general hygiene. And medical ecology. Ministry public health of Ukraine. Crimean medical university . named by S. I. Georgyevskiy
MINISTRY PUBLIC HEALTH of UKRAINE CRIMEAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Named by S. I. Georgyevskiy DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL HYGIENE AND ECOLOGY GENERAL HYGIENE AND MEDICAL ECOLOGY TEXTBOOK FOR STUDENTS MEDICAL FACULTY SIMFEROPOL 2007 Textbook is developed by the employees of the department of general hygiene with ecology of the Crimean state medical university according to the Program on general hygiene for the students of medical faculties by credit-module system (Kiev, 2005) and reflects the basic questions of discipline. The manual is designed for the students 3, 4 and 6 courses of medical faculty.
The authors: professor S. Shibanov, docent G. Neuimina / Editor prof. S. Shibanov. Simferopol, 2007.
INTRODUCTION. PURPOSE AND TASKS OF LEARNING GENERAL HYGIENE AND MEDICAL ECOLOGY AT MEDICAL FACULTY. Dear students! I am very glad to offer you this educational guide in hygiene. It is only very short account of main questions and problems of my science. For receiving good mark at exam you must use oficial textbooks, conspects of lectures, notes from practical lessons. The purpose of study hygiene and ecology at medical faculty is formation at the future doctor hygienic thinking – it means understanding interrelation of health with quality (degree of the level of pollution) environment – it is necessary condition scientifically proved systems protection of health, healthy way of life, effective public and individual prevention of various diseases. During study hygiene and medical ecology the students should take possession of such knowledge: 1. Tasks, methodology, basic laws of hygienic science and general laws of the connection of the health with the factors and conditions of environment. 2. Origin, properties and laws of influence basic natural and technogenic factors of environment on ecological situation and health of the population. 3. Methodology of study influence of the factors and conditions of environment on health of various groups of the population, qualitative and quantitative parameters of hygienic estimation of environment and its influence on health of the population. 4. Methodology and principles of the hygienic reglamentation hamful factors in environment, organization and contents of preventive and current sanitary control behind hospitals, inhabited rooms and other objects sanitary - municipal purpose, establishments of nutrition, children's and educational establishments, enterprises of industrial and agricultural manufacture.
5. Bases of a healthy way of life, personal hygiene and balanced diet, scientifical hygienical recommendations for prevention of various diseases
In the future professional activity hygienic knowledge and the practical skills are necessary for the doctor in the following situations: 1. At differential diagnostics of diseases, definition the scheme of treatment, treatment-preventive mode and medical-labour examination. 2. In work on professional orientation, professional training and employment of the persons with a different level of health. 3. At estimation sanitary - hygienic and antyepidemic mode of hospitals, establishments of preschool, school and professional training, establishments of public catering and others. 4. For optimization conditions of a life, education, training, work, prevention intrahospital and other infections, substantiation the recommendations on personal hygiene, balanced diet. 5. At development and realization complex programs of prevention various diseases. 6. In work on propaganda of medical knowledge and hygienic education of various groups of the population.
PLAN Learning General Hygiene and Medical Ecology on medical faculty according to the Program Ministry Health Service Ukraine 2005 on credit-module system.
On 3-year education students has 10 lectures, 40 practical lessons in 3 Modules, on 6 year – practical lessons and State examination on General Hygiene.
HYGIENE AS MEDICAL SCIENCE. In medicine it is possible to allocate 2 areas: clinical and preventive. It are in organic unity and supplement each other, but are separate scientific disciplines. Object studying clinical medicine is the ill person, its aim is diagnosis and treatment diseases. Preventive medicine or " hygiene" (from Greek - " bringing health " ) studies influence of different environmental, alimentary, professional factors on healthy person (individual health) or health of the collectives people, population of region or the country (population health) with the purpose preservation or strengthening health. Experts in this area refer to as doctors - hygienists or health officers (abroad - doctors public health).
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