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 A reflex is a kind of shot.  He either is or he is not.

                A reflex is a kind of shot.  He either is or he is not.


P316. The principle of narrow selectivity of the receptor

 A receptor is an elementary physical automaton that is tuned only to a certain type of signal. He works narrowly and selectively. And if the receptor is tuned to signal type A, and if it receives this signal of sufficient strength, then it must pass into an excited state (phase of physical sensation). And already in this phase, it automatically gives out its response in the form of a secondary signal of type B. (3. 3. 1. ) 316


For example, the photoreceptor does not react at all to a sound signal transmitted by air vibrations.



Any receptor is always and necessarily a narrowly specialized elementary automatic transducer of the primary signals received by the nervous system.

                                                                                                     (3. 3. 1. ) 317


For some reason, psychology does not begin this topic with a clear definition of the source (subject) of an elementary physical sensation, which is only a receptor. As if the sensation is an independent object, and not the reaction of the subject of sensation.




Elementary physical sensation is a brief phase of arousal of an individual receptor. This is his reflex. Only the receptor is physically felt. Only he is capable of physical sensation due to the peculiarities of his material content. He does it automatically.


P318. The principle of elementary physical sensation

Each excited state of a receptor is always and must be its automatic and narrowly specialized elementary physical reaction to a stimulus determined by its function. This reaction (reflex) is an elementary physical sensation.

                                                                                                     (3. 3. 1. ) 318


And only being in the excitation phase, the receptor forms and sends its response to the perceived stimulus. It is clear that this answer has the form of a secondary signal. The answer is a continuation of the reflex, but is not included in its content. These are different entities, since the receptor reflex is the receptor itself in a reflex state, and its response is a secondary signal. Psychology does not yet know this.



  The elementary physical response of the receptor arises automatically. But this answer is no longer an elementary sensation, but only its consequence, its necessary continuation. Moreover, the material component of this signal is a certain electrical or chemical impulse created by the receptor. The receptor response already has its own independent material existence.

P319. The principle of the elementary physical response of the receptor

 Each elementary physical response (secondary signal) to a physical stimulus, each receptor must form and send in each of its excited state (in the phase of sensation). This answer is a consequence of a specific elementary sensation and always carries data about this specific sensation. (3. 3. 1. ) 319


If a reflex is an automatic action, then its response is the result of that action.



The principle of the elementary physical reflex of the receptor is quite obvious.

P320. The principle of the elementary physical reflex of the receptor

Each of its elementary physical response to a physical stimulus, each receptor automatically forms in each of its excited state (phase of sensation). Thus, the first and second necessarily constitute an involuntary action (reflex) and its necessary result (response). Therefore, there is a necessary correspondence between the elementary physical reflex of the receptor and its result.

                                                                                                      (3. 3. 1. ) 320


The beginning of the materialist theory of reflexes was laid by the outstanding Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov. In the book " Reflexes brain ”he noted that the most complex processes of mental life should be considered materialistically as complex reflexes. A similar materialistic position was inherent in another outstanding Russian (later Soviet) physiologist I. P. Pavlov.


Today our philosophy, thanks to its own materialistic theory of information, confidently continues the work of Sechenov and Pavlov.




 Every receptor is a neuron, but not every neuron is a receptor.


P321. The principle of elementary physical irritation

Each excited state of a neuron is always and must be its elementary automatic and narrowly specialized physical reaction to a stimulus (signal) determined by its nature. This state of necessity is an elementary physical irritation.

                                                                                                        (3. 3. 1. ) 321                                                                                                                        



P322. The principle of the elementary physical response of a neuron

Each of its elementary physical response (secondary signal) to a physical stimulus, each neuron must form and send in each of its excited states (in the phase of elementary stimulation, reflex). This response is necessarily a consequence of irritation and necessarily carries data on the fact of this irritation. (3. 3. 1. ) 322


 For any neuron, whether it is a receptor or not, reflexive (automatic) activity is always inherent.


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