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 Wp = φG UNIT  ×  m = - 6.6720 ×  10 -11 J / kg ×  1 kg = - 6.672 × 10 -11 J.

 Wp = φ G UNIT  ×  m = - 6. 6720 ×  10 -11 J / kg ×  1 kg = - 6. 672 × 10 -11 J.

At a distance of 2 m, the potential energy of this point m will already be 2 times less (3. 336 10-11 J). That is, the potential energy of a material point m in the field from M UNIT decreases linearly with increasing distance.


P. K 42

The potential of the gravitational field is a measure of the binding energy of the source of this field Mand the body of mass m interacting with it. (K 1. 9)


The potential is a measure of the binding energy of two bodies. If we give the mass m an energy equal to the energy of this bond or more, then it will be enough to completely break this bond.



 Electric field potential

 “The energy characteristic of an electrostatic field is its potential. The potential of an electrostatic field is a physical quantity j, equal to the ratio of the potential energy Wp of a test point electric charge placed at the considered point of the field to the value q of this charge: j = Wp /q " (Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: Nauka. 1990. p. 182)


The potential φ Q of the electric field of a point charge Q does not depend on the value of the test electric charge q, but is an energy characteristic of the action of the electrostatic field of a point charge Q at a distance r to the place of the test charge. The potential φ Q  of the field created by an immobile material point located in a vacuum and having a charge with a charge Q.


jQ = 1    ×  Q /r.


The unit potential of a single point electric charge QUnit = 1 C at a unit distance r = 1 m from the field source will be:


jQUnit    = 1                               V × m = 8, 984 × 10 9 V × m.

              4 × 3. 142 × 8, 854 × 10 - 12   C                           C

The potential of an equivalent point electric charge QEKV ( with an annihilationmass of 1 kg and a value of 1, 759 × 10 11 C) at a distance of 1 m from the center of the charge will be:

jQ ЭКV = 8, 984 × 10 9  V × m. 1, 759 × 10 11 C   = 1, 580 × 10 21 V. (V = J /C)

                                    C                      m

This value can be expressed in terms of the potential of the gravitational field, taking into account the fact that 1 C = 5. 686 × 10 - 12 kg.

jQ ЭКV = 1, 580 × 10 21 J   = 1, 580 × 10 21 1 J             = 2, 777 × 10 32  J  .

                                   C                     5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg                   kg


The relative value of the equivalent potential of the electrostatic field of 1 kg of annihilation mass of the same sign in comparison with the unit potential of the gravitational field of the same mass:

jQ ЭКВ = 2, 777 × 10 32      J / kg =   4, 162 × 10 42.

 φ G Unit  6, 672 × 10 -11 J / kg



The locus of the points of action of the electrostatic field in three-dimensional space, in which the values ​ ​ of its potential are the same, is called the equipotential surface. The same is true for the gravitational field.




1. Electrostatic (electric) field of an electron

    In ordinary space, an electron represents a point electric charge, which consists of a negative annihilation mass. However, the same electron annihilation mass simultaneously exists in hyperspace, but already in the form of its electric field. Moreover, regardless of the sign of the electron, and regardless of external influences, the full flow of the electric field strength is always directed to the center of its source.

P. K 43. The principle of the direction of the electric field

Regardless of the sign of the electron, and regardless of external influences, the full flow of the electric field strength is always directed to the center of its source. The vectors of the strength of positive and negative electric fields are always opposite in sign, but they are never opposite in the direction of their source. (K 1. 10) K 43

In hyperspace, negative electrons look like blue dandelions, and positive electrons look like red ones. The main thing is very stable " dandelions", since the lifetime of each free electron is commensurate with eternity. But, despite its eternal existence, no field is an independent entity.


P. K 44

Any field is always and necessary secondary to its source, which is in three-dimensional space, since no field starts from an empty place. (K 1. 10) K 44


The annihilation mass of an electron has the potential energy of its field 40 orders of magnitude higher than its inert mass. These masses are different sides of the same mass. Considering such a huge difference in their potential energies, the primacy of the annihilation mass to its inert side is quite obvious.


P. K 45. The principle of primacy of annihilation mass

 The annihilation mass of an electron is always and necessarily primary in relation to its inert mass. (K 1. 10) K 45


  P. K 46

 The negative mass of annihilation is the negative electric charge of the negative electron, and the positive mass of annihilation is the positive charge of the positive electron (positron). (К 1. 10) К 46


Moreover, for electrons existing in a free state, the charge, and hence the corresponding annihilation mass and the corresponding inertial mass, always have constant values.


Moreover, since the electron is the only quantum of which all other stable material particles and bodies are composed, the value of the electron annihilation mass remains unchanged even for other elementary particles. “ Electric charge q is measured in units of elementary charge e. For all particles existing in a free state, it takes only integer values; usually 0 and  ± 1,   for some resonances ±  2. This quantization rule is fulfilled with great accuracy " (Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: Nauka. 1990. р. 545)



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