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Lecture 3.  My main task is to prove that all acts of conscious and unconscious life. according to the mode of origin, they are reflexes.

Lecture 3

 My main task is to prove that all acts of conscious and unconscious life

according to the mode of origin, they are reflexes.

I. M.  Sechenov




• Material carriers of active logical rules

• Neuron - the main element of the nervous system

• Neuron sensitivity

• Narrow specialization of the receptor

• Coding is the main process in the world of information

• Automatic receptor activity

• Elementary physical sensation

• Elementary physical receptor response

• Elementary physical reflex of the receptor

• Elementary physical response of a neuron


  The human nervous system is a physical entity because it is material. It arose and developed in the process of evolution as a material carrier of the psyche, that is, it arose and developed along with the psyche.


The human psyche is an informational entity. The only material carrier of the human psyche is his nervous system. (3. 3. 1. ) 306


   If the nervous system can be examined under a microscope, then there is no such microscope under which mental (information) processes can be seen.


As at the base of the material World, quanta of matter must be located, so neurons must be located at the base of the nervous system. (3. 3. 1. ) 307

Therefore, we will begin the study of the nervous system precisely with the study of its substance at the neural level.




 The human nervous system is made up of neurons. Neurons are active physiological entities. They were created by nature for the implementation of the material side of the active informational activity of living beings. We deliberately do not consider the physiological side of the neuron, because it has been sufficiently fully and correctly investigated by physiologists. Our goal is to study the neuron as a material carrier of its active rule.



Each neuron is an elementary material transducer of the input material signal. Thus, it is necessarily the material carrier of the elementary information data converter of the incoming signal. Such a data transformer is called an atomic active rule. (3. 3. 1. ) 308


  Each neuron is an elementary (single, indivisible) active material carrier of its single instrument of informational activity of the psyche, which is its elementary active rule. The fact that a neuron is able to be a carrier of several rules at once, this principle will not cease to be true.

P308 a

Neuron, as a substantial element of the neural level of the nervous system, necessarily has its own elementary active rule. In turn, his rule is a substantial element of the level of elementary active rules of the psyche. (3. 3. 1) 308 a


It is neurons, as material carriers of their elementary active rules, that are always at the very foundation of the nervous system.


                            SENSITIVITY OF THE NEURON

The sensitivity of a neuron is a necessary basis for its automatic activity. Any neuron automatically (itself) reacts to the received signal corresponding to its physical function. Further, upon receiving a signal corresponding to it, it usually (if the signal is of sufficient strength) goes into a short phase of stimulation. And already in this phase, he gives out (produces and sends) his physiological response in the form of a secondary signal corresponding to his “settings”.

There is a wide variety of highly specialized neurons. Some neurons (receptors) receive external signals. Others process them (for example, associative neurons). Still others (motor neurons) bring decisions of mental organs to their immediate executors (to muscle tissues). The fourth are specialized in memorization, and thus are the material basis of memories, etc.


P308 b

 Every receptor is a neuron, but not every neuron is a receptor. (3. 3. 1. ) 308 b


There are about twenty times fewer receptors than other neurons.


Let's start with the receptor, since its activity is much simpler than that of any other neuron. There are quite a wide variety of receptor neurons. These are the “eyes and ears” of our nervous system.


P309. The principle of elementary physical sensation

 Sensation of a receptor is an elementary physiological reflex to a primary signal corresponding to its function. This automatic receptor response is called elemental physical sensation. (3. 3. 1. ) 309


The elementary physical sensation of the receptor and the elementary physical stimulation of any other neuron have much in common. Both the first and the second are elementary reflexes. Unless any sensation is always an irritation, but not always the other way around.



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