The principle of the reality of space
THE PRINCIPLE OF THE REALITY OF SPACE Matter and space always belong to the same reality. Only things move from one reality to another, changing their states, and space is always in the same last state.
P166 Everything material necessarily dwells in absolutely unchanging and absolutely homogeneous physical space. (2. 6. 0. ) 166
By virtue of its immutability, it always exists in the same state.
P159. The principle of the reality of space The reality of space always and necessarily coincides with the reality of Being, since it (space) always exists in one state, which is the last. (2. 5. 0. ) 159
The reality of space is not included in its metrics, since it is not its quality. Quality always has its own measure, but space does not have such a measure, since there is no more or less real space. METRIC OF SPACE
1. The first quality of space is its homogeneity. " The homogeneity of space is manifested in the fact that the physical properties of a closed system and the laws of its motion do not depend on the choice of the position of the origin of the coordinates of the inertial reference system, that is, they do not change during parallel transfer in space of the closed system as a whole" (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. р. 27) And already no material processes can change the homogeneous essence of space. Therefore, there can be no question of any dependence of space on matter. Including, there can be no question of the dependence of space on the material frame of reference.
Why, then, do many physicists talk about the dependence of space on the material objects inhabiting it, which does not exist and cannot be? Yes, only because many theories of physics long ago were based on the false premise of the existence of this dependence. But if this premise were true, then all things would have to fill the space evenly just to maintain its uniformity. Think for yourself. In reality, the opposite is true. These things depend on space. And in one place two things are already cramped. So close that they are forced to interpenetrate each other. For example, if two elementary particles begin to divide one place, then their synthesis is possible. But if in one place there is not a single particle, then space in this place will not change its content and its qualities. He does not care.
2. The second quality of space is its three-dimensionality. “A material point, freely moving in space, can perform only three independent movements, that is, such, each of which cannot be represented as a combination of the others. Indeed, the movement of a point along each of the axes of a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system cannot be carried out due to its movement along the other two axes. The number of independent movements that a mechanical system can perform is called the number of degrees of freedom of this system. So, a free material point has three degrees of freedom". (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. р. 9)
There is no main direction in space, which is a necessary consequence of its homogeneity.
3. The third quality of space is its isotropy. " The isotropy of space is manifested in the fact that the physical properties and laws of motion of a closed system do not depend on the choice of the direction of the coordinate axes of the inertial reference system, that is, they do not change when the closed system as a whole is rotated at any angle" (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. р. 56) The absence of a main direction is called the isotropy of space. 4. The fourth absolute quality of space is its absolute immobility. This quality of space is the main reason for its permanent properties: homogeneity, three-dimensionality and isotropy. Because, in the case of space mobility, these properties would not exist. Then we would not observe a starry sky, but a real “starry blizzard”.
P167. The law of immobility of space Space, as a real essence, is absolutely motionless, since it is necessarily homogeneous, three-dimensional and isotropic. These permanent qualities are a necessary condition for the existence of the Law of Conservation. (2. 6. 0) 167
The Law of Conservation here acts as the guardian of the existence of an absolutely concrete, immovable, homogeneous, three-dimensional and isotropic space. Everything is connected. But don't think that the qualities of space are the cause of its essence. Just the opposite. Quality is not a subject. Here, the subject is any fragment of space (any of its specific volume). It is he who is the bearer of his qualities. And it is about him that we are talking, since qualities without their real bearer are the qualities of " nothing". There is no moving part of space, because it is motionless. But there is a mobile model of space. And if we take a ship as a frame of reference, then this frame of reference will play the role of " relative space". But you shouldn't confuse an entity with its model. Therefore, any speculation about the curvature of space by gravitational fields, put forward by Einstein, remains speculation.
The law of immobility of space is the basis for the fact that it necessarily remains in the same state, which is always both the first and the last. And any essence is real only and only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened. Then matter and space always and necessarily belong to the same reality. Since, on the one hand, any essence is necessarily real only in its last state from a series of those that have already happened. On the other hand, due to its immutability, space is always in its last state.
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