P. К 39. The principle of a unit electric field
P. К 39. The principle of a unit electric field A unit electric charge QU with a value of 1C in ordinary physical space is itself, and in hyperspace it is simultaneously a unit electric field of this charge with a magnitude of NU = Nед = 1, 13 × 10 11 V× m. This physical quantity is the spatial equivalent of what is actually in hyperspace. (K 1. 8) K 39
The ratio (in absolute value) of the electric field N to its point source Q located in a vacuum is one of the main physical constants. This is a dimensionless electrical coefficient ke = 1/ e0. ke = 1 V × m = 1, 13 × 10 11 V× m . 8, 854 × 10 - 12 C C
This is a constant for any source. For example, to charge QU = 1 C и его поля N U = 1, 13 × 10 11 [V × m].
ke = 1 = N U = 1, 13 × 10 11 V × m . e0 QU 1 C
This dimension expresses the direct ratio of the magnitude of any electric field, which has the dimension [V× m], to the value of its source, which has the dimension [C].
The charge and its field are one and the same, but existing in different spaces. They cannot be added to each other, otherwise we will assume an unjustified doubling of the same essence. But they can be compared as one and the same entity, always equal to itself.
P. K 40. The principle of dimensionless electrical coefficient The constant electric coefficient k e = 1/ e0 has no dimension, since any point electric charge simultaneously exists both in ordinary space and in hyperspace. But in hyperspace it already has the form of a field. Thanks to this coefficient, the value of any electric charge can be expressed in the dimension of its own electric field and vice versa. (K 1. 8)
The ratio (in absolute value) of the gravitational field to its source is the dimensionless coefficient of gravity k G = g × 4p.
k G = 8, 385 × 10 -10 m 3/ s 2. kg
You can only compare what is comparable, therefore, to compare the gravitational and electrical coefficients, it is necessary to change the dimension of the physical quantity ke, into the dimension of the compared physical quantity k G . To do this, we calculate the value of theunit fieldNU= 1, 13 × 10 11 V× m, created by a unitcharge QU = 1 C (in vacuum). But let us calculate it already in the dimensions of the annihilation mass. If 1 V m = 1 m × 1 J / C, where 1 J = 1 kg × m / s 2, then:
1 V × m = 1 kg × m 3 . C s 2 Since the charge ofMC in units of annihilation mass has the value (1 C = 5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg), then:
N Unit = 1, 13 × 10 11 v × m = 1, 13 × 10 11 × 1 kg × 1 m 3 = 1, 956 × 10 22 m 3 . 5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg 1 s2 s2
ke = 1 = N Unit = 1, 956 × 10 22 m3/ s 2 = 3. 440 × 10 33 m 3 / s 2 . e0 Q Unit 5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg kg
Since these coefficients have the same dimensions, the ratio of the value of the electric coefficient ke to the value of the gravitational coefficient k G is equal to:
ke = 3. 440 × 10 33 = 4, 162 × 10 42. k G 8, 385 × 10 -10
This coincides with the value of the relative value of the intensities of the action of the electric and gravitational fields ( К Rel = 4, 162 × 10 42). Lecture 4 Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research on fundamental problems of science
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Gravitational field potential “Due to the potentiality of the gravitational field, one can introduce its energy characteristic - the potential. The potential of the gravitational field is called the scalar quantity φ, which is equal to the ratio of the potential energyWp of the material point placed at the considered point of the field to the mass m of the material point. φ = Wp / m. The potential φ does not depend on the mass m of the material point, but is a function of the coordinates of the points of the gravitational field. For example, the potential of the gravitational field created by a fixed material point of mass M,
φ = - γ М / r,
where r is the distance from the field source to the point under consideration. " (Yavorsky B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: Nauka. 1990. p. 78)
The unit potential of the gravitational field φ М of a point unitinert mass MU = 1 kg, at a unit distance rU= 1 m, will be equal to the value:
Φ G Unit = - 6, 6720 × 10 -11 N × m 2 × 1 kg = - 6, 672 × 10 -11 J / kg. (J / kg m 2 / s2) kg 2 1 m
It depends only on the magnitude of the field source and the distance to its center of mass. P. K 41 The potential of the central static gravitational field is the energy characteristic of the action of this field at some point in three-dimensional space. (K 1. 9) K 41 Potential is not energy. It has a different dimension. For example, a material point with an inert mass m = 1 kg, located at a distance of r Unit = 1 m from M Unit = 1 kg, in this field will have potential energy
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