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Factors influencing on health of the population.

Factors influencing on health of the population.

By the data the World Health Organization (WHO), the health of the population of any country of the world depends from the following reasons:

1) On 48-53 % - from social and economic conditions in country or region and a mode of life person (physical training, smoking, etc. )

2) On 18-20 % - from the genetic factor (spreading hereditary illnesses in population)

3) On 17-20 % - from quality (degree of pollution) environment (In polluted places it can be 40-60%)

4) On 8-10 % - from level of development and quality of medical aid.  

So, improvement quality of environment theoretically can give in two times biggest effect, than all clinical medicine. It shows significance preventive medicine or hygiene in strengthening population health.

Concept «hygiene» and “ecology”

Hygiene is the medical science, studying the influence factors of environment on organism of the person and public health with the purpose to substantiation hygienic specifications, sanitary rules and actions for preservation and strengthening health of the person and prevention diseases.

Ecology – It is biological science, investigated interrelations between alive organisms in nature (ecosystem, biocenosis) and influence on it factors of environment

MEDICAL ECOLOGY – It is medical science, investigated environmental diseases in population, it reasons and prophylactic.


ENVIRONMENTAL PATHOLOGY – It is changes of health or diseases under influence of harmful factors of environment of different nature.


1. Ecologically dependent diseases – it is proved action of harmful factor of environment as reason of the disease (water-nitrate methemoglobinemya, fluorosis, caries of teeth. )

2. Ecologically connected diseases – diseases, more often meet in population under influence of polluted environment (lung diseases, cardiac diseases, oncological diseases and other)


All centuries-old history of hygiene can be conditionally divided into 2 periods:

Empirical hygiene (skilled hygiene) – period of gradual accumulation hygienic knowledge by people from time primitive society on the basis of own experience or by experience of the previous generations (using and preservation various food, water from different water sources, arrangements habitation in different district etc. ). The further development empirical hygiene has received in a slaveholding society, in many respects under influence of religious instructions - the Ancient East, Babylon, Greece, Rome. During Middle Ages because of developing inquisition in Europe the centers of medical science have moved from Europe to East (works of Avicenna or Ibn-Sina).

The period empirical hygiene was finished by time of opening a microscope and a nature of infectious illnesses (16-17 centuries).

Period scientific - experimental hygiene - period studying harmful factors influencing on health of the person, in natural and experimental conditions and development scientifically-grounded preventive recommendations.

The first known scientific work on hygiene - Italian doctor B. Ramattcini – " Reflections about illnesses of handicraftsmen" - there were described working conditions of 52 trades (17 century). In Russia the president of the Petersburg medico-surgical academy A. Frank (18 century) has issued the multi volume book - " Full system of medical police ".

The first chair of hygiene in territory of Russian was opened in 1863 at the Kiev university, in 1865 - in St. Petersburg university. Outstanding hygienists in Russia before revolution - N. A. Dobroslavin and F. F. Erisman, in the Soviet period outstanding hygienists - academicians A. N. Sysin, A. N. Marzeev, L. I. Medved. In Ukraine famous scientists now work: acad. J. I. Kundiev (director of Scientific Institute of Hygiene of Work), аcad. E. I. Goncharuk (ex-rector National medical university), аcad. A. M. Serdjuk (director Ukrainian Scientific Hygienic Centre).


Subject of studying hygiene - health of the person and environment in it complex interaction.

Environment in a broad sense - everything, that surrounds the person and influences on him.

In hygiene environment - it is 4 objects, which first of all have effect on organism of the person:

1) Atmospheric air and air of working zone,

2) Water of reservoirs and drinking water,

3) Ground (soil)

4) Foodstuffs.


1. Studying natural and anthropogenic factors of the environment influencing on the person - their sources, the reasons of occurrence, ways of influence on the person, the basic quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

2. Studying the influence of factors of environment on organism (in natural or laboratory experiments).

3. Scientific substantiation and development hygienic specifications, rules and recommendations for decrease or elimination influence harmful factors and strengthening action positive factors.

4. Introduction hygienic recommendations in practice, check it efficiency and the further perfection.

5. The scientifically-grounded forecasting sanitary situation in concrete region or the country on the nearest and remote prospect on the basis of multi factorial mathematical modeling.



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