Theme of the master class "Watercolour landscape"
Theme of the master class " Watercolour landscape" Class: 8-9 (14-15 years) Тема мастер-класса - Акварельные пейзажи The theme of the master class – Watercolour landscapes Цель мастер-класса: Изучить новый лексический материал по теме " Искусство", " пейзаж"; развить навыки говорения; развить навыки работы акварелью. The purpose of the master class: Learn new vocabulary on the topic “art”, “landscape”; to develop communicative skills; develop watercolor painting skills. Задачи: · Практическая - развитие коммуникативных навыков, развитие диалогической речи, развитие навыков восприятия и понимания речи учителя на слух, развитие словарного запаса. · Образовательная - изучение новой лексики по теме " Искусство", изучение техники " по-сырому". · Развивающая - развитие творческих способностей, креативности, развитие коммуникативных (языковых) навыков. · Воспитательная - воспитание эстетического вкуса, чувства композиции и цветового баланса; расширение кругозора. Tasks of the master class · Development of communication skills, development of listening skills, development of vocabulary. · Studying new vocabulary on the topic " art", studying the technique " in raw". · Development of creative abilities, creativity, communicative (linguistic) skills. · Development of aesthetic taste, sense of composition and color balance; broadening the horizons. Lesson equipment a) For the teacher. Presentation, computer, watercolor, brushes, water in a jar, paper, examples of work b) For students. A4 paper, watercolor, brushes (thin and medium), water in a jar, palette Visual row 1. 2. 3.
План и ход урока 5. Организационная часть - 1-2 мин. 6. Сообщение учебного материала - 7-10 мин. 7. Демонстрация задания - 5-7 мин. 8. Практическая часть - 20 мин. 9. Завершение урока, рефлексия- 2 мин. Plan and course of the lesson 1. Organizational part - 1-2 minutes 2. Explanation of the theory - 5-7minutes. 3. Demonstration of the task - 7min. 4. Practical part - 20 min. 5. Conclusion, reflection - 2 min. Hello. I'm Tamara. And today we will talk about landscape painting. Our master class will consist of 2 parts. At first we will talk about some facts and English painters. After that you will try to create your own landscape in technique " in raw". It will be the second part. Do you know what landscape means? Landscape is one of the genre of painting, in which we draw nature. Please look at the blackboard. Here we have some new words. Can you translate them?
Words: landscape, watercolour, painting, brush, palette, founder, the technique " in raw", outstanding, skyline. Great. I hope you will remember these words. Now we will talk about landscape painters in England. Most of all painters like to use oil or watercolour paints. Today we will talk about painters, who preferred watercolour. Among the best watercolorists were English painters. Now you need to be very attentive. I will give facts and after that you will do a little quiz. Some facts. 1. Thomas Gerten was one of the founders of the English watercolor school. 2. Joseph William Terner was a great master of watercolors, a friend of Thomas Gerten. Turner could work with watercolors and oils. 3. John Constable was a famous English painter. Also he was an outstanding watercolorist. 4. The 23rd of November is a World Watercolour day. The idea of creating this date was proposed by a Mexican artist Alfredo Guati Rojo in 1991.
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