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P281. Law of life. P282. The law of the psyche. P34. The principle of the dialectical approach. Everything is connected, but only knowledge about it must be true. This is the whole essence of the dialectical approach

P281. Law of life

 Nothing material, but without active knowledge, itself must not be able to manage. Active knowledge is a necessary foundation for any life form. (3. 1. 0. )


Active knowledge is the basis of the psyche. Any psychic reflex is an automatic reaction of active knowledge. All mental activity of a person consists of elementary reflexes of billions of active rules of neurons and their responses. The essence of the psyche is primary in relation to its activity, since its activity is a phenomenon of the psyche, and the essence is its content (its structure), because only this essence carries out its mental activity.


P282. The law of the psyche

 The human psyche is always and must be a single system of its active knowledge, located in the form of a multilevel system of its active rules. These rules include all the data available in the psyche. (3. 1. 0. ) 282


The unlimited subject area of ​ ​ philosophy allows a person to clearly see each subject in its many connections with others. This is the essence of the dialectical approach. As Heraclitus said, “those who intend to speak with the mind must firmly rely on the common (ξ ύ ν ω ) for everyone, as citizens of the polis - on the law, and even much stronger. ”

P34. The principle of the dialectical approach

 The dialectical approach is the art of presenting an object in knowledge in such a way as it really exists in Being. The dialectician correctly reflects Being (the surrounding reality) in every real object. (1. 3. 4. ) 34



Everything is connected, but only knowledge about it must be true. This is the whole essence of the dialectical approach


Lecture 2

The truth about an object necessarily has only that object as its primary source.

 There are no pointless truths.

Parmenides' law


• The path of truth is a chain of many connections

• The first connection - light reflection

• Mechanism of diffuse light reflection

• Group of quanta of the same name

• The essence of the appearance of visual information

• Data is the " matter" of information

• Elementary primary signal


There is a necessary condition here: the material forms material connections, and the informational forms informational ones, but the material and informational entities do not interact with each other in any way, since they are completely different " matter".

P285. The principle of the path of truth

 The path of truth is a chain (sequence) of many different connections in which information processes take place. Initially, information appears in the form of raw data. After that, it repeatedly changes the forms of its existence until it receives its complete presentation in the form of an unchanging written speech position that fully corresponds to its source. (3. 2. 1. ) 285


Here the initial information at each stage of its " transformations" is the subject of the emergence of a new one corresponding to it. Moreover, any changes in information objects are always based on material changes in their carriers.


P285 a

 Any information must be specific and is existent, but it must be inseparable from its material carrier. (3. 2. 1. ) 285 a


After all, information, not that it itself is capable of changing, so it cannot even exist outside of its material carrier.



The original source is the first and necessary condition for the emergence of truth.


P5. Parmenides' Law

 The truth about an object necessarily has only that object as its primary source. There are no pointless truths. (1. 1. 0. ) 5


There is no source - there is no truth. This is a consequence of the Law of Parmenides. The idea belongs to him.

“One can only say and think what is: after all, being

There is, but nothing is: I ask you to think it over" (Fragments of early Greek philosophers. Part 1. M.: " Science". 1989. р. 296)

Truth is born only from its object or from the fact of this object. Truth without its source, the so-called " pointless truth", is completely impossible, because then this position is about nothing. But the fact that truths about similar objects are similar, then these circumstances should not at all create the illusion that such truths are one and the same. For example, two similar apples are not the same.



Any truth only about the state of its subject. Otherwise, since the object changes, then its previous correspondence with the truth necessarily disappears. The discrepancy between the constancy of the definition and the inconstancy of the subject of this definition was pointed out by Plato. According to Aristotle, "... he [Plato] believed that it is impossible to give a general definition of something from the sensually perceived, since it is constantly changing" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 79).

There is only one way out of such delusion: truth is an unchanging and corresponding particular definition of a certain state of its object. The state from which it actually arose.



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