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P135a. The principle of the speed of light

P135a. The principle of the speed of light

 On the one hand, the speed of light is the point of phase transition of matter into the phase of radiation. On the other hand, it is the limiting speed of matter in space, due to the fact that at this speed matter ceases to inherit its metric from space. It loses one of its dimensions (in the direction of movement), and instead inherits the dimension inherent in hyperspace. (2. 4. 3)



Correspondingly, its constituent quanta of corporeality also have two dimensions. After that, they can already be called so with a very big stretch.

Secondly. The photon does not have its antiparticle.


 P. K 62. Principle of photon sign neutrality

Any quantum of e/m-radiation (photon) is neutral, since it always and necessarily consists of equal numbers of quanta of relativistic corporeality of opposite signs. (K 3. 1) K 62


 In this case, it is a relativistic substance with momentum, charge (more precisely, opposite charges) and mass. Another thing is that this substance is a rotating top, the frequency of rotation of which is the frequency of a photon.



Thirdly. A photon is able to be absorbed by an electron (cease to exist and transfer its substance and energy to an electron) only by completely absorbing its electromagnetic field by a similar field of an electron. In other words, the photon is absorbed through the e/m-field. It is emitted in the same way. After all, there are no photons inside the electron.


P. K 63. The law of absorption of a photon by an atomic electron

 There is no other way of absorption of a photon by an atomic electron, as through the complete absorption of the electromagnetic field of an electron by an electromagnetic field of this photon, and there cannot be. (K 3. 1) K 63


It is thee e/m-fields, since the electron itself and the solid nucleus of the photon have extremely small (literally point-like) dimensions, which makes their direct collisions with the electron almost impossible.


  The next question is the nature of the emergence of a quantum of corporeality from e / m radiation and the emission of a photon by a material particle.

  The main thing is, why do all electrons have the same mass? The same goes for protons and neutrons.

How are electrons and protons formed?  Of what?

Where and how do particles with negative energy exist?

There are many ideas, but the main condition for true philosophical knowledge is the correspondence of these ideas with facts. There will be new facts - there will be new principles. Cognition, it seems, will continue for a very long time.


V. N. Starovoitov

Brest, September 2012 - October 2015





(Dialectical psychology of man

and device)

Lecture 1

With sensory perception

 we comprehend like like like.








• Definitions of  epistemology

• Soul - the main subject of epistemology

• Truth above all

• Active knowledge is the basis of life

• Active knowledge is the basis of non-protein life form

• Active knowledge is the basis of the mind

• Definition of the subject area of ​ ​ science epistemology

• True information theory - a reliable foundation of epistemology


There is a definition of gnoseology (epistemology) given by Marxist philosophy. “The question of the methods, forms of scientific thinking is part of a broader problem: how are the forms and methods of thought in general formed? What is cognition? What is its origin? How does a person gain knowledge about the objects around him, about himself? What is Truth? The philosophers of antiquity were still engaged in these difficult questions. These same questions are increasingly of interest to modern philosophers. Therefore, philosophy, as an important part of it, includes the theory of knowledge, epistemology (from the Greek word “gnosis” - knowledge, cognition)”. (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 6)

Here its main subjects are correctly designated: " methods and forms of scientific thinking", " forms and methods of thought", " cognition", " truth. " There is also an academic style of presentation. What else do you need? And we need results. It is precisely their Marxist philosophy that did not receive them.

First, epistemology is a science, not a theory. This is a science that consists of dozens of theories. For example, the theory of truth. The theory of the origin of information. The theory of visual sensation, etc. So it is possible to call epistemology a theory of knowledge only out of frivolity.

Secondly, the study of cognition is the study of the intelligent actions of the human psyche.


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