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P. K 52. The principle of the electromagnetic field of the electron

P. K 52. The principle of the electromagnetic field of the electron

 The electromagnetic field of a moving electron is a rotating field of its charge, which has its own components: electric (radial) and magnetic (normal).

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The electric component of the electromagnetic field is caused only by the charge. The magnetic component of this field is caused only by the electrical impulse of this charge.


  The electric component of the electromagnetic field is always proportional to mec2 and has its own constant radial direction towards its source. The magnetic component of this field is always proportional to its electric impulse p –e and has a constant normal direction towards the source; the direction of its rotation depends not only on the direction of movement, but also on the sign of the charge.


P. K 53. The principle of the unity of the electric and magnetic fields of the electron

The magnetic field of an electron is its electrical impulse p–e,   which exists in hyperspace in the form of a " normal component" of the rotation of its electromagnetic field. The radial component of the rotating electromagnetic field is the electric field itself. The magnetic field of an electron is inseparable from its electric field, since it arises as a result of the rotation of the latter.

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  Now, only now we consciously use the term " electromagnetic field" for the first time!



Thus, the Great Unification of all 4 basic interactions takes place literally before our eyes, and everything in this unification is connected by the mass of the electron.


P. K 54. The principle of magnetic interaction

Magnetic interaction is the indirect action of one source of magnetic field on another through their own magnetic fields. Moreover, this interaction must also be mediated by the electric fields of these sources. The magnetic field of a source acts on its source (and vice versa) only through its electric field.

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Any central field acts only on its source only directly, and the magnetic field acts on its source only through the electric field. For example, in the case of the magnetic interaction of sources 1 and 2, the following chain is obtained: a source of a magnetic field 1, an electric field of a source 1, a magnetic field of a source 1, a magnetic field of a source 2, an electric field of a source 2, a source of a magnetic field 2.  A total of 4 " intermediaries".


Magnetic fields from different sources are capable of weakening or reinforcing each other's actions, but not destroying them. Their forces of action add up as independent vector quantities and exist only in ordinary space. These fields themselves are independent of each other, and their essences depend only on the electrical impulses of their sources. Much here depends on the strength and direction of the field source.


The main property of the electron's magnetic field is that it is a necessary part of the mechanism for the emergence of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation. We can say that this mechanism converts radiation energy into electron energy and vice versa.


P. K 55. The law of the transition of the electron magnetic field to the annihilation mass and vice versa

 Electromagnetic field of an electron is capable of both generating and absorbing a quantum of electromagnetic energy (photon). Thus, it is capable of forming a new mass of annihilation from the energy of its motion and vice versa. (K 2. 1. ) K 55

   It all started with a simple quote. Physicists V. Acosta, K. Cowan, B. Graham, in their wonderful book, ask this, one might say, rhetorical question: " can the total energy of a photon be converted into a rest mass? " (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. p. 98)


A magnetic field is one of the forms of manifestation of an electromagnetic field. The magnetic field acts only on moving electrically charged particles and bodies, on conductors with current and on particles and bodies with magnetic moments.

The magnetic field is created by conductors with current, moving charged particles and bodies, particles and bodies with magnetic moments, as well as a time-varying electric field. " (Yavorskiy B. M. and Detlaf A. A. Handbook of physics. M.: Nauka. 1990. p. 235)


Electric current consists of moving electrons, since everything material consists of electrons. Including ions.


Any moving charged particle or body always consists of electrons. At the speed of light, elementary particles, and even more so bodies, no longer exist.


The magnetic moments of any particle or any body always consist of the magnetic moments of the moving electrons that make up these particles and bodies.

P. K 56

At the basis of all existing phenomena of the magnetic field in material bodies is always and necessarily the electrical impulse of a moving electron.

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An electron in space is a moving charge, and in hyperspace it is a rotating " dandelion". The content of this " dandelion" is the full flow of its electrical intensity directed towards the center of the electron, plus an insignificant magnetic (normal) component of this field.

The electric momentum of an electron pe = me v  is always equal in absolute value to its mechanical momentum p0e = me0 v.  The same is true for the electrical impulse of a positive electron. In fact, the mass of annihilation always has its own inert properties, and therefore it, but already as an inert mass, has its own gravitational field.



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