P157а. The law of the direction of time
P157а. The law of the direction of time Time has its own direction. Every moment of the present time always and necessarily goes into the past. Its direction is always opposite to the direction of development. (2. 5. 0. ) 157 a The law of reality has no limits of its application, since the " relativistic body" cannot leave the Universal Reality of Being (a very important term), while not violating the Law of Conservation. The " relativistic clock" will run slower than the usual clock, but it will always and must show real time, since it will be in its last states, out of a series of those that have already occurred. " Time dilation" should be considered only as a slowdown of material relativistic processes, including the course of relativistic clocks. The hands of the " relativistic clock" will lag behind, but they will always be in the same reality with the hands of the usual " non-relativistic clock". P157b Slowing down the clock is slowing down the speed of the process, but not slowing down time. (2. 5. 0. ) 157b
P158 Any time scale is based on the same and constant rates of changes in material objects, and hence on constant rates of changes in their parameters. (2. 5. 0) 158
For any normal watch, this is a change of one division per second. For relativistic clocks, there is also the so-called " Lorentzian difference" in the rate of their changes.
PRINCIPLE OF REALITY OF SPACES By virtue of their immutability, they always exist in the same state.
P159. The principle of the reality of space The reality of space always coincides with the reality of Being, since it always and necessarily exists in one state, which is the last. (2. 5. 0. ) 159
A similar law exists for hyperspace.
P160. The principle of the reality of hyperspace The reality of hyperspace always coincides with the reality of Being, since it always and necessarily exists in one state, which is the last. (2. 5. 0. ) 160 2008-02-22 Lecture 6 АAbsolute space by its very essence, regardless of anything external, remains always the same and immovable. Isaac Newton
SPACE • Existence of space • The principle of the reality of space • Space metric • The principle of the essence of space • The law of spatiality of matter • Material point • The form • Einstein's delusions
• Trajectory Simple truths about space
EXISTENCE OF SPACE Physics correctly formulated the Law of Conservation, but she has not yet understood that it reliably protects physical space as well.
P161 The metric (properties) of space is absolutely constant and necessarily does not depend on material objects, which is a necessary condition for the existence of the Law of Conservation. (2. 6. 0. ) 161
This is the main argument for the existence of an absolutely concrete, immovable, homogeneous and isotropic space. The Law of Conservation protects Being, and space is existence. It enters into Being, but as not a material, but as a geometric entity.
P162 Space necessarily is the essence, which is the basis of its own quantities and qualities. (2. 6. 0. ) 162
It really exists. For the absence of space is nothing. This is the absence of any volume, any area and any distance. This means movement. Whereas any volume of space is able to exist without the presence of a material object there.
P163 Space necessarily has its own content – volume. (2. 6. 0. ) 163 The absence of space is nothing. It is even the absence of a spatial (geometric) point.
P164. The principle of the spatial point An extremely small volume of space is a fixed point that has its place, and thus necessarily has its own metric (properties), the same for any point, and its own matrix of specific physical parameters (quantities). (2. 6. 0. ) 164
A point is a " quantum" of space. Although it is close to zero in its content (volume), it has all other parameters. For example, the distance to any other point in space (quantity). The absence of this extremely small volume is also the absence of the indicated point.
Any frame of reference is always secondary to space and to each of its points, since no frame of reference is capable of generating not only some fragment of space, but even one of its real points.
P165 Any frame of reference is a model of space. (2. 6. 0. ) 165
Mentally place a frame of reference of several billion cubic meters between the Earth and the Moon. km. So that? Will the distance between the Earth and the Moon change from this? No.
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