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Here, in this principle, the opening of negative space took place

Here, in this principle, the opening of negative space took place


Its metric determines both the potential hole and the conditions for its filling. A potential pit, like any physical body, is an object, not a pit in space. The weak interaction has a completely different nature and belongs to quantum reactions. The dimensions of the potential well are quantized in terms of energies.


  Potential well properties:

• The fields in the potential pit act, but act exactly the opposite, which determines the size of its filling.

• The dimensions of the potential well are quantized in energy, like that of a photon.

• The main thing is that the electron itself is in its personal potential well.


This is quite enough for philosophical research.  



All elementary particles are corporeal objects, since they necessarily consist of quanta of corporeality. There is nothing else. Atoms are another matter, they are already material objects, since they consist of quanta of matter, which are elementary particles. By the way, we must remember that all elementary particles exist in the composition of the atom already in a non-free state. And there is a very big difference between free and non-free elementary particles. Typically, this difference is the binding energy.


P. K 8. The law of substance for all types of fundamental interactions

The quanta of physicality of mass and electric charge are necessarily primary to any type of fundamental interaction, for fields do not start from empty space, but directly belong only to their bodily sources. But there are no other fields and their other bodily sources. Strong (nuclear) and weak (nuclear) interactions are secondary to the existence of quanta of corporeality and are not the primary sources of their fields. Interaction is a connection, it is bodily or material bodies that are in connection. (K 1. 4) K 8


Here we have presented only philosophical models of interactions. But we have done at least something in this direction, while physicists have done absolutely nothing. They have empirical data, facts. There are Nobel Prizes, but there are no true models of a photon and a potential well. Even today it is difficult for physicists to imagine the discoveries that I made in the field of models of a potential well and a photon. To do this, you need to understand these mechanisms. For example, we can destroy a nucleus or a particle existing in the form of a strong interaction and see their fragments. However, these processes of destruction are completely different from the processes of synthesis, but started in the opposite order! Destruction and fusion are completely different things, for example, it is easier to destroy a house than to build. And the very process of its destruction is not at all similar to the process of its creation.


  Physics is spending fantastic money today on particle accelerators. Philosophy achieves its results completely free of charge. The author of these studies in his life has not earned a single penny on philosophical works! Like this.

                                                                                     (Today 2021 04 12)


There are very good reasons for arguing that an electrical substance always and necessarily has its own mass. The fact is that the ratio of charge to mass is a constant value, and it is fulfilled, most likely, to any sign. For a free electron, this ratio is fulfilled with great accuracy (- e /me = 1. 7588047 × 1011 C/kg), most importantly, it is already clear why. Another thing is that part of the electricity and mass of the quantum of corporeality is spent on the formation of a connection. Any elementary particle and any photon can be such a bond.


P. K 9. The principle of the essence of the great unification

 Substance of mass is a necessary condition for the existence of electrical substance and vice versa. This means that the mass and electric charge of any quantum of corporeality are different sides of this quantum. Moreover, the graviton does not have its antiparticle, and this is a convincing proof that the graviton does not exist separately from the zeuston in a free state. (K 1. 4) K 9


Then the only real player on the field of corporeality is Zeuston, which has an inert property that exists in hyperspace in the form of a gravitational field. And if the graviton existed separately, then it would have to have an antiparticle! But she is not! For example, the gravitational interaction of an electron and its antiparticle (positron) is no different. With this, all searches for free gravitons can be stopped once and for all. Thus, in terms of the main material substance (not to be confused with the bodily substance), a stable elementary particle that does not have its own internal structure comes to the fore.



Its properties:

• It is a particle that does not show its size. Its effective section diameter is too small to be determined.

• It is a particle that is not an element of radiation.

• This is a particle that has its antiparticle.

• This is a particle that is not destroyed even in the composition of a nucleon.

• This is a particle capable of endless existence in a free state.



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