P135a. The principle of the speed of light
P135a. The principle of the speed of light On the one hand, the speed of light is the point of phase transition of matter into the phase of e/m radiation. On the other hand, it is the limiting speed of matter in space, due to the fact that at this speed matter ceases to inherit its metric from space. It loses one of its dimensions (in the direction of movement), and instead inherits the dimension inherent in hyperspace. (2. 4. 3. ) 135a
Photon is a special state of matter, it has only two dimensions. A photon, unlike elementary particles, does not have its own antiparticle, which only confirms its essence as a kind of " energy tanker". This means that the photon consists of quanta of corporeality of opposite signs. This is a top, where quanta of corporeality revolve around a common center of mutual attraction with a certain frequency. P. K 3. The principle of photon immateriality Photon does not have its antiparticle, since it consists of positive and negative quanta of corporeality. It moves only at the speed of light and therefore is not capable of being an element of matter. These circumstances do not allow attributing a photon to the class of elementary particles; it can only be assigned to a special type of particles that carry electromagnetic energy. (K 1. 3) K 3
P. K 3a Photon does not belong to the type of elementary particles, which are quanta of matter. (K 1. 3) K 3a
After all, an elementary particle of a certain type always has its own certain mass and charge. For example, the mass and charge of any free electron are constant values, constant up to the tenth decimal place (! ), While the spread of energies of various photons can reach ten orders of magnitude or more. This is comparable to the difference in the masses of a paper boat and an ocean liner!
PHOTON MODEL A. Einstein said that he had been trying unsuccessfully for 50 years to create a model of a photon. The nature of a photon is determined not so much by its content as by the metric of ordinary space. And Einstein perceived space very much even relative to matter.
P. K 4. The principle of the speed of light The speed of light is the boundary of the metric of ordinary space, beyond which only the laws of hyperspace operate. One of the three ordinates of a photon, which is in the direction of its momentum, due to the limited metric of ordinary space, disappears in hyperspace, and the other two (where the speed is much less than the speed of light) remain in ordinary space. (K 1. 3) K 4
Now the photon model becomes quite obvious.
P. K 4a. The principle of the photon model Photon does not have its antiparticle, since it consists of positive and negative quanta of corporeality. It only moves at the speed of light. One of the three ordinates of the photon, which is in the direction of its momentum, due to the limited metric of ordinary space, disappears in the form of a ray in hyperspace, and the two remaining ones (where the speed is much less than the speed of light) remain in ordinary space. This means that in ordinary space, a photon is a flat top, consisting of rotating quanta of corporeality. The rotation cycle of this top determines the frequency of the photon. At the same time, he is a ray in hyperspace. (K 1. 3) K 4a
It turns out that in ordinary space the photon is flat. At the same time, it is also a ray in hyperspace. Only such a model of a photon does not contradict all the facts of its existence. In general, now the substance of the lowest (zero) level of the Universe can be confidently divided into two kinds: corporeality, as a substance of matter, and relativistic corporeality, as a substance of e / m radiation.
DARK MATTER AND DARK ENERGY At first glance, so e / m-radiation does not " weigh" anything. But this is only at first glance, since the average path length of a radiation quantum is billions of light years. So calculate what the former mass of stars in the Universe exists today in the form of radiation! But this can be about 1/3 of the mass of the Universe! And this mass has its own gravitational fields and its own universal energy. And if there really was a Big Bang, then 90% of the mass of the Universe flew away in the form of radiation, and did not manage to form matter.
P. K 4 b. The principle of " dark matter" Since the average path length of a quantum of radiation is billions of light years, a significant former mass of stars in the Universe today exists in the form of radiation. Which can be about 1/3 of the mass of the universe. And this mass has its own gravitational fields " stretching" by their actions the already discharged matter of the Universe. (K 1. 3) K 4b
There is a hypothesis of the Big Bang, however, our philosophy refrains from forming hypotheses, so we treat any hypothesis with great caution. P. K 4с. Cosmological hypothesis of stretching the Universe If we assume the existence of the Big Bang, then the mass of " dark matter" will be located at the very edges of the Universe, and this mass will move at the speed of light from the center of the explosion and, as a whole, have the shape of a regular and complete spherical surface. In this case, this mass can be up to 90% of the mass of the Universe. In this case, the main part of this mass is located at the very edge of the Universe, " stretching" by the actions of its fields all matter from its center to its edges. (K 1. 3. ) K 4с
By the way, here is “dark energy”, and “dark matter”, and “stretching of the Universe” in one cosmological hypothesis.
The existence of " dark matter" is not at all hypothetical. Paradox? Not at all, because even the visible light passing by the observer is completely invisible, then it is simply " dark".
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