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P18. The law of reasonable perception

P18. The law of reasonable perception

 (The idea of Empedocles. ) Only true concepts and representations of objects are the grounds for an adequate rational perception of such objects. (1. 2. 7. ) 18

It is quite simple: concepts automatically recognize in the process of perception the images of " their" objects. And thus, a person understands almost instantly dozens of objects of the observed situation.


Only true concepts and ideas are the basis for correct thinking. After all, what is thinking? This is thought formation. And thought itself is a new knowledge (idea or concept) formed or changed by the mind. " For a meditating soul, ideas seem to replace sensations". (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 438)

 " Sometimes with the help of images or thoughts in the soul, the mind, as if seeing with its eyes, reasons and makes decisions about the future, proceeding from the present". (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 439)


Here Aristotle unequivocally said that the subject of thinking is a representation. Gold words.


P19. The law of thinking (Aristotle's idea)

Concepts and representations are the necessary foundations of thinking (internal consideration). The objects of the thinking process are existing impressions, representations and concepts. In this case, the subject of thinking is necessarily in the center of the voluntary attention * of the mind. (1. 2. 7. )19            



Note: The term " center of voluntary attention" has two meanings.

The first meaning: the center of voluntary attention is a psychic organ of the mind that controls intelligent attention. And if a person thinks about something, then he is, as it were, partially disconnected from perception. Then the mind realizes perception in the mode of involuntary attention. The mind has two organs that are the centers of attention. These are centers of voluntary and involuntary attention. This is a medical fact.

The second meaning: the center of voluntary attention is the center of a perceived situation or a certain fragment of a conceivable representation, impression or concept. This center is like an object illuminated by the " sunbeam" of the mind's attention. And if the subject is in the center of attention (meaning 2), then it, of course, already has the highest priority in perception or in thinking.

In this principle, the meaning is used 2. The attention is described in detail in our epistemology.

Intuition is different from thinking and understanding. Thinking is the process of forming thought (current representation) of an object. But intuition is already a process of quick, one might say, instantaneous and deep understanding of the subject of thought. Understanding is inherent in both perception and thinking. It is based on the instantaneous automatic reaction of a concept to its “own” object. These are hundredths of a second. There is a necessary concept of an object - there is also an understanding. But intuition (intuitive understanding of an object) is already the work of not one concept, but their associations. Today there is a complete and true theory of intuition (13th chapter of Gnoseology).


P20. The law of intuition

Intuition is a correct and deep understanding of the subject at once, but not by one concept, but by their association. Where the main concept of association is the concept of this subject, and other, associated concepts are concepts related to the main one and related to it by several identical features. True intuition necessarily requires true concepts. (1. 2. 7. ) 20  


At the moment of intuitive inference, related concepts, like the main concept of association, are in an excited state not for a hundredth of a second, as in understanding, but much longer. Moreover, if the main concept is fully excited (after all, it is in the center of voluntary attention), then in related concepts only signs of the same name are excited to the signs of the main concept.

A concept is an active knowledge of its own type of object and has its own active sensitive features, which themselves respond to similar features of the image of perception.



 Concepts and representations necessarily have a degree of truth. From how true the concepts and ideas of a person are, his perception, thinking and intuition are just as adequate to reality. (1. 2. 7. )                                       20a


The reliability of the truth is different for everyone. It is not at all a quality of truth. Rather, it is a consumer label. As for the reliability of truth, it is the result of understanding the correspondence of truth to its fact. And if a person has many false concepts and ideas, then he will certainly not have a correct thought about the truth itself. False concepts and representations are like crooked mirrors.

The instrument of certification is the correlation of the truth with its fact, or with similar facts. But not an argument. Truth is born only from its own fact, but not in dispute. In a dispute, only truth and falsehood argue, but not truths. Truths do not necessarily contradict each other, just as their facts do not necessarily contradict each other. The dispute is a tool for detecting and eliminating falsehood. And if someone thinks that truth is born in a dispute, it is only and inevitably born of its own fact. The topic of the reliability of truth can be ended here once and for all, since everything is clear here.




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