P.K 37a.Equivalent electric field principle
P. K 37a. Equivalent electric field principle Equivalent mass M Eq = 1 kg of a point charge Q Eq (1. 758 × 10 11 C) of the same sign and at a distance of 1 m from its center creates an electric field strength EEq = 2. 777 × 10 32 m / s 2. (K 1. 8) K 37a This intensity of the electric field is equivalent, perhaps, only to the intensity of the gravity of the " black hole". Compared to a single gravity (GUnit = 6. 672 × 10 -11 m /s2) created by a mass of1 kg at a distance of 1 m, the strength of the equivalent electric field EEq will be 4. 162 × 10 42 times higher. Could an electron be a kind of " black hole"? - We'll see now. The electron mass is me = 9. 109534 × 10 -31 kg. This is its gravitational mass, and, at the same time, the annihilation mass equal to the electric charge e- = - 1. 620218 × 10 -19 C. They are one and the same mass. The equivalent gravitational mass of an electron, according to principle 37 a, will be:
9. 109534 × 10 -31 kg × 4, 162 × 10 42 times = 3, 991 × 10 12 kg
Which corresponds to a mass of water with a volume of 4, 000, 000, 000 m3. This is a pool measuring 1000 x 1000 m and a depth of 4000 m!
Of course, an electron is a kind of " Black hole" with its own rotation (spin) and its own magnetic moment!
The matter remained with the theorists, since we are not going to consider this theory here, otherwise the physicists will have nothing to do. Our business is to deeply and correctly understand Nature. Moreover, physicists have a good saying: You don't understand, well, then count it!
Lecture 5 Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research on fundamental problems of science A MAGNETIC FIELD • The essence of the magnetic field • Electric impulse of an electron • E / m-field of an atomic electron • The magnetic moment of an atomic electron • Magnetic constant • E / m-interaction of an electron and a photon
The annihilation mass of an electron is the source of the electric fields of all material objects. The inert side of the electron annihilation mass is the source of the gravitational fields of all material objects. The electric impulse of the electron p –e has electric and magnetic fields, it is the source of the magnetic fields of all material objects. The mechanical impulse of the electron p0e has only its own mechanical energy and gravitational field. And all these phenomena are primary mass of electron annihilation. The mechanical and electrical impulses of the electron are derived from this substance, for the electron annihilation mass is primary in relation to its field, and to its electrical impulse, and to its inert mass, and to its motion, and to its interaction. In fact, in essence, any movement of matter is its interaction with space.
P. K 49 The mass of annihilation of an electron is necessarily primary in many respects: to its electric field, and to its electric impulse, and to its inert mass, and to its electric impulse, and to its magnetic field, and to its motion, as well as to its own inert and gravitational properties. (K 2. 1) K 49
A stationary charge has a stationary electric field, where the direction of each of its vector of intensity is radial (coincides with the direction of the radius) and is oriented exactly towards the center of the source. It looks a lot like a dandelion. A mobile charge has its own rotating electric field. Since the field of a mobile electric charge always has its normal (directed at an angle of 90 ° to the source) component of rotation, (magnetic component), then the mobile charge already has its own electromagnetic field.
P. K 50 In three-dimensional space there is no special magnetic substance. Its role is played by the same electrons, but with an electrical impulse (p–e = m–e v). This impulse is not a special entity, although it is the source of its own magnetic field. (K 2. 1) K 50
But why does the electric field of a moving electron rotate, and the axis of its rotation is parallel to the direction of its motion? And here we must not forget that in ordinary space there is not a field, but its direct action on its bodily source. So the rotation of the electromagnetic field takes place there, in hyperspace. There are no distances in hyperspace, but there are directions, therefore, there is also the direction of the intensity vector of any field, and the rotation of this field, and the frequency of this rotation.
P. K 51. The principle of the magnetic field of the electron The magnetic field of a moving electron is the normal component of its rotating electromagnetic field, which is always proportional to the magnitude of the electric impulse p – e of this electron. (K 2. 1) K 51
E/m-field is a top, more precisely, like a rotating " dandelion", the axis of rotation of which always coincides with the direction of motion of the electron (with the direction of the vector of its electrical impulse p–e ). If the electromagnetic field of an electron can be represented as a " blue rotating dandelion", then the field of a positive electron will look like a " red rotating dandelion ". With the same direction and speed, according to the gimlet's rule, these dandelions will rotate in opposite directions.
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