P125. The law of the content of an elementary field
P125. The law of the content of an elementary field The field of the quantum of corporeality is necessary not corporeally by the force of the metric of hyperspace. And its content is always and necessarily its own bodily basis, but existing simultaneously: in space in the form of a material (bodily) point, and in hyperspace, but already in the form of the field of this quantum. (2. 4. 2. ) 125
Any quantum of corporeality in three-dimensional physical space is a quantum of corporeality, and in hyperspace it, at the same time, also exists in the form of a field. He's like two-faced Janus.
P126. The law of the content of an elementary field (Continued) The full flow of the field strength of any quantum of corporeality is always and necessarily the entire content of this field. This is the field itself in full, and exists as a subject of interaction. (2. 4. 2. ) 126
Therefore, the total flux of the particle's field strength does not depend on the distance to its source, but only on the magnitude of the source itself. Actually, this is what the Ostrogradsky - Gauss theorem is about.
P127. The law of strength of an elementary field The elementary field always and necessarily acts only on its quantum of corporeality by forces directed at this quantum almost equally from all sides, since other fields of the same type introduce perturbations into this process. (2. 4. 2. ) 127
The full stream of tension in the form of an elementary field begins only from its base, and every time it is necessarily directed only at it. If there were no other fields, then the own field of the quantum of corporeality would not undergo disturbances and would act on its source with equal forces from all sides. Then the field forces would be balanced. Then the field of the quantum of corporeality would only compress this quantum into a solid point (core), but there would be no lateral force. But the quantum of corporeality is not one. Other similar fields disturb the configuration of his field. These perturbations are expressed in the fact that the forces of the field of the quantum of corporeality act on it unevenly from all sides. And such unequal " pressure" from different sides of the elementary field on its bodily source is a necessary cause of the forces of interaction of bodily quanta. Be careful! The fields of the same type of interacting quanta of corporeality do not destroy each other, otherwise, together with the destruction of the field, its original source would have to be destroyed. After all, the field and its primary source are always the same essence, but simultaneously existing in different spaces. These fields are always, in any interaction, preserved both in their full volume (in the constant value of their full flow of tension) and in their essence.
It's like the forces of interaction do not destroy each other, but only add up geometrically.
P. K 24. The principle of independent action of the field In any interaction, the fields of interacting objects always and necessarily act independently of each other, and the forces of their actions are added only geometrically. (K 1. 8) K 24 When the quanta of corporeality interact at a distance, only their fields of the same type directly interact. These fields always redistribute the configuration of each other's action on their sources from different sides, which is the only reason for the forces of material interaction at a distance in the entire Universe.
An elementary particle necessarily possesses the fields of its bodily substance. There is a very important point here. P. K 25. The principle of prohibition of radial dynamics for the central field Central fields (gravitational and electric) do not have their own radial dynamics due to the absence of distances in hyperspace. There are only directions of the action of the total field strength on its base and distortions of the configuration of one field by another. (K 1. 8) K 25 Another thing is that the electric field of a moving electron begins to rotate, thereby giving rise to its normal component, which we call the magnetic field.
ESSENCE OF THE UNIT OF THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD The essence of a unit of a gravitational field lies in the fact that it is created by a unit of inert mass MU of 1 kg. (The unit of inert mass (M), kilogram (kg) is the basic SI unit. ) The content of this field, located in hyperspace, will always and must be equal to the total flux of its intensity, regardless of the radius of the sphere of this flux and regardless of the actions of other fields.
It is not difficult to calculate the value of the unit of the gravitational field. From the law of universal gravitation it follows that the strength G of the gravitational field of a material point with a mass Min, which is created by this mass at a distance r. G = - g × МU [m / s2] r 2
g is the gravitational constant ( g = 6, 672 × 10-11 N × m2 / kg2). The dimension g can be simplified.
N × m 2 = kg × m × m 2 = m 3 × 1 kg 2 s2 kg 2 s2 kg
At first glance, the new dimension does not make any sense, but later it turns out that there is a meaning here, and even very significant.
Further. Here you can calculate the unit gravity (GU) created by a material point with a unit inertial mass MU = 1 kg and a unit radius r = 1 m.
GU = - 6, 672 × 10 -11 N× m 2/kg 2 × 1 kg = - 6, 672 × 10 -11 m / s2 1 m 2
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