III. Answer the following questions.
1. Who does the shopping in your family? 2. Where can you buy meat? 3. What meat do you usually buy for soup? 4. Do you like white or brown bread? How much bread do you buy daily? 5. Are you fond of sweets? Where do you buy them? 6. How often do you buy cakes and biscuits? 7. What shop in Volgograd is famous for its cakes? 8. What fruit can you buy all the year round? 9. Where do you buy vegetables? 10. What vegetables do you usually buy? 11. What dairy produce do you buy daily? 12. Is there a supermarket not far from where you live? 13. What departments can you see in the supermarket? 14. Where do you usually buy your food? 15. When did you last go to the food store? What did you buy? How long did it take you to do your shopping there? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.Покупать продукты в супермаркете очень удобно: все покупки можно сделать одновременно. 2. Супермаркеты оборудуют таким образом, чтобы покупатели проходили мимо большого количества полок и видели широкий ассортимент продуктов. 3. В супермаркетах цены на товары проставлены очень отчётливо. 4. Рядом с нашим домом есть все магазины: мясной, молочный, овощной, рыбный, а также бакалея и булочная. 5. Я никогда не составляю список продуктов, когда собираюсь идти в магазин, но всегда планирую, в какие магазины я зайду. 6. Когда мы с подругой приходим в супермаркет, я беру корзину, а она – тележку. У нас разный стиль: я покупаю только то, что мне нужно; а она – всё, что красиво упаковано. 7. Натуральные продукты питания предпочтительнее консервированных и замороженных, хотя могут стоить дороже. 8. У кассира не было сдачи с крупной купюры, и пришлось ждать, пока расплатится следующий покупатель. 9. Лучше не покупать продукты по сниженной цене: они могут быть просрочены. 10. Мой сосед – старый холостяк (old bachelor). Он всегда покупает одно и то же: буханку хлеба, десяток яиц, пару килограммов картофеля и пару банок мясных консервов. 11. Когда есть деньги, я покупаю что-нибудь повкуснее – хороший кусок мяса, кусочек ветчины, коробку шоколадных конфет, банку огурчиков. Потом устраиваю пир (feast). 12. Больше всего я не люблю стоять в очереди (to stand in a queue), поэтому стараюсь пройти через экспресс-кассу (quick till). 13. Уже стоя у кассы, она вдруг вспомнила, что забыла купить молока, и пошла назад к прилавку с молочными продуктами. 14. Кассир сидела за кассовым аппаратом и наблюдала затем, как покупатель выкладывал продукты на ленту конвейера. 15. Очередь двигалась очень медленно, потому что у всех были груды покупок. 16. По дороге домой я всегда захожу в супермаркет. Вчера там был большой выбор кондитерских изделий. 17. Кто делает покупки в вашей семье? – Чаще всего мама. Но мы все заходим в магазины по пути домой.
UNIT 15 My shopping There are some things we have to do every day. Shopping is one of them. Some people hate it and find it boring. So they make a list of what they need and run through stores buying the needed things. Sometimes they even don't care about the priсe. They go from store to store looking for goods of better quality and lower price. They don't worry about the time they spend shopping. Many people, especially women like shopping. My mom tells me very often to buy some foodstuff. There are different shops in our neighbourhood – groceries, bakeries, butcher's shops. They are rather small and you have to go from one shop to another to buy everything which is on your shopping list. These small shops boast that they have in stock everything you need. Sometimes it is not so. For example, you might want a particular brand of yoghurt or skimmed milk and they may not have them. So if you are fussy about the things you eat, you will have to look for some other place where they sell your favourite yoghurt and milk. This is why I prefer to do shopping in these big self-service places called supermarkets. I can buy almost everything I need – meat and poultry, cheeses and sausages, fish, frozen food, sugar and salt, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, candies, cookies and bread, of course. All items are neatly wrapped and conveniently displayed on special shelves or racks or kept in refrigerators. I can walk among the rows with a shopping basket or with a trolley, choosing things. I can take and study them, compare with others, put them back and take again later. Nobody tells me to hurry with the shopping. Finally I have to go and pay at the cashier's desk. In many supermarkets, besides foodstuff, I can also buy things which I might need in my household, for instance various detergents, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries. They also sell stationery – paper, pens and pencils, notebooks, files, paper clips, drawing pins, rulers, rubbers – in a word, everything I may need for my lectures at the University. If I need newspapers and magazines, I can also buy them at a supermarket. Of course, there are things which are not on sale in supermarkets. In this case I have to look for them in some special stores.
If I need to buy clothes, footwear, I can do it in small outlets. I don't like them very much. For one thing, they are quite expensive places. I feel more comfortable in big department stores or in huge malls, where I can walk from one department to another. The only problem is that every now and then somebody from the personnel comes up to me and asks if I need help. And this can happen dozens of times so that by the end of my shopping tour I am tired of saying "No, thanks, I'm just looking." I must say that many people enjoy shopping. Many families do it at their weekends. Parents bring their offspring, and they all walk along the galleries of the mall, either window-shopping, that is, gaping at the things displayed before them, or buying something, or having lunch at one of the mall's fast food restaurants. And these excursions can last from morning till late afternoon! I should say visiting big malls is one of the favourite pastimes for many people! Vocabulary to make a list – составлять список to have in stock – иметь в ассортименте, в наличии skimmed milk – обезжиренное молоко to be fussy about – быть разборчивым dairy products – молочные продукты candies – сладости detergent – очищающее, моющее средство soap – мыло toothpaste – зубная паста toiletries – туалетные принадлежности stationery – канцелярские товары; канцелярские принадлежности paper – бумага pen – ручка pencil – карандаш notebook – записная книжка; тетрадь file – папка, скоросшиватель paper clip – скрепка drawing pin – кнопка ruler – линейка rubber – резинка outlet – магазин to gape at smth. – глазеть на что-либо I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: to look for goods of better quality and lower price; to buy some foodstuff; to have in stock; to be fussy about smth.; to display on special shelves or racks; to keep in refrigerators; to walk among the rows with a shopping basket or with a trolley; to pay at the cashier's desk; outlet. II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: составлять список; обезжиренное молоко; молочные продукты; сладости; моющее средство; мыло; зубная паста; туалетные принадлежности; канцелярские товары; бумага; ручка; карандаш; записная книжка; папка; скрепка; кнопка; линейка; резинка; глазеть на что-либо.
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