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P310. The principle of an elementary physical reflex

P310. The principle of an elementary physical reflex

A single automatic reaction of any neuron to a signal corresponding to its function is called an elementary physical reflex. (3. 3. 1. ) 310


An elementary physical (physiological) reflex is a function of one neuron.


There is a threshold of sensitivity of a neuron, which does not allow it to feel even " its" signal, the energy of which is below this threshold. Sensitivity is the property of an object to respond to signals of its own type, but of a certain range of strength. However, this does not mean that neurons are capable of feelings. Here is a very fundamental question related to the exact meaning of the term. Feeling is the type of reaction of a subject to a perceived object. For example, the reaction of a concept to its subject is a sense of understanding of that subject. Moreover, this feeling in itself also contains emotion (a feeling of relation to this object).

A neuron, on the other hand, is not capable of feeling, since only a concept, skill, instinct, or any other recognizing program is capable of this. This is said to the fact that in no case should the terms " sensitivity" and " feeling" be connected, although this is generally accepted.


Psychology often calls sensations feelings, but if linguistics is still forgivable, then psychology is no longer there.




All receptors are highly specialized. Each receptor responds only to the type of signal for which it is tuned. Elementary physical sensations are elementary reflexes of individual receptors. Nevertheless, receptors are tuned by nature to receive and encode primary signals of only a certain type.



 A wide variety of highly specialized receptors necessarily generates a subtle differentiation (differences) of the primary signals received by the sensory systems. (3. 3. 1. ) 313


Receptors not only receive primary signals, but also issue secondary signals corresponding to them on the basis of their sensations.


P314. The coding principle for the receptor

 The receptor is a highly specialized transducer of the received primary signal. The implementation of a one-to-one correspondence between the received (primary) and output (secondary) signals is called coding. (3. 3. 1. ) 314


And the receptor carries out the process of coding the signal only due to its active rule. Without this rule, he simply would not know what to do.

Some receptors receive primary signals from objects of the external World, and thus a person physically feels everything that happens outside his body. Other receptors receive primary signals from muscles and joints, and thus a person physically feels the " scheme" of his body. Still others receive primary signals from internal organs, and the data of these signals play a key role in managing homeostasis (the optimal state of all physiological systems and processes of the body).


  Receptors receive and physically sense primary signals carrying primary data. Further, according to their psychophysiological functions, they respond to these signals with their secondary signals, which carry the secondary data of their sensations. (3. 3. 1. ) 315


Only the data of the physical sensations of the receptors allow the psyche to navigate both in the environment, and in the state (in the scheme) of the body, and in the state of the internal organs. In a brief act of reaction to its elementary sensation, the receptor necessarily forms its physiological response. This response is its secondary signal carrying the data of this physical sensation. This is the nature of the receptor. It is an elementary physiological automaton programmed for a specific physical function.


Note: The term " physical", in relation to the nervous system, always means " physiological".



In the material World, there is no such material process called coding. But in the World of Information, coding is the main process. The way material interaction is in the material World. And nothing less.

Material carriers of active rules encode the signal only because they are governed by their own rules. From the outside, it looks like the tail is wagging the dog, but this is really so, since material bodies, not being carriers of active rules, by themselves are not capable of coding. Coding is the basis of the vital activity of any organism, therefore, all living things widely use a wide variety of coding processes in order to live.


P315 a

The living must live and continue life in subsequent generations - this is the main code of life. (3. 3. 1. ) 315 a


Actually, any coding originates from here. The randomly arisen rule for a protein molecule to create its own copy is the first rule of life. It both arose by chance and was accidentally fixed. A random life reaction to the action of the environment, carried out by one of the copies of this molecule, is already the second rule of life. It also arose by chance, and was accidentally fixed. And further development, evolution follows. It seems that this topic is key in epistemology and is not worthy of a short explanation.


                          AUTOMATIC RECEPTOR ACTIVITY

A receptor is a narrowly selective elementary material automaton. Any receptor acts automatically (reflexively). Translated from Greek, automatos is self-acting. Each receptor is highly specialized and therefore reacts only to the type of signal corresponding to it. For example, photoreceptors do not respond to sound signals.

 In addition, each receptor has its own lower and upper sensitivity thresholds. Therefore, if the receptor even receives the type of signal corresponding to it, but this signal is weaker than the lower threshold of its sensitivity, then it will not react to it in any way. This signal does not have enough energy to initiate the receptor reflex. If the energy of the signal is higher than the upper threshold of its sensitivity, then everything will end only with a sensation of pain, but not with a reflex.


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