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Do a little quiz.

Do a little quiz.

1. Who was the founder of the English watercolour school?

2. Who proposed the idea of day World watercolour?

3. When do we celebrate the world watercolour day?

Now you will try to draw a picture with watercolour in technique in raw. I will give your some instructions and you will do what I will demonstrate.

At first, please, take a paper. Take a brush and put it in water. Then take a pencil and make the outline of the future picture. Do not press the pencil hard.

Next you need to take the brush with water. And water the paper a little bit. Like this.

We begin to paint the wet paper. At the beginning I paint the sky. After that I paint land.

Paint can mix, so there can be interesting changes from one color to another.

You need to close all white spots, and after that let the paint dry.

After the paint has dried, you can add details to your landscape with a thin brush. Do you remember all step of our work?

And now you will make your own pictures. Take a new list and try again. If you have questions, please ask them.

Great. I think your works are beautiful and interesting. What do you remember? What was the most interesting for you?

List of references:

1. History of English watercolours, paintings by the old masters.  -https: //www. liveinternet. ru/users/5486765/post398708410

2. The classic English watercolour - https: //www. colors. life/post/476626/

3. Wet watercolor or English watercolor - https: //www. alexandra-otieva. com/ru/tehnika

4. Watercolour - https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C

Приложение 4

Разработка к занятию " Тон в пейзаже"

Разработка к занятию " Цвет в пейзаже"

Этапы выполнения пейзажа в ограниченной палитре

Разработка №1 к занятию " Передача состояния в пейзаже"

Разработка №2 к занятию " Передача состояния в пейзаже"

Разработка к занятию " Контраст/нюанс"

Разработка к занятию " Пейзаж с элементами архитектуры"


Приложение 5

Рис. 1

Рис. 2

Рис. 3

Рис. 4


Приложение 6

Рис. 5

Рис. 6

Рис. 7

Рис. 8

Рис. 9

Приложение 7

Рис. 10

Рис. 11

Вид на церковь Вознесения

Холст, масло. 60x90


Коломенское. Вид на колокольню с ансамблем Передних ворот

Холст, масло. 60x70

Коломенское. Лестница

Холст, масло. 60x40




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