P159. The principle of the reality of space
P159. The principle of the reality of space The reality of space always and necessarily coincides with the reality of Being, since it (space) always exists in one state, which is the last. (2. 5. 0. ) 159
The reality of space is the real space itself. The reality of space is not included in its metrics, since it is not its quality. Quality always has its own measure, but space does not have such a measure, since there is no more or less real space. However, as there is no more or less pregnant woman. This is dialectics, where the relations of principles do not have their own linear sequence, just as they do not have their own linear sequence of connections of things in Being. Everything is here at once. This is how nature works, this is how human intuition works. Therefore, repetitions of principles are just as legitimate here as repetitions of terms. This structure of knowledge is new and advanced, since it has many undeniable advantages. For example, thanks to such an organization of knowledge, many truths of Being are clearly visible, which were closed for the linear type of knowledge and for linear logical thinking. The theme of space was confused by Einstein, and from the standpoint of the dialectical approach, it looks completely simple and understandable. Truth is always simple, its only drawback is the incomprehensible improbability of this simplicity.
5. The fifth absolute quality of space is its continuity. The real point is a " quantum" of space. In reality, space is not quantized due to its continuity.
P169. The principle of space continuity Space is absolutely continuous, otherwise it would not be homogeneous. (2. 6. 0. ) 169
Continuity is another permanent quality of space.
6. Space absolutely in all respects. “Absolute space by its very essence, regardless of anything external, remains always the same and immovable. The relative is its measure or some limited movable part, which is determined by our feelings according to its position relative to some bodies and which in everyday life is taken as a fixed space: for example, the extension of spaces of underground air or aboveground air, determined by their position relative to the Earth ”. (Newton I. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy. M.: " Nauka", 1989. р. 31) All material lives in absolutely unchanging, homogeneous, isotropic and continuous physical space.
THE PRINCIPLE OF THE ESSENCE OF SPACE Space is an independent entity. And as for the " relative space", it is " set" by the moving frame of reference. A moving frame of reference simply simulates the already existing metrics and qualities of real space.
P170 Any frame of reference is necessarily secondary to the existing space. A frame of reference is a tool for studying already existing space, as its model, but not a part of it. part of it. (2. 6. 0. ) 170
There is no such physical entity that would be called " relative space".
The essence of space. As an essence, space necessarily has its own content (volume).
P168. The principle of the essence of space Space, as a real essence, necessarily has its own content (volume). An extremely small concrete volume of space is an absolutely fixed point, which has its own specific place, its own metric and its parameters. (2. 6. 0. ) 168
P168a The metric of space is all its regular properties and qualities. Its physical parameters are its quantities, which are not included in the metric. (2. 6. 0. ) 168a
THE LAW OF THE SPACE OF MATTER The relationship of space and matter is based on the location of the body in a specific place. But the body does not include this place in its content, but only takes a short moment of its existence. This phenomenon is associated with the necessary inheritance by each material point of the body of the metric of the point in space with which it coincides in some of its state. And already in the next state, this material point will have a different place. With a material point, it looks clear. Each change in the next state of a material point is necessarily associated with the transition of this point to another place. More precisely, to another point in space.
Fixed material points do not exist. This is clearer than clear. P171. The law of spatiality of matter Any elementary particle in each of its definite states necessarily occupies a specific place at a specific point in space. Thus, it must inherit its physical parameters. (2. 6. 0. ) 171
The essence of the so-called " spatial substance" is precisely that any material point in each of its real state necessarily takes a real place (real small volume of space). By the way, a place is always real and always has an invariable matrix of its physical parameters. It does not depend on the thing.
MATERIAL POINT The material point is a quantum of matter. The quantum of corporeality is already a bodily point. “A material point is a body, the shape and dimensions of which are insignificant in the context of a given task. For example, the movement of a ship from one point to another in the first approximation can be considered as the movement of a material point. However, if it is necessary to take into account such a " detail" of this movement, as the pitching of a ship in the roughness of the sea, the ship should be considered as an extended body having a definite shape. In literature, instead of " material point", they often say simply " point". Any extended body or a system of such bodies that form the investigated mechanical system can be considered as a system of material points. For this, all the bodies of the system must be mentally divided into such a large number of parts so that the dimensions of each part are negligible in comparison with the dimensions of the bodies themselves ". (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. p. 5)
Any material body consists of material points, this is true in the literal and figurative sense.
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