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Consistency of truth.  P14. The law of truth. Quality of truth.  P15. The law of truth criterion.  P16. Principle of quality of truth


First, the truth must necessarily be constant. How discrete is the state of its object, otherwise it is not a state, how the fact of the state of this object is absolutely unchanged, otherwise it is not a fact, so must be absolutely unchanged and the truth, otherwise it is not true. This necessary requirement is fully consistent with the written-speech position.



Truth is always and necessarily a written-speech position to a high degree corresponding to a certain state of its source object. (1. 2. 5. )   13                                    

  That is why it is necessarily concrete and unchanging, just as the state of its object is concrete and invariable.


We can say a little differently.


 P14. The law of truth

Truth is always and necessarily a written-speech position, to a high degree corresponding to the fact of a certain state of its source object. (1. 2. 5. ) 14

Therefore, the definition of truth through fact is more complete. And it should be taken as the main thing. Moreover, only its fact is its reliable criterion. After all, the state of its object most often exists at an extremely small moment in time. Everything flows.


Oral expression exists very briefly and can only relate to the category of true knowledge. On its basis, as on an intermediate subject of truth, truth itself is quite possible.

The written-speech position is not only invariable, but also long-term. For example, over the course of millennia, civilizations arise and disappear, however, many of their truths are not subject to time.



Any knowledge that arose from facts possesses this quality. Including concepts. Any knowledge can have a numerical value of the degree of its quality of truth in the range: from 1 (absolutely true) to 0 (absolutely false). The quality of truth is inherent in truth itself. Yet the truth is created by a person who is capable of making mistakes. That is why the epistemological chain of the emergence of truth is not decisive in further conclusions.


The criterion (sample) of the quality of the truth of any knowledge is its fact. Since the state of its source object most often exists extremely briefly. Then comes his next state. But the next one is already different, different.


 P15. The law of truth criterion

The necessary criterion for the quality of the truth of any knowledge is only and its fact is necessary. (1. 2. 6. ) 15


There is no fact - there is no criterion of truth.


 P16. Principle of quality of truth

The quality of truth consists in the characteristic ability of knowledge to be a representative (model) of the state of its source, and hence the fact of this state. It has a range of numerical values (measure) from 1 (absolutely true) to 0 (completely false). (1. 2. 6. )   16


In ordinary (binary) logic, there are only two values ​ ​ for evaluating the truth: " true" or " false". However, this approach is acceptable only for knowledge with a high level of formalization. For example, for mathematics. The epistemological chain of the emergence of truth is a fuzzy inference mechanism. Truth is created by a person who is capable of making mistakes. So for fuzzy inference, there are not two truth values, but a whole scale. For example, true (1), mostly true (0. 75), mostly false (- 0. 75), false (-1). That is, this scale can be both linguistic and numerical.




The application of truth is legitimate to objects similar to its subject. The expression " like is cognized by like" is often found among many ancient philosophers. This expression is quite suitable for the application of truths. Scientific knowledge is created for this, so that the truths and true principles of the investigated objects can be applied to new facts of similar objects. And true scientific concepts of a concept arise only on the basis of truths and true principles.


P17. Principle of application of truth

Any object of truth is necessarily concrete, but it necessarily belongs to a kind of its own kind. This means that if there is a truth about a certain object, then it, to a certain extent, necessarily corresponds to each object of its kind. (1. 2. 7. ) 17   

 Only true ideas and concepts are the fundamental principle of correct intuition and correct thinking. Without the first and second, it is practically impossible to obtain new truths from new facts. Otherwise, then the object is perceived in a completely distorted form. Then his written-speech position will inherit the falsity of the concepts involved in the thought process to create this position.

Only true concepts and ideas are the basis for correct perception. The ancient expression " like is cognized by like" first received its true meaning from Empedocles. “In the theory of sensory perception, Empedocles put forward a physiological hypothesis on which his doctrine of knowledge is based. According to this hypothesis, with sensory perception, we perceive like like. Sensations are formed by adapting each of the sensory organs to what is felt". (Asmus V. F. Ancient philosophy. M.: " High school", 1976. р. 72)

According to Aristotle: “... He says:

  We see earth as earth, and we see water as water,

  Ether is a wondrous ether, but merciless fire is fire». (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 376)



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