And even further, in other sections of dialectical physics, theories of electric and gravitational fields are developed.
And even further, in other sections of dialectical physics, theories of electric and gravitational fields are developed. · The substance of the electron is antimatter, which today is considered a negative charge, and the substance of the positron is matter and is considered a positive charge. · The interaction of these substances is directly the annihilation process. And the interaction of the fields of these substances is an electromagnetic interaction. · Electromagnetic interaction of electrically charged objects is carried out by deformation of their electric and magnetic fields. · The magnetic field is the normal component of the rotation of the electric field. An electron's magnetic field is the normal (tangential) component of its rotating electric field. · The substance of the electron and the positron, that is, antimatter and matter, have the same inert properties and mass, which is the source of the gravitational field. · In addition to matter and antimatter in the universe, there are no other substances that are the primary sources of fields. · Strong and weak interactions are quantum effects of the interaction of electric fields and matter. The first - on the scale of an elementary particle, the second - on the scale of the atomic nucleus. The essence of the strong interaction with respect to the electron is that due to the extremely high concentration of the field at the boundary of the electron substance, the metric of space at the limit of the concentration of the field energy changes completely (a qualitative jump). The electron, however, and like a photon, at this limit of measure becomes a two-dimensional sphere. It becomes a potential hole... In short, it becomes a " black hole".
WHAT IS THE MAIN PROBLEM? The problem here lies in the general misfortune of all scientists (not only physicists) in the absence of a correct, systemic and complete materialistic worldview. The scientific thought of the entire scientific community is realized by hundreds of thousands of concepts from each of the tens of millions of scientists. Its results are millions of scientific papers.
The river banks of universal scientific thinking are seriously limited not only by the facts of the laws of nature, but also by already existing scientific theories, many of which, especially quantum physics, information theory and psychology, are already in dire need of a serious revision.
All this is difficult (! ) To turn all at once and in the right direction of dialectical thinking. Today there is already a unified philosophical system of knowledge, which always corresponds to the fundamental level of scientific knowledge. There are no gross errors in this system, so I declare: With the emergence of a new philosophical doctrine, a breakthrough begins, a leap of scientific knowledge into its completely new quality.
SUBJECT AREA OF ONTOLOGY • Ontology is philosophical physics • The main subject of ontology is everything that exists (Being) • Being with a capital letter • Different levels of Being • The law of reality • Essence of Being • Material Unity of the World ONTOLOGY IS PHILOSOPHICAL PHYSICS Ontology is philosophical physics. If the subject area of philosophy is defined as everything that exists, then ontology has exactly the same subject area. But here she explores only its physical aspects and separate physical entities. Ontology is the first science of philosophy. For the main truths of mental activity cannot be obtained without knowing the laws of information. And the first truths of information are revealed only in the study of its material causes. For example, the theory of truth began with the principle of the state of a material object. So, without true ontology, true epistemology is necessarily impossible. But not vice versa. First of all, a brief explanation of the meanings of key ontological terms should be given here. Yet this is a new materialistic philosophy. The reader has not yet met such a science. The term " ontology" comes from the Greek words: ontos - being and logos - concept, doctrine. Indicates the doctrine of Being. The term was introduced at the beginning of the second millennium. Ontology in general is a teaching about existence. Our ontology is a section of our philosophy.
All that exists is Being. Physical space and matter are those beings that are absolutely indestructible into nothing. For example, matter can pass from object to object, it can pass from one form to another, but it can never arise from nothing, just as it cannot transform into this nothing. These moments of the existence of matter are strictly regulated by the Law of Conservation. The term " nothing" in philosophy is not new. For example: “The dimensions of time - the present, the future and the past - are the formation of appearance as such and the resolution of this formation and the difference of being as passing into nothing and nothing as passing into being. The immediate disappearance of these differences in singularity is the present as " now", which, as a singularity, excludes, but at the same time completely continuously passes into other moments and is itself only this disappearance of being into nothing and nothing in being". ( Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 2. M., " Thought" 1975. р. 56)
The Law of Conservation governs everything, always and everywhere. This is the law of all laws. It combines the law of conservation of mass-energy, the law of conservation of momentum, etc. The main thing is that it is a necessity that is always fulfilled in nature. The term " Law of Conservation" is spelled here with capital letters.
Matter. It is customary to call an elementary particle a quantum of matter. It is right. For example, if you mentally remove all elementary particles from Being, then nothing will remain there from the things that consist of them. Then there will be only empty space in Being. And it doesn't take much effort of the mind to understand that all quanta of matter (all elementary particles taken together) are many. This set is called matter. All quanta of the matter of Being constitute a kind of matter. Then the type of matter is a set of elementary particles of a certain type. For example, all electrons.
Quantum of matter cannot be destroyed into nothing. It does not arise out of nothing. This is guarded by the Law of Conservation. The quanta of matter are capable of mutually transforming into each other without violating this law of nature. The theory of matter, the principles of matter were discovered in our dialectical physics.
Qualities objectively exist, but they arise and are destroyed without violating the Law of Conservation. And the whole point is that they do not consist of matter or any other substance. As essences that do not possess substance, qualities are not at all capable of existing without their carrier. Quality is a feature of its bearer. It is about what its bearer is in comparison with some other, which is the criterion of this quality.
Quantity is some physical or informational parameter of its object. If this is a physical parameter, then it is some physical value of its material object. If this is an informational parameter, then it is data about something belonging to its informational object. Quantity does not exist by itself. For example, if this is the amount of matter of an object, then this is the set of its elementary particles. Each quantum of matter of this object simultaneously belongs to the material structure of this object, and to many material quanta of this object, and to many similar entities in Being. This does not double it.
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