P302. Data activity law. Elementary primary signal. P304. The principle of an elementary primary light signal. A group of simultaneously reflected light quanta from a source of information is always and necessarily a carrier of primary data about a certai
P301 Any data arise only and is necessary in acts of material interactions (connections). They are stable traces of the action of one material object (their source) on another (their carrier). These traces correspond to the momentary act of this connection. (1. 4. 2. ) 301
There is a big difference between the data source and the original source. The transformer of primary data is always the source of the corresponding secondary data, but it is never their primary source. The law of origin of data necessarily applies to secondary data. Unless, for secondary data, there are material and informational mechanisms of correspondence to primary data. For example, the entire psyche is filled with such correspondence mechanisms, and the first of them are the rules of receptors. There is no receptor without its rule, because then it does not " know" what to do.
8. Active and passive data. Any data is not capable of having its own internal activity. They are always internally unchanged, which means they are passive. After all, not a single given has such a possibility of action that a quantum of matter possesses. Nevertheless, it can also be outwardly active due to the activity of its carrier. For example, signal data must be active due to the activity of its material carrier, but text data must be passive because of the passivity of its material carrier. P302. Data activity law The active given always and necessarily has its own active material carrier. (3. 2. 3. ) 302
The data themselves interact only if there is an information mechanism for their interaction. On the one hand, material entities do not interact with informational entities. There is no such interaction. On the other hand, informational entities are inseparable from their material carriers. Therefore:
P302 а Any informational processes always and necessarily have their material carriers, and hence the material mechanisms of their implementation. (3. 2. 3) 302 a
9. Data is a kind of " matter" of information objects. This is the law of objectivity of data (275).
P303 The amount of data in any state of any information object is necessary objectively. (3. 2. 3. ) 303
The amount of information in any state of the information object will not change, despite the different methods for determining it.
But how does mathematics know the truths about the objective nature of data, when material reality does not at all enter into its subject area? She does not even know them, therefore she piles up her ridiculous statements. “Information theory as an independent scientific discipline related to the perception, transmission and processing, storage and use of information was founded by the American scientist K. Shannon in the late 40s. 20th c. The theory proposed by Shannon was based on the fundamental concept of a quantitative measure of uncertainty - entropy - and a related concept - the amount of information" (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1994. р. 87) And further. “In order to make a choice in conditions of uncertainty, one must be able to assess the measure of objective uncertainty of successful and unsuccessful elections. This measure is called entropy. What properties should such a measure have? It is clear that in the absence of any uncertainty, this measure is equal to zero" (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 101) In other words, the amount of information in a message, according to Shannon's theory, depends on what exactly in this message the recipient needs and what not. I wonder how long mathematicians have been working on this " pearl of scientific thought"? That's where the 100% entropy really comes in. 2009-02-17
ELEMENTARY PRIMARY SIGNAL The first material intermediate object on the path of truth is a group of simultaneously reflected quanta of light. This is also an elementary primary signal. Call it whatever you like, and we have no particular desire to come up with new terms.
P304. The principle of an elementary primary light signal A group of simultaneously reflected light quanta from a source of information is always and necessarily a carrier of primary data about a certain specific state of their primary source. This is an elementary primary signal. (3. 2. 4. ) 304
And all the following groups of simultaneous quanta of the signal from the object of truth will already be the next elementary signals. And the very sequence of these groups is a signal, like a material process of data transfer. P305. The principle of the primary signal The sequence of elementary primary signals from one source is the primary signal. (3. 5. 3. ) 305 P279. Signal law Signal is a material process of data transfer. Signal quanta are material particles of any level of organization of matter. Simultaneous signal quanta are data carriers about a certain specific state of their source. (2. 12. 7. ) 279
The first informational intermediate object on the path of truth is the group of primary data carried by the elementary primary signal. Is it a lot or a little? It turns out that it is enough for visual information to be in the first place both in sensations and in perception.
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