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2. The gravitational field of the electron

P. К 47

 A free electron at a speed much lower than the speed of light is distinguished by its stability, i. e. the constancy of its value me = 9. 109534 × 10 -31 kg. Which corresponds to its electric charge e- = - 1, 620218 × 10 -19 C. (К 1. 10) К 47


The annihilation mass of a free electron is primary in relation to its electrostatic field. But why does it always strive for the constancy of its magnitude in the free state of the electron?


So far, there is only a question here. It turns out that there is a certain " potentialwell of an electron", which can be filled with a certain content up to me = 9. 109534 × 10-31 kg. And then why are there exactly such boundaries of this potential hole? Indeed, despite our ignorance, it exists. Thus, the electron annihilation mass is a kind of constant of all constants.


P. K 48. The principle of the constancy of the electron charge

The masses and charges of all particles that make up matter are always and necessarily derived from the magnitude of the annihilation mass of a free electron, hence from its charge. Thus, the electron annihilation mass is the constant of all constants. (K 1. 10) K 48 


Matter is made up of only stable particles. Even if they are stable only in a bound state (for example, a neutron). After all, they have the time of their stable position, commensurate with eternity. Everything is said to the fact that the mass of electron annihilation has its own stability even for those electrons that have entered as a " building material" in such stable particles as neutrons and protons. For example, in a proton we observe a quantized electric charge (multiple of e).


The annihilation mass of an electron is always and necessarily primary in relation to its inert mass = gravitational mass, since the potential of the electron annihilation mass is forty orders of magnitude higher than the gravitational potential of its inert mass. But we are already starting to repeat ourselves, which means that the topic is exhausted.



2. The gravitational field of the electron

In ordinary space, an electron represents a point electric charge, which consists of negative mass. But the annihilation mass of an electron (charge) of any sign is always equal to its unsigned inert mass. And in hyperspace this same electron is simultaneously an entity in the form of a full flow of its own gravitational field directed towards the center of itself. It is like a dandelion, but forty orders of magnitude smaller than its electrical counterpart, yet the mass of annihilation is always primary in relation to its inert mass.  





3. The magnetic field of the electron

The electron's magnetic field is secondary to its electric field. The reasons for the appearance of the magnetic field of a free electron are its charge and its motion. And the charge of an electron exists in hyperspace only in the form of its electric field. But! When there is a movement of a charge in space, then its electrical impulse also arises (product of charge and speed). In hyperspace, the same electrical impulse already has the form of a magnetic component of the electric field of a moving charge, sorry, now its electromagnetic field.


The electron's magnetic field appears and disappears. But if the electric field of the electron disappeared, then its annihilation mass would also disappear, therefore, then the electron itself would disappear. This is a very important point.






Parmenides did not particularly lament, they say, where to start - " I don't care where to start - I will return there again" - he said. As his true followers, we are forced to begin a new round of the spiral of electron research from what was said at the beginning of this chapter. We had the problem of Strong interaction there, where its very mechanism was not entirely clear. More precisely, it was completely incomprehensible. So far, one thing is clear.


P. K 48a. Strong interaction law for an electron

 Electron is a Strong interaction. Interaction is the connection of interacting elements. There is no connection without elements. And a connection is always a structure (system) of its elements. And the electron is the connection of its bodily elements in the form of a Strong interaction. (K 1. 10) K 48a


This is the law of nature, explaining the extraordinary duration of its life, and the constancy of its mass and charge, and stability even in the composition of a nucleon. Perhaps the most obvious explanation of the mechanism of Strong interaction will be the model of an electron in the form of a " Black hole", where, due to extremely high field strengths, within a certain radius, the metric of space changes. No wonder - after all, it (the metric) has its limit at the speed of light! And why shouldn't it have such a limit at a certain electric field strength?

 Like is cognized by like. Still similar and compared with similar.



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