OF HUMAN AND DEVICE. • The real way of the emergence of non-protein life forms has been discovered. • The active rule is the basis of the artificial psyche
OF HUMAN AND DEVICE • The real way of the emergence of non-protein life forms has been discovered • The active rule is the basis of the artificial psyche • Many new principles? • Active knowledge is a necessary foundation for any form of life DISCOVERED THE REAL WAY OF A NEW NON-PROTEIN FORM OF LIFE In February 2010, the science " Dialectical Psychology of Man and Device" appeared in Brest. Otherwise it is called " Epistemology". This is the science of the soul. She quite obviously reveals in her theories not only the content of the human psyche, but also opens up a real way to create such a psyche of artificial devices. And today it is possible and necessary to create sensory, feeling, morally stable and “enjoying life” devices. The main thing is that such a device can be repaired and can exist for millions of years. Everything for this is already there, since dozens of new true theories and hundreds of principles of the human psyche have already been formulated here, completely corresponding to the future psyche of devices. Here are the main laws of the human psyche and structure: • laws of receptors and sensations; • laws of the psychic organ; • laws of perception; • laws of recognition; laws of emotions; • control laws; • laws of instinct and skill; • laws of concepts and representations; • laws of reason; • laws of thinking and intuition and much more.
A real way and methods of creating a new non-protein form of intelligent life have been discovered here. This is a breakthrough into the future ACTIVE RULE – THE BASIS OF ARTIFICIAL PSYCHE Modern informatics today develops many areas in the field of artificial intelligence. These are situational management systems, expert systems, and so on. But all this will further have its real development only in the environment of the artificial psyche.
P354b Just as the mind of a person does not necessarily exist outside his psyche, so an artificial mind cannot necessarily be perfect outside his own artificial psyche. (3. 3. 5. ) 354b
This is an axiom. And the sooner it is understood and accepted by cybernetics, the better. The third is simply not given here. For without emotional motivation, this is not an artificial intelligence, but a calculator. Complicated, but still a calculator.
The active rule is the foundation of all living things. An active rule is also a necessary foundation for knowledge-based devices (based on active rules). It is difficult to overestimate N. Wiener's idea of thedecisive role of information in all systems, regardless of their nature.
P353. The principle of the cybernetic approach (Wiener's Idea) The similarity of the principles of construction and functioning of control systems, regardless of their nature, has a necessary basis in the fact that the laws of information do not depend on the nature of material carriers of information. (3. 3. 5. ) 353
In fact, what difference does it make whether it is a silicon or a protein form of the carrier of the active rule? The absolute similarity of the protein elements of the nervous system and the silicon elements of the device based on active rules is not at all necessary here. Our idea of an artificial psyche is that devices may well have many human abilities, for example, the ability to sense and other senses. They may well possess the ability for ethical behavior and rational perception, for thinking and intuition. Moreover, programs of receptive, perceiving, emotional, creative and ethical activities can be created today. And there is nothing complicated here. But how can cybernetics create programs for the mental activity of a device, if indeed it does not yet know many elementary things? She does not know what a sensation is; nor what a feeling is; nor what perception is; nor what understanding is; nor what intuition is; not what creativity is; nor what emotion is. By the way, psychology itself does not really know this today. That is why our epistemology today is engaged in a difficult and unusual routine of applied questions of cybernetics and psychology, without which it is absolutely impossible to obtain true answers to strategic questions of cognition.
The adaptive activity of any living organism is based on active rules. And many of the principles of this adaptive activity today are already known to us so well that there are no longer any serious obstacles to the creation of devices with an artificial psyche.
P354 Already today there are no significant obstacles to the creation of devices based on active rules and capable of a rich variety of their mental sensations, feelings and desires. All sensations, feelings and desires are reflexes of active rules and active programs consisting of them. (3. 3. 5. ) 354
There is nothing difficult here. At least it's not much more complex than the operating system of a personal computer. Considering the " hardware" of devices based on active rules (based on active knowledge), they can turn out to be much more adapted by the person himself. But most importantly, these iron personalities already have a bright and beautiful future. An intelligent machine will work much better if it not only perfectly understands, but also feels and senses what it is doing. The main thing is that she will want. Of course, such a machine will already be an intelligent subject (personality). In general, good luck.
Live and enjoy life, piece of iron!
And what about the computer, how it was a " calculator", will it remain so? No. Emotional and receptive systems are quite feasible in the form of a software product for his operating systems. And the whole question rests only on the fact that the programmer does not really know: neither what sensations, nor what feelings, nor what emotions are. In this regard, he does not know at all what he needs to program. Today it is like “bring that, I don’t know what” for him. But everything for programmers today (2009-02-26) is already there. The law of the essence of the psyche (325) is valid for any psyche, regardless of its nature.
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