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P12. The law of the necessary foundation of truth

P12. The law of the necessary foundation of truth

 The primary source of truth is always and necessarily that specific state of its object, from which it arose. This is its necessary foundation. The fact of this state is its perfect representative. (1. 2. 3. ) 12


The idea of ​ ​ a certain relationship between truth and a specific state of its object was also expressed by Aristotle himself: “And in general it makes no sense to judge the truth on the basis that the things around us clearly change and never remain in the same state. For in the search for truth, one must start from something that is always in the same state and does not lend itself to any change. And such are the celestial bodies: after all, they do not seem to be so, then different, but always the same and not involved in any change" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. p. 282).

Only space is always in the same state, but not those objects that consist of matter. But if the term “always” is replaced by the term “briefly”, then everything will basically turn out right.

 Only an object in its definite state or its fact satisfies all the requirements of the primary source of truth. Truth is unchangeable.



For example, let's take an apple as a source of truth. It is made of matter and reflects light. Each quantum of light is each quantum of matter. Substance is capable of direct interaction with material objects, therefore the reflection of light* is a material interaction.

P286. The principle of discrete light reflection

 Reflection of light is a process of material interaction between the stream of light and the body illuminated by it. This process proceeds as a sequence of brief acts of interaction of the body with one or a number of light quanta at the same time. (3. 2. 2. ) 286


The law of material connection (200) does not limit the simultaneous connections of a body with many other bodies, consisting of matter or matter.


Note: The term " light reflection" requires a brief explanation.

Specular reflection of light is the return of a part of the light beam falling on the surface of a material object in the same order and composition in which it came. There is no absorption here. Therefore, there is also no change in the spectrum of the reflected light. Such reflection occurs due to the fact that the dimensions of the irregularities of the reflecting surface of the material object are less than the length of the light wave. Specular reflection of light generates a minimum of information.


Diffuse reflection of light occurs in a completely different " scenario". First, a material object absorbs a photon falling on it, and then " in return" gives out its own. More precisely, since the atomic electron of this object, after absorbing this photon, cannot be in an unstable state for a long time. Therefore, this electron instantly emits its quantum of light. Therefore, the spectral composition of the reflected light turns out to be somewhat different, which in fact is the reason for the color of the body. In this case, light scattering still occurs, since there is no specular reflection.



Marxist philosophy makes extensive use of the term " reflection", which there denotes nonsense rather than something definite. We need clear meanings of the basic terms of epistemology, especially since reflection is not such a simple material phenomenon, and especially in the aspect of the emergence of data.



The process of diffuse reflection of light from a material source of information is necessarily a material mechanism for the emergence of visual information about this source. (3. 2. 2. ) 287


Specular reflection of light is not very informative. After all, when they look at a mirror, they usually see not it, but only themselves.


For each quantum of the reflected light, this mechanism acts as follows: Each act of material interaction between the source of information and the quantum of light falling on it ends with the fact that a reflected (secondary) quantum of light appears in this source. This is the result of the reflection process.



The result of the material interaction of the incident quantum of light and the material source of information is the reflected (secondary) quantum of light. (3. 2. 2. ) 288





 At the moment of reflection of the secondary quantum of light from the source of information, this source and the reflected quantum of light necessarily represent one material system (one material connection). (3. 2. 2)


But, since the absorption of the incident quantum of light and the emission of the secondary quantum occurs instantaneously, the moment (existence) of this connection is extremely short.



Each reflected (secondary) quantum of light, in the extremely brief moment of its reflection from a material source of information, it is necessary, like its source, were in their specific states. (3. 2. 2. ) 290


 The main thing is that these are bound states.



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