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Levels of structural organization of matter


• The level of structureless corporeality (» 10 -26  ¸ 10 -20 m).  If we take the electron radius of 10 -20 m (this radius is taken conditionally, since in reality it has not yet been measured), then the electron density will be about 10 29 kg / m3.

• The level of structures of elementary particles and nucleons ( 10 -20  10 -15 m).

• The level of structures of atomic nuclei (» 10 -20 ¸ 10 -15 m). The density of nuclear matter is of the order of 10 14 g / cm 3 (10 17 kg / m3).

• The level of atomic structures. (10 - 15 ¸  10 -10 m).

• Level of molecular structures or nano level  (10 - 9 ¸ 10 - 6 m).

• The level of microscopic objects  (10 - 6 ¸ 10 - 3 m).

• Level of common objects (10- 3 ¸ 10 m). The density of the water is 103 kg / m3.

• The level of macroscopic objects (10    ¸ 10 3 m).

• The level of global objects and phenomena  (10 3 ¸ 10 6  m).

• The level of objects and phenomena of near space  (10 6 ¸ 10 9  m).

• Level of the scale of the solar system  (10 9   ¸ 10 16  m).

• Scale level of the nearest stars  (10 17  ¸ 10 18 m).

• Galactic scale level (10 17¸ 10 21 m).  For distances of galactic and universal scales, the unit of length is one light year (9, 46 × 10 15 m).

• Levels of the scale of the Universe. (» 10 21 ¸ 10 26 m ).

 For example, “Astronomical observations lead to the average density of matter in the Universe from 10 -24 to 10 -27 kg / m3, which gives the radius of the universe of the order of 10 9 ¸  10 11 sv. years old" (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. p. 447)

As a result, it turns out that between the very bottom of the microcosm (with distance scales of up to 10 -26 m and a density of up to 10 29 kg / m3 ) and the very edges of the Universe (with a distance scale of 10 26 m and a density

 of 10 -27 kg /m3 ), as once in the middle (! ) there is a person, with his usual distances of 1 m and a density of 1000 kg / m3.

And at the base of all this endless Material World there are only three types of quanta of corporeality! This is a quantum of mass - a graviton, a quantum of negative electric charge - a zeuston and its antiparticle.


Determination of many properties of the quanta of corporeality, taking into account their scale, is possible already today by establishing the similarities and differences in the properties of material objects. Let's start with the simplest definition.


P. K 1. The law of the bodily foundation of the universe

Only bodily quanta of mass and electric charge are the substance of all matter and, further, all material objects, from the atom to the Galaxy. (K 1. 3) K 1


 It is important to clarify the concept of matter here.


P114. The law of matter

 Matter is the substance of any physical body, starting with the atom. An elementary particle is a quantum of matter. (2. 4. 1. ) 114


The substance of matter itself, in turn, is corporeality (structureless substance).


P104. The law of bodily substance

 Everything material is necessary bodily. Any elementary particle necessarily has its elementary bodily basis (quantity, many quanta of bodily one type, bodily substance). It is necessary to be in the basis of any elementary particle and its field, and therefore in the fundamental principle of any material body and its fields. (2. 2. 6. ) 104


 Without these definitions, we can never get out on the path of truth.



Substance e/m. radiation is the corporeality of extremely high energies and its existence is distinguished by the existence of corporeality of elementary particles. Elementary particles are the substance of all matter, and electromagnetic radiation is not due to its speed of light. Although the photon consists of quanta of corporeality (after all, there is some kind of substance), this is already a relativistic corporeality.

P. K 2. The principle of relativistic corporeality

Substance e/m radiation has the speed of light, where it has special properties and is quantized only in terms of energies. Due to its speed, it is not capable of forming a bodily connection in the form of a quantum of matter. (K 1. 3) K 2



And really, what is this element of a material body when it has the speed of light?


Photon (g).  Today it is customary to refer to it as a set of stable elementary particles. But this is not at all an elementary particle (it cannot be an element of the structure), but only a quantum of e / m radiation.


 A photon is not capable of spontaneously decaying into other particles, therefore, its life time, if it does not interact with another particle, is infinite.


 The photon is capable of entering into electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. This means that there are both gravitons and bodily quanta of electric charge.


 A photon is not even a quantum, but a portion of e / m radiation. This is a kind of energy tanker. Photons carry fantastic amounts of energy. Moreover, the values ​ ​ of the energies of various photons fluctuate within fantastic limits: from 2 ∙ 10-33 J (radio waves) to 2 ∙ 10-14 J (X-rays), which is comparable to the spread of body masses from the mass of a cobblestone to the mass of a small planet with a diameter of about 500 km!


A photon always moves at the speed of light.



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