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P175. The principle of material trajectory

P175. The principle of material trajectory

Each existing moving material point necessarily forms its own trajectory of movement. Its trajectory is a successive series of its occurred states, where this point is real only and only in its last state from this series. (2. 6. 0. ) 175  



                            SIMPLE TRUTHS ABOUT SPACE

Space is an independent entity. Everything that exists is in absolutely motionless space. That is, if all material objects and their fields are removed from space, then it will simply be empty.



Space is concrete at every point. It can be filled, but it can neither be destroyed nor somehow changed its content. (2. 6. 0. ) 176



Space cannot be compressed. It does not interfere with the movement of the piston that squeezes it.


It cannot be moved, for the same reason that it does not impede the movement of the subject wishing to do so.


Space is absolutely indifferent to what is happening in it. And precisely for the above reasons.

Necessarily there is no 4-dimensional space-time continuum. Einstein mistakenly introduced the concept of a non-existent 4-dimensional space-time continuum. Whereas:


  Space is always real, but past and future tenses are not. They are nothing. (2. 6. 0. ) 177 This is how the notorious 4th dimension simply and ingloriously disappeared into oblivion. The saddest thing is that only a few lines were enough for this. It is surprising that even Aristotle clearly and truly described the essence of space and time. Also worthy of surprise is the role of Aristotle in the study of space, which was defined by I. D. Rozhansky: “Aristotle's concept of space is absent at all: he knows only the concept of place (topos). Place, in his opinion, is something indisputably existing: after all, all existing objects are located somewhere and of the types of movement the most general and primary is movement in relation to place, that is, movement. However, the question of what a place is has not been properly sorted out by anyone. Place is not a body or an element; it is also not among the causes. Aristotle considers four possibilities: the place is either the shape of the body, or its matter, or the extension between its extreme boundaries, or the boundary of the external body that encloses it" (Aristotle. Works. T. 3. M., " Thought", 1981. p. 23) This is a complete regression in philosophical knowledge. However, Marxist philosophy has never really shone with true definitions of space.                                                                                                            2008-01-11

Lecture 7

Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research

 on fundamental problems of science


• Key moments of field theory

• Basic principles of physical fields





Physics has done a lot in the development of field theory. But all this is connected only with studies of the field as a phenomenon. She examines the actions of the fields. The truths about its essence are not known to physics today, even to the smallest extent.

For the first time the term " physical field" was introduced in relation to the electromagnetic field by M. Faraday in the 30s. 19th century.



Physics discoveries that really helped discover the essence of the physical field


1. The law of universal gravitation, formulated by Newton based on the analysis of Kepler's laws. In our opinion, this law in essence represents the first true theory of the gravitational field.


2. The theory of electric and magnetic fields, which originated in Ampere's work " Theory of electrodynamic phenomena, derived exclusively from experience" (1826).


  3. In 1924 Bohr, Kramers and Slater put forward the idea of ​ ​ a probability wave: “They tried to eliminate the apparent contradiction between the wave and corpuscular pictures using the concept of a probability wave. Electromagnetic light waves were interpreted not as real waves, but as waves of probability, the intensity of which at each point determines the probability with which a quantum of light can be emitted and absorbed by an atom in a given place.

... She introduced a strange kind of physical reality, which is approximately halfway between possibility and reality" (Heisenberg. V. Physics and philosophy. History of quantum theory. M., " Science", 1989)

4. In 1924, L. de Broglie, on the basis of the Compton effect, put forward a hypothesis that matter and radiation simultaneously possess corpuscular and wave properties.



5. In 1927 N. Bohr formulated the principle of complementarity, according to which the wave and corpuscular processes of the existence of a certain particle are different sides of the same process. “Bohr viewed both pictures - corpuscular and wave - as two additional descriptions of the same reality. Each of these descriptions can only be partially correct. It is necessary to indicate the limits of the application of the corpuscular picture, as well as the application of the wave picture, for otherwise it is impossible to avoid contradictions. But if we take into account the boundaries due to the relationship of uncertainties, then the contradictions disappear. Thus, at the beginning of 1927, physicists finally arrived at a consistent interpretation of quantum theory, which is often called the Copenhagen interpretation" (Heisenberg. V. Physics and Philosophy. (History of Quantum Theory. ) M., Nauka, 1989) “Radiation, having a certain frequency and intensity, gives us information about the changing distribution of charges in the atom; in this case, the wave pattern is closer to the truth than the corpuscular one. Therefore, Bohr advised to use both pictures. He called them additional. Both pictures, of course, exclude each other, since a certain object cannot at the same time be both a particle (that is, a substance limited in a small volume) and a wave (that is, a field that spreads in a large volume). But both pictures complement each other" (Heisenberg. V. Physics and Philosophy. (Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Theory. ) M., Nauka, 1989)

6 Physics creates mathematical models of quantum processes, but in some cases refuses to interpret them. Like, there are no such examples in the world of things we are used to. As L. Landau said: "... theoretical physics has reached such heights that we can calculate what we cannot imagine. "

No. It is just possible and necessary to imagine, despite the fact that reality often gives us facts from the category of “what cannot be”. But for this it is necessary to develop true philosophical concepts, but their modern physicists just do not have enough.

As another of the greats, D. Blokhintsev, said: "... there are always enough facts - there is not enough imagination. " But, again, truths arise only from facts, not from fantasies, so what is needed here is not fantasy, but correct intuition. Seeing (understanding) an object as it really is, which is possible only for the concepts of the mind that have their true content.



Let's start with simple things.

• Fields of material bodies really exist as real physical entities, which are necessary objects of material interaction of bodies at a distance.

• Their actions extend to any distance.

• Any field of a material body necessarily begins only with this body, no field does not begin from an empty place.

• There is a wide variety of material bodies, but such a variety of their physical fields does not exist at all.

Only a few categories of facts known to all are the starting point of our research.


1. The law of the field substantiality.   Any thing consists of elementary particles (quanta of matter). And since each of the elementary particles has its own fields, then any thing includes, together with matter, and its (matter) fields.



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