals that have access to pasture and high-quality feeds. However, it is sometimes necessary to supplement natural sources of vitamins and minerals. Commercial vitamin and mineral supplements are formulated for specific classes of animals and their special needs. Such supplements are available wherever animals exist in the developed countries of the world.
11. Match two parts of the sentences, using the texts:
12. Write out from the texts all the sentences with the modal verbs, translate them. 13. Agree or disagree with the statements, using the phrases of agreement and disagreement: 1)Cereal grains provide lesser amounts of protein, but are also important protein sources. 2) Protein nitrogen in the form of urea can be used as a substitute for protein for ruminant animals. 3) Hormone is a synthetic source of nitrogen made from air, water, and carbon. 4) Carbohydrates are found in all plant materials. 5) Normal animal rations generally contain adequate levels of carbohydrates. 6) Exposure to sunlight allows the body to manufacture vitamin C. 14. Find the answers in the texts: 1)What are t he major sources of protein for animals? 2) What is generally higher quality animal protein or plant protein. 3) Where are carbohydrates found? 4) What are sources of animal protein? 5) Are fats needed in fairly small amounts in the diets of animals? 6) Are commercial vitamin and mineral supplements formulated for specific classes of animals and their special needs? 15. Find the phrases in the texts, read the sentences with them: good quality, fertile land, special needs, mineral requirements, oil seeds, animal by-products, cereal grains, good plant.
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