Magnetic moment of atomic electron
P. K 61 Magnetic field is the dynamic effect of the rotation of the electric field of a moving charge, since it does not begin with the charge, but only with its electric field. (K 2. 3) K 61
MAGNETIC MOMENT OF ATOMIC ELECTRON “Consider a hydrogen atom, in which an electron moves in a circular orbit around a proton, and calculate the estimated magnetic moment of the system. If the electron rotation frequency is f , then the equivalent current is: i = ef, and if m is the electron mass, R is the radius of the orbit, v is the linear velocity of the electron, then the angular momentum is: L = (mv) R = m2p f R2, where v = 2p f R. Further, if current i flows in a closed loop with area A, then the magnetic field, which it creates a magnetic field identical to the field of a magnet, having a magnetic moment m I = iА (for our case, А = pR2) ". (Acosta V. et al. Fundamentals of modern physics. M.: Enlightenment. 1981. p. 213) We had similar calculations:
iе = efе =1. 62 × 10 -19 C × 6, 57× 10 15 s -1 = 1, 1 × 10 -3 a.
Such a closed current in a small circuit is called an elementary electric current or a magnetic dipole. The area inside the orbit of a given electron
Sе = 3, 14 × (0. 53 × 10 -10 m)2 = 0, 88 × 10 -20 m2 .
Then the magnetic moment mI electrical impulse p–e = m –e v of a given atomic electron is equal to: mI = iе × Sе = 1, 1 × 10 -3 a × 0, 88 × 10 -20 m 2 = 9, 7 × 10 -24 a m 2 .
The geometric sum of the magnetic moments of all elementary electric currents (magnetic dipoles) of a certain body is always equal to the magnetic moment of this body, for example, a natural magnet. The direction of the magnetic induction vector always coincides with the direction of the magnetic arrow in the magnetic field from the south pole to the north. The same: the direction of the magnetic induction vector always coincides with the direction of the gimbal handle if it moves in the direction of the current (right-hand thread).
MAGNETIC CONSTANT The magnitude of the absolute magnetic permeability of the vacuum is called the magnetic constant mо = 12, 56637× 10 -7 Hn/m. It has long been known that the electric and magnetic constants are related by the ratio eо mо = 1/с2 . Since the ratio of the physical magnitude of the field source to the physical magnitude of its field is the most objective circumstance for determining the magnitude of the constant, we have introduced such objective constant coefficients.
Gravity coefficient. KG = g × 4p = 6, 6720 × 10 -11 N × m 2/kg 2 × 4 × 3. 142 = 8, 385 × 10 -10 m 3/ s2,
kg where the gravitational constant g = 6, 6720 × 10 -11 N × m 2/kg 2. The coefficient of gravity is a dimensionless coefficient, since the ratio of mass to its field has no dimension. That is, the mass and its field have the same dimensions, so the ratio of these dimensions is 1.
Electrical coefficient. KE = 1/ e0 = 1 V × m = 1, 13 × 10 11 V × m, 8, 854 × 10 - 12 C C
where e0 = 8, 85419 × 10 -12 F /m this is the electrical constant for a vacuum. And this coefficient is also a dimensionless coefficient, since the electric charge and its electric field have the same dimensions. The ratio of these dimensions is also equal to 1. KE = 1 = N Un = 1, 956 × 10 22 m3/ s 2 = 3. 440 × 10 33 m 3 / s2 . e0 QUn 5, 686 × 10 - 12 kg kg
Magnetic coefficient. kМ = mо/4, где mо = 12, 57 × 10 -7 Hn /m. (Magnetic constant for vacuum)
kМ = 12, 57× 10 -7 = 3, 14 × 10 -7 Hn /m, or 3, 14 × 10 -7 s2/ m2. 4
But this coefficient is not at all a dimensionless coefficient. Its source ( p–e= е × v ) has the dimension [C × m/s]. But the magnetic field Фе of this impulse itself has a completely different dimension [V× s]. The " distance" between the dimensions of the magnetic field and its source is a physical quantity with the dimension [m2 / s2]. The square of the speed of light with has the same dimension с 2.
The ratio of the electric and magnetic constants has one important feature eо / mо = 1/с 2. With respect to the electrical and magnetic coefficients, this feature is preserved. The ratio of the electrical ratio to the magnetic ratio is the electromagnetic ratio.
KE = 1, 13 × 10 11 V × m /C = 35, 98 × 10 16 m 2 = 4 с 2. kМ 3, 14 × 10 -7 Hn /m s 2
The ratio of the magnetic kM and gravitational kG coefficients requires reducing the dimension Hn / m to the annihilation mass metric. A unit charge QUnit = 1 C can be expressed as 5. 686 × 10 - 12 kg of annihilation mass. Then 1 Hn / m = 3. 09 × 10 22 m / kg. And correspondingly:
kМ = 3, 14 × 10 -7 Hn/m = 3, 14 × 10 -7× 3, 09 × 10 22 m /kg = 9, 70 × 10 15 m /kg.
kМ = 9, 70 × 10 15 m × 1 с 2 × kg = 1 = 1 . kG kg 8, 385 × 10 -10 m 3 8, 64 × 10 - 26 m 2/ s 2 1 × 10 - 42 с 2
E / M-INTERACTION OF PHOTON AND ELECTRON At first. The corporeality of e / m-radiation is not capable of being a substance of a quantum of matter. For this, it has a speed that is unacceptable for an ordinary quantum of corporeality. In addition, although the photon consists of quanta of corporeality, this is already a relativistic corporeality.
P. K 2 Substance e/m-radiation has the speed of light, where it is quantized only in energy. Due to its speed, it is not capable of forming a bodily connection in the form of a quantum of matter. In addition, this substance has its own special (relativistic properties). (K 1. 3) K 2
What is this element of a material body when it has the speed of light?
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