The main subject of ontology is everything (being)
P82а Quantum of matter is necessarily primary in relation to the amount of matter of a material object, because the amount of matter in an object consists of quanta of matter, and not vice versa. (2. 1. 0. ) 82a
The material structure of an object is easy to distinguish from its matter. A structure is all of its elements in an organized order of material connection. A structure does not exist without its elements. The matter of an object necessarily belongs to its material structure as a physical quantity (quantity). If you take away its material fabric from a material object, then nothing willremain. P82b Any material object is always and must be its material structure. (2. 1. 0. ) 82b A material system is essentially the same as a material structure. The terms " material structure" and " material system" are synonymous.
Information exists only on a tangible medium. She is incapable of material interaction. Therefore, all processes of origin, transfer, transformation and storage of information are the sides of material processes. So the study of the material mechanisms of the emergence, transfer, transformation and storage of information is not so much an epistemological as an ontological problem. The problem in information theory was created by mathematics. It did not take into account the necessary material mechanisms for the origin, transmission, transformation and storage of information. Therefore, her mathematical theory turned out to be very far from reality. The true materialistic information theory was first formulated in our dialectical physics.
Space does not depend on anything. It can exist filled and empty, while completely not changing its absolutely constant metric (its geometric qualities). However, space simply has no other qualities. The limit of stability of the metric of space is the speed of light. The substance, upon reaching this speed, partially goes beyond the usual metric of space. Space is an entity that has its own content (volume). Each point of its content is absolutely concrete and absolutely motionless. It is the carrier not only of the space metric, but also the carrier of the matrix of its state (the set of its spatial parameters). Space is absolutely motionless. If we compare a quantum of matter and a point in space (space is not quantized), then the first is mobile, and the second is not. The first is capable of existing as a point and without matter being in it, and the second outside of space exists not as a point, but as a field.
Hyperspace is another type of physical space. It is clearly manifested in the facts of the spread of the action of fields in the physical space far beyond the limits of their discrete sources. An electron in space is a material point, a quantum of matter, and in hyperspace it is an electric field. Without the presence of hyperspace, the action of matter at a distance is necessary. Hyperspace is necessarily a physical entity and, thus, it necessarily has its own content and its properties (metrics). It can be imagined as a kind of point, since any quantum of matter immediately occupies its entire " volume". That is why all quanta of corporeality in hyperspace necessarily exist one in another in the form of fields, but not side by side.
Field. Let's start with simple things: • Fields of material bodies really exist as real physical entities, which are necessary objects of material interaction of bodies at a distance. • Their actions extend to any distance. • Any field of a material body necessarily begins only with this body, no field does not begin from an empty place. • There is a wide variety of material bodies, but such a variety of their physical fields does not exist at all.
Everything material is necessarily in motion. Electrons move in their atomic orbits, otherwise the existence of atoms would be impossible. Atoms vibrate in molecular structures. Free elementary particles move in space in the form of streams of cosmic radiation. Radiation quanta (photons) in their motion carry away huge flows of energy from hot stars to cold planets. Absolute calm is inherent only in space and hyperspace. Time. Of all time, there really is only one extremely short moment of the present time. The rest of the moments in time are either not yet, or no longer. And what is not, that is, nothing. Unreal things do not change because they either do not exist yet or no longer exist. Each new moment of the present time arises in each new real state of a material object. And all real things are always (albeit briefly) in their most recent states from a number of those that have already happened. Therefore, the moment of reality for all objects is necessarily the same. This extremely brief moment of reality is the extremely brief moment of the present time. THE MAIN SUBJECT OF ONTOLOGY IS EVERYTHING (BEING) The subject of ontology is all the physical aspects of Being and its separate entities.
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