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The fourth foundation of the Grand Unification theory

P. K 14

 The electric charge of an electron is an indivisible and fundamental quantum of the electric charge of any material particle. (K 1. 5) K 14


For example, “ Electric charge q is measured in units of elementary charge e. For all particles existing in a free state, it takes only integer values; usually 0 and ± 1, for some resonances ± 2. This quantization rule is fulfilled with great accuracy: so

                            ½ qp + qe ½ < 10-21 e, ½ qn ½ < 10-21 e » 2.

(Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: Nauka. 1990. р. 545)


The fourth foundation of the Grand Unification theory


P. K 15

 An electron is an indivisible material quantum, and has the form of a material point, the size of which is several orders of magnitude smaller than the size of a nucleon. (K 1. 5) K 15


Leptons are considered fundamental particles. First, there are only six of them; secondly, they are either absolutely stable or live long on a nuclear scale; third, leptons behave like point objects. Thus, an electron does not reveal its size, and even more so its internal structure, even at ultrahigh energies E »  40 GeV, i. e. up to distances R » 2 × 10 -18   m ". (Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: Nauka. 1990. р. 557)


There are many other reasons that the electron is the most fundamental element of the material universe. The previous principle can be extended to the Cosmological principle of the electron.


P. K 16. The cosmological principle of the electron

An electron is an indivisible material quantum, and has the form of a material point, the size of which is several orders of magnitude smaller than the size of a nucleon. It is the electron that is the only quantum of matter that is at the lowest level of the material universe. Any matter can be formed from electrons and positrons. (K 1. 5) K 16


All this does not prevent the electron from being both a free elementary particle and the substance of other elementary particles, for example, protons and neutrons.


Lecture 3

Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research on fundamental problems of science




• First great resemblance

• Second great similarity

• Third great similarity

• The essence of the unit of the gravitational field

• The essence of the unit of the electric field



There is a certain similarity between the mechanisms of gravitational and electrical interactions of material bodies with their fields. The physical formulas of these mechanisms are strikingly similar to each other.

Newton's law of universal gravitation: any two bodies are attracted to each other, and the forces of their mutual attraction are directly proportional to the masses of the bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

   F1-2 = - g × m1× m2        и F2-1 = - g × m1× m2,     

                       r 2                                        r 2    

 where g  = 6, 6720 × 10 -11 N× m 2 / kg 2   is the gravitational constant.

The gravitational constant is independent of the environment. The minus sign in the formula indicates the direction of the forces of gravitational interaction: the forces of mutual repulsion always have a plus sign, and mutual attraction - minus. There is no one force in interaction.

In gravitational interaction, the annihilation mass of any sign manifests itself as an unsigned inert mass, since the source of gravity is inert mass, which is equally possessed by both positive and negative annihilation masses. Consequently, the unambiguous property of inert mass is a necessary condition for the existence of unambiguous gravity.

P. K 17. Supplement to Newton's Law

 Both negative and positive mass of annihilation always and necessarily exhibit the same gravitational and inert properties of an unsigned inert mass. The unambiguous property of inert mass is a necessary condition for the existence of unambiguous gravity. (K 1. 6) K 17

Coulomb's Law is similar to the Law of Gravitation.


Coulomb's law: the forces of electrostatic interaction of two point electric charges q1 and - q2, located in a vacuum, are directly proportional to the product of these charges, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r between them.

There are also always two forces that are equal in magnitude, but opposite in direction.

     F1 - 2 = 1   × q1× q2                 и F2 - 1 = 1  ×  q1× q2,

              4pe0 r 2                                    4pe0 r 2   

where the electric constant for vacuum e0 = 8, 8541 × 10 - 12  F / m.


The environment significantly affects the electrostatic interaction, therefore there is another, but dimensionless coefficient а, which takes into account the influence of a particular environment. Forces of electrostatic interaction can have different signs. Charges of different signs are attracted to each other, and charges of the same sign are repelled.


P131. The law of material interaction (Supplement)

 The same-type fields of elementary particles directly act on each other, thereby strengthening their actions on their own bodily bases on the one hand and weakening on the other. Thus, the forces of interaction between two elementary particles are only and necessarily mediated by their own material fields. (2. 4. 2. ) 131


 All material objects have fields of their elementary particles.



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