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Essence of unit of electric field


The essence of an electric field unit lies in the fact that it is created by a unit of electric charge QU = 1 C. Its content is always in hyperspace and is always equal to the full flow of its tension NU. This happens regardless of the radius of the sphere of this stream and regardless of the actions of other fields. It follows from Coulomb's law that the strength of the electric field E of a material point located in vacuum with a charge Q at a distance r is equal to

                                      E = 1  ×  Q    [V/m],            

                                              4pe0 r 2     

where the electric constant for vacuum e0 = 8, 8541 × 10 - 12  F/m   (F = C/V).


Let us determine the value of the unit strength EU, created in vacuum by a unit point charge QU = 1 C, at a distance of the unit radius rU = 1 m from its source.

  EU = 1                                 V × m × 1 C = 8, 984 × 10 9  V            

           4 × 3. 142 × 8, 854 × 10 – 12  C        1 m 2                        m


You can compare the strengths of a unit gravitational and unit electric fields. For this it is necessary to change the dimension of the physical quantity 1 V / m.  

If 1 V = 1 J / C,   and 1 J = 1 N × m,   and 1 N = 1 kg × m / s 2, then:

                                    1 V /м =  1 kg  × m  .

                                              C     s 2   

      Since the charge can always be represented in units of annihilation mass

                                МC (1C = 5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg), then:


EU = 8, 984 × 10 9 V =  8, 984 × 10 9 × 1 kg             × 1 m    = 1, 580 × 10 21 m  .

                         m                       5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg  1 s 2                             s 2   


The action of this tension can be compared only with the action of gravity on the surface of a " neutron" star!


P. K 35

 A single point charge QU = 1 C at a distance of a unit radius rU = 1 m creates in a vacuum a unit electric field strength EU = 1. 580 × 10 21 m /s2. This tension has an effect on another electric charge located at this distance, equivalent to the action of acceleration on a massive object. (K 1. 8) K 35


  There is a very important point here.


P. K 36  The principle of action of the central field on its source

Any vector of intensity of any central field is always and necessarily directed to the center of its source. Thus, any central field necessarily compresses its source. Otherwise, it would instantly break its material or bodily foundation.

                                                                                                          (K 1. 8) K 36  

The essence of electrical interaction is not so much in the direction of the vectors of the intensities of the interacting charges (everything is clear here), but in the content of the electrostatic field of each charge. After all, there are charges of different signs.


P. K 37

In hyperspace, there is a mutual distortion of the configuration of interacting charges (redistribution of the vectors of intensities over the sphere of each charge). In ordinary space, this manifests itself in a change in the shape of the equipotential surface of each charge, which is necessarily the source of the forces of electrical interaction of these charges. (K 1. 8) K 37


Physics believes that the vector of the field strength of a positive electric charge is directed differently than the vector of a negative charge. I dare to assure you: all this is not true. Physics here did not think that an elementary particle exists only because its fields create a potential well within its boundaries.      


For a correct comparison of the intensities of the gravitational and electric fields, it is necessary to have comparable sources of these fields. The intrinsic field of a point unit mass MUof 1 kgat a distance of 1 m creates a unit gravity GU, which has an effect on a certain mass (located there, at a distance of this meter) an action equivalent to the action of an acceleration of 6, 672 × 10 -11 m/s2, and in the direction to the center MU.


But EU, calculated for a unit charge QU = 1 C, with the annihilation mass of the same sign, the value of 5, 686 × 10 – 12 kg. And it is necessary to compare the gravitational unit mass of the charge MU of 1 kg with the same mass, but electric (mass of annihilation) Q Equ of 1 kg.  


P. K 37a. Equivalent electric field principle

Equivalent mass M Equ = 1 kg of a point charge Q Equ (1, 758 × 10 11 C) of the same sign and at a distance of 1 m from its center the electric field strength will be E Equ = 2, 777 × 10 32 m /s 2 (K 1. 8) K 37a


Yes! ... This intensity of the electric field is equivalent, perhaps, only to the intensity of the gravity of the " black hole". Compared to a single gravity ( GU = 6, 672 × 10-11 m/ s2 ),  created by a mass of 1 kg at a distance of 1 m, the strength of the equivalent electric field EEqu will be 4, 162× 10 42 times higher.


P. K 38

The relative value of the intensities of the electric and gravitational fields         K Rel = =4, 162 × 1042    (K 1. 8. )

But physics indicates the magnitude of the relative value 1038. I wonder where she got this from?

The essence is the field itself, and the intensity of its action, manifested in electrical interaction, is its physical parameter. Let's draw a closed surface around a unit of a point charge (in vacuum) QU = 1 C. According to the Ostrogradsky - Gauss theorem, the flux of the intensity vector passing through a closed surface in vacuum (the total flux of intensity N) is constant and depends only on the magnitude of the field source.

                                       NU = QU .


Тогда,  NU = 1 C ×         1       В × м = 1, 13 × 10 11 V × m.

                               8, 854 × 10 - 12      C


 Electric constant for vacuum:   e0 = 8, 854 × 10 - 12 F/m.              (1F = C/V).



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