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Active program.   psychophysical law. An elementary active rule is an elementary logical automaton. P343. Psychophysical law


The basis of the active memories of the human psyche and logical structure must be formed by active logical rules. Only through active rules is it possible to carry out information activities with data. The invention of computer programs and databases on the worldwide network expanded the limits of human memory by orders of magnitude. (3. 3. 2. ) 341


In just two decades, this led to the information revolution and once again greatly increased the power of man. The process of expanding memory is not at all something far-fetched, but really is an informational interaction that is of decisive importance in the course of development of human civilization.




An elementary active rule is an elementary logical automaton. A complex active rule (active program) consists of simple active rules.



Any complex active rule (active program) always and must have a system of elementary active rules. This is their connection. Active rules are connected only and are necessary by their active material carriers, for only their carriers have material communication channels. (3. 3. 2. ) 342


There is no information entity that would be a communication channel. In the body, these are neurons with long axons, and in technical devices, these are microprocessors, wires and other " hardware".



                        PSYCHOPHYSICAL LAW

Modern psychology does not yet possess true definitions of the real essence of the psyche. She does not use the term " active rule" or the term " elementary psychic reflex". But these terms designate the very foundations of the essence of the psyche and mental activity.

Today psychology confidently and correctly discusses the physiological essences and processes of the nervous system. This is understandable since they can be viewed under a microscope. Like is cognized by like, and that is why she sees only what she knows well. " Almost all scientists differ in that from any fact they deduce only what they know and do not know how to discover in it what they do not know. " (Bacon F. Soch. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1971. p. 385)

Therefore, she knows mainly the physiology of the nervous system and its activity. An essential part of a person's mental activity is manifested in his behavior. BIHEVIORISM [eng. behaviorism ^ behavior behavior] is a pseudoscientific theory widespread in modern bourgeois (especially American) psychology (Watson et al. ), which ignores the phenomena of consciousness and completely reduces human behavior to physiological reactions" (Dictionary of foreign words. M., " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1964)

The connection between nervous and mental activity is explained only by psychophysical laws, first formulated in our philosophical doctrine.


Psychophysical Law 

 Its essence is that everything informational (logical) in the psyche always and necessarily has its material (physiological) carrier. For example, if he feels the rule of the receptor, then this is the mental side of the sensation, and if he feels the receptor, then this is already the physiological side of the same sensation. Moreover, this always happens and is necessary.


P343. Psychophysical Law

Since information is not able to exist separately from its material carrier, then any element and process of the psyche always necessarily has its own specific material carrier and, accordingly, the carrier, its material process. (3. 3. 3. ) 343


This law was foreseen by Hegel. It was he who showed us the way to solve the psychophysical problem: " But the duty of science is to show the necessary relationship that dominates between a certain inner sensation and the physiological significance of the organ in which this sensation is embodied" (Hegel. Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. T. 3. M., " Thought", 1977. р. 120) Golden words. Here Hegel said exactly what Sechenov later developed.


In addition, this Psychophysical Law completely destroys the false hypothesis of psychophysical dualism. “DUALISM [lat. dualis double, dual] –1) philosophical doctrine (Descartes, Kant) recognizing matter and consciousness, being and thinking, nature and spirit as two independent, independent principles and trying in vain to combine materialism with idealism (opposed to monism); 2) duality, duality ”. (Dictionary of foreign words. M., " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1964)

But information, as something independent from its material carrier, does not necessarily exist. Therefore, any informational interaction is always and necessarily a side of material interaction. Another thing is that informational objects of the psyche control both mental processes and their carriers. They control because any elementary rule is necessarily the logical side of its active material carrier.

                In the material World, there is no such subject called " control"!



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