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Soul is the main subject of Gnoseology


The main subject of epistemology is the human psyche (soul). After all, the psyche learns. But how does it work? Without answers to this question, cognition can act only as a phenomenon. This has already been said: “It seems that the cognition of the soul contributes a lot to the cognition of all truth, especially the cognition of nature. After all, the soul is, as it were, the beginning of living beings. So, we want to explore and cognize its nature and essence, then its manifestations, of which some, presumably, constitute its own states, while others are inherent - through the medium of the soul - and living beings" (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. p. 371). But Aristotle was not the first to raise this question, because centuries earlier than what was said, the following sayings (aphorisms, gnomes) were carved above the entrance to the Delphic temple of Apollo: " Nothing beyond measure! " and " Know thyself! "

   So, cognition of the soul is the main task of epistemology.


The psyche is not bodily, it is an informational entity. The " matter" of information is data. But data is passive in nature, so active logical rules are needed to receive, transform, store and use it in various logical actions. Without them, the data can neither be claimed nor used. Therefore, the theory of information is at the very foundation of the science of epistemology. And the true information theory is today only in our philosophy. Without the principles of this theory, information can only be investigated as a phenomenon, which actually happens today in logic, computer science, psychology, etc.


 As matter and space are necessarily at the foundation of the material World, so data and logical rules are necessarily at the foundation of the World of information. (3. 1. 0) 280

  Information is an intangible entity, therefore its existence is necessarily associated with material carriers.



The subjects of epistemology are also truth, true principle and true theory. After all, who needs untrue (false) knowledge? Despite the fact that this epistemology is the third section of our philosophy, it actually also belongs to the first section. There was such a division due to the necessity that philosophy, as a science, must be true. Therefore, our philosophy begins with a theory of truth. It was for this that we had to divide our epistemology into two parts. After all, the right start is the right course on the path of knowledge. So our epistemology began in the " Elements".


 Active knowledge is also the subject of epistemology. After all, the soul consists of active knowledge. And in general, knowledge is the basis of life. For example, any DNA is a material carrier of its active knowledge. This knowledge itself controls the construction of the entire organism, starting with a pair of cells. Genes are the material carriers of their active knowledge. It is not difficult to guess that all these processes are not controlled by the carriers, but by active knowledge, since the carriers themselves simply do not know what they need to do.


P281. Law of life

Nothing material, but without active knowledge, itself must not be able to manage. Active knowledge is a necessary foundation for any life form. (3. 1. 0)


Who and where said and proved it? But these are the most elementary things that can be correctly explained in literally two paragraphs. Here, after all, everything is so simple that even a fifth-grade student ( pioneer Nikolai ) will certainly understand it.



Active knowledge is the basis of the psyche. Any psychic reflex is a reaction of active knowledge. Nobody asks them about it. They do it themselves, automatically. All mental activity of a person consists of elementary reflexes of billions of active rules of neurons and their responses. All without exception. But first of all, the essence of the psyche is important to us.

The essence of the psyche is necessarily primary in relation to its activity, since its activity is a phenomenon of the psyche, and the essence is its content. It is about this content that modern psychology today has the most vague ideas, although the activity of the psyche has been well studied by it. For us, the most important thing is the content of the psyche (its structure, its essence), because only this essence carries out its mental activity.


P282. The law of the psyche

 The human psyche is always and must be a single system of its active knowledge, located in the form of a multilevel system of its active rules. These rules include all the data available in the psyche. (3. 1. 0. ) 282




The psyche of a device is only active knowledge. And, although today there are still no devices with a full-fledged psyche, but this is a matter of only a few years! And indeed it is. And the indispensable solution of this issue will no longer be hindered by the fear of either smart work or other mental devices.

 In the field of creating psychic devices, Japanese scientists are ahead today. But in the field of the development of the theory of mental devices, of course, our philosophy is ahead of all. Three years ago, true information theories were created here, then, the true theory of the psyche (all our articles are dated). However, all my attempts to share this new knowledge with our scientists turned out to be completely useless. Well, ours is not the first time to lag behind Western scientists by thirty or forty years, since the real reason for their chronic “age backwardness” has always been and will be absolutely indifferent attitude to everything new and true, especially if it has not yet been published in leading scientific journals. Our scientists have long been accustomed to being outsiders in these areas (this is such a complex). Western scientists are much more curious and use everything new much more quickly.

Today our epistemology already knows exactly how to create a device capable of sensing, feeling and understanding the World and its place in it. Feel and understand this World in all the variety of sensations, emotions and conscious experiences. Already today, this, albeit to a very small extent, can be taught to any personal computer. And tomorrow it is already a non-protein form of life.




Speech active knowledge is the basis of the mind. The human psyche received its advantage only as a result of the use of the names of objects, that is, as a result of the emergence of speech and a mental speech organ called the mind. Actually, the mind arose from the intellect of the higher vertebrate, as a mental system based on the use of active speech knowledge (concepts and ideas), as well as on the use of mental organs for their processing. Moreover, it is mental organs, since there are well-known physiological organs of the nervous system, which are responsible for mental activity only by being the material carriers of mental organs. And reason arose not by chance, but precisely for the reason that logical (mental) operations with the names of objects turned out to be a thousand times more economical (more efficient) than logical operations with the very ideas and concepts of these objects.


P75. The principle of verbal thinking (Hegel's Idea) 

Thinking in the names of objects is a thousand times more economical than thinking in the meanings of concepts of the same name, which was a necessary basis for the emergence of speech and reason. (1. 5. 0. ) 75


And the " mind" that exists without speech is just the intelligence of an animal, for example, a dog. There is no reason without speech. In addition, along with speech, a person also acquired the ability to transfer huge amounts of knowledge to each other.



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