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P325. The law of the essence of the psyche

P325. The law of the essence of the psyche

 Active rules are the only informational entities capable of active informational activity. Only active rules are capable of receiving, processing and using input data, and then producing the corresponding secondary data. Therefore, the entire psyche is necessarily a complex multi-level system, the lowest level of which is its active rules. (3. 3. 2. ) 325


The psyche's need for active rules is absolute. Data without active rules will simply remain unclaimed.

If we talk about the informational activity of a neuron, we mean only that it is the material carrier of its active rule. A neuron without a rule is simply not capable of direct informational activity also for the simple reason that there is no direct interaction of matter and information in nature.


P326. The principle of prohibition of direct interaction of matter and information

 Necessarily there is no direct interaction between material and informational entities. (3. 3. 2. ) 326


For example, the active rule does not reflect light at all, so it is completely invisible under the microscope.        


                    TOPIC LAW OF ACTIVE RULE

Any active rule must have a specific informational entity. As an informational entity, it always and necessarily has its own specific material carrier.


P327. The topical law of an active rule

Any active rule is an informational entity, and only it is the subject of active informational interaction with input data. It is always and necessary concretely and exists only on its concrete material carrier (neuron).

                                                                                                          (3. 3. 2. ) 327


And already two completely identical rules are not the same, since each of them has its own specific material carrier.




  The logical (mental) side of any elementary sensation is necessarily based on active logical rules. Any rule of any receptor is an elementary logical automaton.


P328. The principle of selectivity of the active rule of the receptor

 The receptor rule is a logical automaton. It works selectively as a rule of implication: " if A - then B". If data of type A entered the first part of the rule, then it comes into an excited state (phase of mental sensation). And already in this phase it gives out its answer in the form of secondary data of type B.

                                                                                                         (3. 3. 2. ) 328


For example, the photoreceptor rule does not react at all to the input signal data transmitted by air vibrations.

In addition, any elementary rule of the receptor can be represented as a sequence of two simple ones (from this it will not cease to be elementary).



Any elementary rule of the receptor can be represented as a sequence of two simple ones: " If A - then O" and " If O - then B". Where " O" is the excited state of the receptor rule, which is an elementary mental sensation. And already in this phase of sensation it gives out its answer in the form of secondary data of type B. (3. 3. 2. ) 329


Such a formulation is much better, since there is already an elementary psychic sensation here. In general, only by the secondary data of the rules of its receptors, the psyche literally sees and hears everything that happens outside and inside the body.



The elementary psychic reflex of the receptor rule is always the informational side of the elementary physical reflex of its receptor.


P330. The psychophysical law of the elementary reflex of the receptor

 Any elementary psychic reflex of the receptor rule must be specific. And it is necessarily the informational side of a specific elementary physical reflex of its receptor. (3. 3. 2. ) 330


 The elementary physical sensation of the receptor is its elementary physical reflex, which always has its informational side in the form of an elementary mental sensation (reflex) of its active rule.



 Information activity of the receptor is reduced only to the fact that it is the physical carrier of its active rule. (3. 3. 2. ) 331


Direct informational activity can only be carried out by an informational entity; this is regulated by the principle of prohibition of direct interaction of matter and information (326).



                               ELEMENTARY MENTAL SENSE

The psychic side of elementary physical sensation is the state of arousal of the rule of an individual receptor. This state is very brief - only hundredths of a second. But about what this sensation is, then the subsequent systems of mental perception will learn all this only from the obtained secondary data of each elementary response to each rule of the receptor.

P332. The law of elementary mental sensation

Each excited state of the receptor rule is an elementary psychic sensation.

                                                                                                      (3. 3. 2. ) 332


The answer to this rule is already an elementary psychic answer.


P333. The principle of the elementary mental reflex of the receptor rule

Each elementary psychic response to the data of a physical stimulus forms a receptor rule in each of its excited states (phase of sensation). Each such phase of mental sensation is an elementary mental reflex, therefore there is a necessary unity of the elementary mental reflex of the receptor rule and its response. (3. 3. 2. ) 333


This is a special case of the law of the elementary mental reflex, since elementary mental reflexes produce all active rules of the psyche, without exception.



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