P. K 9a. The principle of electron homogeneity
P. K 9a. The principle of electron homogeneity Only an electron and its antiparticle (positron) satisfy all the conditions to be the only stable free non-composite elementary particles that do not consist of other elementary particles. (K 1. 4) K 9a
However, the latter circumstance does not at all cancel out the quanta of corporeality, since the electron and the photon are composed of them.
COSMOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE OF THE ELECTRON Obviously and incredibly, however, the most basic principle of the Great Unification turns out to be quite simple.
The first foundation of the Grand Unification theory It all started with a simple quote. Physicists V. Acosta, K. Cowan, B. Graham, in their wonderful book, ask the following, one might say, rhetorical question: " can the total energy of a photon be converted into a rest mass? " (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. р. 98) And they themselves answer it: “When a photon with energy E = hv interacts with the nucleus, an electron-positron pair is formed. From the condition of energy conservation, the minimum energy of the incident photon is: hvmin = m -0c2 + m +0c2 = 2 m 0 c2, or hvmin = 1. 02 MeV.
The wavelength can be found from the relation hvmin = hc/l. max = 1. 02 MeV, from where: l. max= 0, 0122 А. Thus, in this case we have a high energy gamma quantum" (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. р. 99)
Here it is quite obvious that the positive mass of the positron is its positive charge, and the negative mass of the electron, respectively, is its negative charge. Only now it is necessary to consider these masses as annihilation masses, which are the source of their own annihilation fields, which we call electric fields. A negative electron has only a negative annihilation mass, and a positive electron has only a positive one. Any negative electron has an internal energy of 0. 511 MeV. Any positive electron is the same. But if you add up the internal energies of these 2 electrons, then they turn not to 0, but to the energy of a gamma-ray quantum with an energy of 1. 02 MeV. Our respected authors, without even knowing it, unwittingly made a hint that the electron charge may well be its annihilation mass.
P. K 10. The principle of correspondence between annihilation mass and charge Positive and negative masses of the annihilation of a positron and an electron in three-dimensional space exist as point solid (consisting of quanta of corporeality) objects and are necessarily electric charges. And in hyperspace, the same annihilation masses simultaneously exist only as the electric fields of these objects. (K 1. 5) K 10
Graviton has no antiparticle! This means that graviton is not a quantum capable of existence separate from Zeuston.
P. K 11. The principle of correspondence between annihilation mass and inert mass Equal in their absolute value, annihilation masses of any sign necessarily possess their identical inert and gravitational properties. Inert mass is the other side of each quantum of corporeality of annihilation mass, existing as a source of its inert properties and gravitational field. (K 1. 5) K 11
A simple conclusion is obvious here.
P. K 12. Complementarity principle for the electron The material quantum of annihilation mass in the form of an electron is simultaneously both a source of its own electrostatic and magnetic field, and a source of its own gravitational field. It is simultaneously the mass of annihilation (the electric charge of an electron) and its inert mass. It is impossible to add these masses to one another, otherwise it will be an unjustified doubling of them. (K 1. 5) K 12
The second foundation of the Grand Unification theory There are other reasons for arguing that the positive mass of annihilation is a positive electrical charge, and the negative mass of annihilation is negative. The main reason for this phenomenon is the constancy of the ratio of mass and charge. “The experimentally obtained ratio of charge е to mass e/m for charge carriers turned out to be: e = 1. 60 × 10 -19 Кл = 1, 76 × 10 11 C / kg, m 9. 10 × 10 -31 кг which corresponded to the value found for the electron by Millikan and Thompson" (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. р. 79)
For a free electron, this ratio is fulfilled with great accuracy: (- e/me = 1. 7588047 × 10 11 C/kg), most importantly, it is already clear why. P. K 13 The internal energy of the " rest mass" of the electron is always and necessarily equal to the internal energy of its electric charge, since the rest mass of the electron is simultaneously its annihilation mass, that is, its electric charge. (K 1. 5) K 13 A negative electron has only a negative annihilation mass, and a positive electron only has a positive one. Each has an internal energy of 0. 511 MeV.
The third foundation of the Grand Unification theory The electric charge of an electron is an indivisible and fundamental quantum of the electric charge of any material particle.
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