P145. The law of the reality of Being
P145. The law of the reality of Being All real bodies that make up Being are necessarily simultaneously only in their last states from a series of those that have already occurred. One and all! (2. 5. 0. ) 145
There are no real bodies at all. The present state of the body only and necessarily corresponds to the only concrete moment of its reality.
P146 The moment of reality of any existing body is its last state, it is characterized by the moment of present time. (2. 5. 0. ) 146 THE LAW OF SIMILARITY The main thing is that the moment of reality is the same for any body of Being. So we do not need an observer at all to determine the simultaneity of events. In this law, he is just an extra member. It is of little use, but a lot of confusion. P147. The law of simultaneity Simultaneous events of real states of bodies necessarily belong to one and the same moment of reality of Being. (2. 5. 0. ) 147
PRINCIPLE OF TIME It is a real miracle when all existing bodies of Being are really at the same time in their last states from a series of those that have already occurred. And if the facts are put " from head to feet", then bodies do not change in time, but time itself is a consequence of the sequence of moments of reality of all changing bodies of Being. And for all bodies of Being, these moments necessarily coincide by virtue of the law of reality! The main thing is that the same Law of Conservation does not allow any body to leave reality.
P148. The principle of the moment of the present The moment of the present is a characteristic of the real state, which is necessarily the same for each body of Being. By virtue of the law of the reality of Being, it is necessarily the same for every body. It is the same for every entity, starting with a material particle and ending with Being itself, although this moment is extremely short due to the continuous material changes of each material body. (2. 5. 0. ) 148
Here it is completely unimportant the speed with which material changes occur in each body, but what is important is that indeed all the bodies that make up Being are necessarily only in their last states, from a series of those that have already occurred. Only these last states of bodies are real. This is necessary for any entity.
P149. The principle of time Time is a sequential series of moments of the present time that have already taken place in the existence of Being. Moreover, only the last moment from a series of moments that have already occurred corresponds to real Being, and therefore, to any real body that makes up Being. (2. 5. 0. ) 149
Like this. Only from the fact that all bodies of Being are real only in their last states, from a number of those that have already occurred, it follows that any moment of the present time is necessarily the same for all things of Being. A successive series of such moments is called time.
The cause of the present moment is the last state of a thing from the whole series of all states that have already occurred. But such an entity as time does not exist at all, since a characteristic is always a characteristic. If it were being, then all things would change in time, as they change in space. Then they would " disperse" in different realities, which cannot be collected. And then the Law of Conservation would not have worked at all. In reality, this is not how things change over time, but time is a sequential series of characteristics corresponding to a sequential series of their real states. P150. The law of the origin of time Each thing in its material changes is necessarily the source of the emergence of each of its real state, and hence the source of the emergence of each new moment of the present time, as a characteristic corresponding only to this state. Since all things are necessarily real only in their last states from the series of those that have already occurred, then one and the same moment of reality and its characteristic in the form of a moment of the present time are necessarily the same for all things of Being. (2. 5. 0. ) 150
All things are material, and matter is the root cause of their reality. Matter is also the root cause of their material changes.
THE LAW OF THE INVERSIBILITY OF TIME Since each state of each material body is unique (absolutely unrepeatable), then any body necessarily exists as a sequential series of its unique states.
P151. Development principle The process of existence of any material body - this is necessarily a sequential series of its states. By virtue of the law of uniqueness of each state, this process necessarily has only one direction: from a given real state to the next new real state. Moreover, only the last state of the body is this real body itself in its extremely brief moment of its own changes. (2. 5. 0. ) 151
The process of the body's existence is often called the process of its development.
P152. The law of irreversibility of time Since the process of existence of any body is necessarily directed from the previous to a newer state, and each moment of the present time is just a specific characteristic of a specific state (event) corresponding to it, then time is just as absolutely in its one direction as the development of any body. (2. 5. 0. ) 152
It is generated in every new (real) state of every body.
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