P283. The principle of the origin of reason
P283. The principle of the origin of reason The emergence of active speech knowledge has become a necessary cause of the emergence of the human mind from the intellect of the higher vertebrate. (3. 1. 0. ) 283 Mind and speech evolved over several million years. There is a paleontology of speech.
It is interesting, but why, with such a huge variety of other species of animals, only man acquired reason? One would like to say that extraterrestrial civilization helped man in this. But there are no facts. But there are facts that the tissues of thebrain of the monkey and the human brain are difficult to distinguish even for an experienced specialist. So that only evolutionary development remains. One thing remains: it's just that man was the first of all other terrestrial animals in whom the development of the cerebral cortex was associated with the development of speech. Speech and mind are inseparable things. As for the role of labor in the historical process of the development of reason, animals work no less than humans. For example, beavers. But there was no speech, and no. There are communication signals specific for a certain group of animals. Of course, these signals carry certain meanings, but after all, certain meanings carry similar signals in a person, only this is not speech at all.
DEFINITION OF THE SUBJECT AREA OF THE SCIENCE OF GNOSEOLOGY The list of subjects of epistemology can be continued for quite a long time, however, what has already been said is quite enough for a clear definition of its subject area.
P284 The subject area of the science of epistemology is all informational reality, including the human psyche and all existing knowledge. In addition, it includes material and information mechanisms for the emergence, transfer, transformation, storage and use of information. (3. 1. 0. ) 284
It turns out that cognition itself (the field of intellectual activity) is a very small part of what epistemology really explores. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to call epistemology philosophical informatics or philosophical psychology, or philosophical dialectical logic. It is much broader, it necessarily includes all these scientific disciplines. It is a dialectical science where everything is connected. TRUE INFORMATION THEORY IS A RELIABLE FOUNDATION OF THE SCIENCE OF GNOSEOLOGY The necessary foundations of the science of epistemology are the true principles of information theory. This is its foundation. The first true ideas about the nature of information (then there was no such word), however, as well as about the nature of the psyche, arose even in Aristotle. “With regard to any feeling, it is generally necessary to admit that it is that which is capable of perceiving the forms of the sensed without its matter, just as wax takes the imprint of a ring made of iron or gold. The wax takes on a gold or copper impression, but not because it is gold or copper. Similarly, the sensation delivered by each sense organ experiences something from an object that has a color, or is perceived to taste, or conducts sound, but not because each such object means a separate object, but because it has a certain quality, i. e. ... perceived as a form (logos). What this ability is in is the original sense organ" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. S
р. 421) Golden words.
Nevertheless, cybernetics (computer science), mathematics, physics, logic, psychology, and all other sciences, even today, do not have a true information theory. And all this is only because information processes in these sciences are divorced from material carriers. Any information, by its nature, is a trace of Aristotle's ring. The science of informatics has not managed to create its own true theory of information, so we are terribly embarrassed to call it the term " informatics". And it turns out like a shoemaker without boots. Previously, this science was called cybernetics. This name suits her much better. The second and no less important reason for returning to its old name is that cybernetics was founded as the science of animals and machines. 2009-02-11
Philosophical knowledge is at the forefront of the fundamental problems of science. But philosophy has no boundaries between the subject areas of its disciplines, and this is its advantage over any private science
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