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Strong (nuclear) interaction. P. K 6b. The first principle of the essence of strong nuclear interaction. How is a potential pit formed?

P. K 6a

 Forces of fundamental interactions are the physical parameters (amount) of interactions of bodily and material objects through their own fields or quantum reactions. (K 1. 3) K 6a


As can be seen from the above table, the strong (nuclear) interaction exceeds in its relative value by 40 orders of magnitude the gravitational and by 2 orders of magnitude the electromagnetic interaction. Physics still does not have true ideas about fields, so they put quantum processes (strong and weak interactions) and particle interactions in one row with their fields. And there, and there interactions, And there, and there the elements of interaction act on each other by forces. But the interaction of particles with fields and quantum processes and states are completely different things.


P. K 6b. The first principle of the essence of strong nuclear interaction

Since the fields extend to infinity, and the fields of strong (nuclear) interaction do not exist, then the strong (nuclear) interaction is always and necessarily a quantum reaction of bodily or material elements. (K 1. 3) K 6b


 A similar principle is possible for weak nuclear interaction.

The quantum interaction of particles is usually associated with the destruction of their boundaries and merging or fission into fragments. This fusion is like the fusion of two water droplets into one, where each droplet has its own shape due to the forces of surface tension.

Strong interaction forces play a similar role in particles. This is as clear as daylight, because at fairly close distances (about 10-15 m) the intensity of the fields of interacting particles changes the metric of space. As a result, potential wells (zones with negative energy) are actually formed.


P. K 7a

Any of the strong or weak fundamental interactions are quantum reactions of interacting elements, without which the emergence and existence of elementary particles, nucleons and atomic nuclei is impossible. (K 1. 4) K 7a


After all, what is interaction? - It is a system (structure) of interacting objects. It has its own numerous physical parameters (quantities).


P. K 7

Any of the gravitational or electromagnetic fundamental interactions is a system of bodily or material objects acting on each other by forces through their own fields. (K 1. 4) K 7


P. K 7b

 An essential factor of strong and weak fundamental interactions is the metric of the space. Due to the extremely high intensity of the fields (a measure of quantity), it transforms into a different quality. At the distances between the particles (about 10-15 m), a potential well appears, the conditional intensity of negative energy of which is approximately 100 times the conditional intensity of even electric fields. (K 1. 4) K 7b


This is an anomaly. Its first research was carried out by H. Yukawa. (Nobel Prize in Physics 1949). The nature of this " hole" lies only in the features of the physical space (metric). And here there is no some type of superstrong fields, otherwise they would spread to the infinity of space.


How is a potential pit formed?

 This is the most difficult question in physics, but not in philosophy, since the potential well has a similar mechanism of its occurrence with the mechanism of the origin of a photon. Photon, due to the boundary of the measure of the metric of physical space, at the speed of light has the form of a flat two-dimensional top. Its third dimension, which coincides with the direction of its velocity vector, " leaves" in hyperspace in the form of a ray. A similar mechanism for the emergence of a potential hole. Only for a photon, the metric of space changes only in one direction of the velocity vector, and in the case of a potential well, along a spherical surface, since the field acts on its source from all sides. It compresses its source from all sides as long as the metric of space “withstands” it.

P. K 7c. The principle of the appearance of the negative space of the potential well

 E/m-field in the radius of the electron (approximately 10-15 - 10 -26 m) has such a high intensity (intensity), which corresponds to the boundary of the measure of the metric of physical space. But here, at a point in space, one dimension disappears (more precisely, goes into hyperspace), which coincides with the intensity vector of the central field. As a result, the space of the potential well is a two-dimensional closed spherical surface. This is a new type of space (negative space). K 1. 4. ) K 7c


The intensity vector of the central field always has a direction to its source.

 The potential pit is negative space.


P. K 7d. The principle of the emergence of a potential hole

 In contrast to the one-dimensional vector of the speed of the photon, the forces of the e / m-field act on the electron in the same way in three dimensions. This means that the metric of physical space ends in a radius (approximately 10-15 --26 m) and determines the existence of an electron on a two-dimensional spherical surface. The space beyond the measure boundary turns into a two-dimensional spherical surface of negative space. This space determines the form and way of existence of the electron. (K 1. 4) K 7d



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