The form. Trajectory
P172 Any state of a material object necessarily has a matrix of discrete physical spatial parameters. This is because each of its material point of the object necessarily occupies a specific place of a specific point in space. And thus, it must inherit all the geometric parameters of a particular spatial point. (2. 6. 0. ) 172 This is a consequence of the law of spatiality of matter.
The place always coincides with the volume of the material object occupying it. But this " belonging" of a place to an object can only be compared with the belonging of a house to a guest. In reality, space belongs only to space and is an integral part of it.
P173 Any material body must inherit its volume from space by virtue of the law of spatiality of matter. (2. 6. 0. ) 173
By the way, Aristotle rightly said about this. “Further, those who assert the existence of emptiness call it a place, since emptiness, [if it existed], would be a place devoid of a body. So, on the basis of what has been said, it can be assumed that the place is something along with bodies and that every sensually perceived body is in [any] place. Apparently, and Hesiod correctly speaks, making the first chaos. He says: First of all, Chaos arose, and only then Gaia is wide-breasted... " (Aristotle. Works. T. 3. M., " Thought" 1981. p. 124) And further. “However, if a place exists, it is difficult to decide what it is - whether the mass of the body or some other nature, because, first of all, it is necessary to establish its kind. It has three dimensions: length, width and depth, [i. e. that is, the very measurements] that define every body. But it is impossible for a place to be a body, because then two bodies would be in the same place" (Aristotle. Works. T. 3. M., " Thought" 1981. p. 124) This is completely consistent with reality and our reasoning. So there is very little new in them.
THE FORM For any body, there is a border where it ends.
P174 The shape of a body is its boundary in the form of its surface, beyond which this body no longer exists. (2. 6. 0. ) 174
This again coincides with what Aristotle said: “If place is the first thing that embraces each body, it will be some kind of boundary, so it may seem that place is the type and shape of each [body] - that which determines the magnitude and matter of magnitude, since this is the border of everyone. From this point of view, place is the form of each [body], and since place turns out to be an extension of a quantity, it is matter, for an extension is other than a quantity: it is encompassed and determined by form as a surface and a boundary. And this is precisely the matter and the indeterminate; after all, if the boundary and properties are taken away from the sphere, nothing will remain but matter" (Aristotle. Works. T. 3. M., " Thought" 1981. р. 126)
But only the place of the body is a specific volume with a form, and not just a form without volume. A shape without volume is kind of like the famous smile of a cat, but without the cat itself.
EINSTEIN'S MISCONCEPTIONS Einstein did not recognize the absolute autonomy of space from material objects. “ The modern (relativistic) theory of gravitation, which is a unified theory of space, time and gravitation, was formulated by A. Einstein and called by him the general theory of relativity. ... According to the relativistic theory of gravitation, the geometric properties (metric) of space-time depends on the distribution of gravitating masses in space and their motion. The bodies that create the gravitational field " bend" the real three-dimensional space and change the course of time in different ways at its various points, i. e. cause a deviation of its metric from the metric of " flat" space-time, described by the geometry of Euclid and considered by the special theory of relativity" (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. p. 80)
By the way, neither Plato, nor Leibniz, nor Mach did not recognize the absolute autonomy of space from material objects. So he was not the only one to be mistaken. This false position of Einstein caused him (as well as Mach) to have such a pseudo problem: " they say, but what about a rotating body, infinitely distant from others, is capable of experiencing centrifugal force? " It was this delusion that served as the starting point for his creation of the general theory of relativity. Although, from the standpoint of a concrete, independent and unchanging space, and from the standpoint of the law of spatiality of matter, this is not at all a difficult question. Everything is elementary here: each material point of a freely moving body necessarily has its own specific trajectory. And where this point is in its last (real) state from a series of those that have already happened, and at the same time it changesits direction in space, then naturally there arises a lateral acceleration. That is, the simplest question that only exists in kinematics, Einstein raised to the level of general relativity. The general theory of relativity denies the concreteness of space: " it is not created from the world, but only then it is brought retroactively and precisely into the metric of the four-dimensional diversity, which arises due to the fact that space and time are interconnected in a single (four-dimensional) continuum through the speed of light" (Plank. M. Vom Relativen zum Absoluten. 1925) Planck is absolutely right.
TRAJECTORY Determination of the trajectory is the basics of kinematics: “A line described in space by a moving point is called the trajectory of this point. The kinematic equations of motion of a point specify the equations of its trajectory in parametric form (the parameter is the time t). Depending on the shape of the trajectory, rectilinear and curvilinear motion of a point are distinguished. The motion of a point is called flat if its trajectory lies entirely in one plane. The mechanical motion of a body is relative, that is, its character and, in particular, the form of trajectories of points of the body depends on the choice of the frame of reference" (Yavorskiy BM and Detlaf AA Handbook of physics. M.: " Nauka". 1990. p. 7. )
Space is needed concretely at every point. And each real state of a material point necessarily has its own specific place (position).
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