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Changes salt exchange in conditions of a hot climate.

Changes salt exchange in conditions of a hot climate.

     Special value here has infringement exchange natrium chloride (NaCL). At small sweat evaporation from total NaCL lost by organism per day (15-20g) with sweat is lost 2-6 g/day. At significant sweat evaporation losses NaCL reach the big sizes (sweat contains 0, 3-0, 6 % NaCL) and cause the infringements of salt exchange, which not compensated even at full completion water-loss. Compensation reactions organism for prevention salt deficiency: decrease the contents chlorides in sweat up to 0, 1 %, decrease diuresis up to minimum (360-400ml/day). Oligouria (decrease diuresis) is the original reflex directed not so much on preservation water in fabrics, but on preservation Na in organism. The addition NaCL to food is not required, as food completely covers needs for salt, and surplus NaCL promotes removing vitamin C with urine and occurrence its deficiency in organism.

In some cases at the big losses salts with sweat, can arise the heavy condition - the SALT EXHAUSTION: strong gastric spasms, vomitting, apathy, faints, are possible spasmes (increase excitability muscles at decrease chlorides in plasma). For treatment it is required additional introduction NaCL.

In conditions of a hot climate some restriction of water consumption is necessary. For example, at work at +39-400C for person it is necessary 6 l / day by fractional reception of water - 100-150 ml for 1 time.




     Features of nutrition in hot climate.

         At long action high temperature and humidity of air decrease the basic exchange to 10 % as a result influence of heat on vegetative nervous system. There can be decrease appetite, salivation, gastric secretion and motility is especially to meat food.

 In a diet of the population of some regions with a hot climate (Africa, Southeast Asia, South America) is marked significant deficiency of proteins animal origin with prevalence vegetable carbohydrates (carbohydrate monofagism). It is connected to a low level of material maintenance of the population, religious and traditional factors.

The contents in food much cellulose conducts to constant mechanical irritation of intestines, especially thick, and to development colitis. High temperature and many carbohydrates in food promote activization fermentative processes in intestines, especially in children – may be toxic dyspepsia.


Alimentary diseases in hot climate

Unilateral carbohydrates feed at lack of irreplaceable amino acids, animal fats and some vitamins results in occurrence specific diseases:

  Kvashiorcor (in translation - " the red boy" ). Heavy disease children after their excommunication from female milk and translation into a carbohydrate feed (lack of animal protein, methionin, fat-soluble vitamins): inhibition growth, backlog in weight, hypostases, dermatosis and depigmentation skin, backlog of intellectual development, fatty infiltration liver, atrophy of a pancreas, hypoxromic anemia.

  Spru - heavy chronic disease - the persistent diarrhea, gastritis, anemia, atrophy mucous of stomach and intestines, violations in bone brain and liver, gradually develops general cahexya (big loss masses of body).

       Specific food poisoning – Helyotropic TOXICOSIS (helyotropic hepatites) - at the use cereals with impurity of weed heliotrope. Illness begins with gasrtoenteritis, in 1-2 weeks - ascitis, atrophy of liver, decrease proteins in blood, anemia, leucopenia. Disease quickly can be finished by death at hepatic insufficiency or in 1-2 years with development cirrhosis of liver.

In tropical climate it is good conditions for development microbes in food, so often may be food poisonings microbe aethyology (toxicoinfections, bacterial toxicosis – see theme “Food poisonings”).



Prevention alimentary diseases in hot climate.

       Basis of it is observance principles of a balanced diet, especially equation of a feed on proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral substances and vitamins. Maintenance proteins full value is very important - processes of biosynthesis depend on it. It is necessary use animal fats - 60-70 % from total amount. In feeding it is necessary liquidation carbohydrate monofagism, raised receipt of vitamins C, В1, В2, В6, РР etc.

Features of a diet: reception food in more cool time of day - up to 40-50 % of a daily diet in the morning or in the evening.



             HOT CLIMATE

           Primary goal is the prevention overheating and infringements water-salt exchange. For this purpose work should be carried out in more cool periods of day - earlier begin work, having rummaged from 12 o'clock till 18 o'clock. In an operating time are necessary often breaks (10-15 mines each hour) with rest in a cool place and acceptance water. For prevention strengthening toxic influence professional harmful factors in conditions of heat climate the important value has automatization, hermetic sealing, ventilation at manufacture, mechanization heavy physical work.

Requirements to working clothes: not multilayered, from easy natural materials, light colouring, free breed. At work on open deserted district the clothes as much as possible should protect all parts of a body from action of direct solar beams and dust, for protection eyes - smoky glasses.



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