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P374. The topical principle of the data structure of the visual light image

P374. The topical principle of the data structure of the visual light image

By virtue of the topical principle of the structure of the visual light image, the data of each quantum of light of any visual light image must have a place of its quantum on the retinal photomatrix. And thus, the structure of the visual light image necessarily matches the data structure of that image. (3. 4. 3. ) 374


Thus, the optical system of the eye forms a certain discrete and flat structure of the data of the visual light image, which exactly corresponds to its original source for the reasons of its occurrence.



The data structure of the visual light image of an object is necessarily an information model of this object in some of its definite state. Moreover, this structure necessarily coincides with the structure of this image. (3. 4. 3. ) 375


This is how the psyche receives its first informational (psychic) ​ ​ model of a visible object. It is from this model that the activity of the psyche actually begins, both in terms of visual psychic sensations and in terms of visual psychic perceptions. “The model of some object is understood as another object (real, symbolic or imaginary), different from the original one, which has properties essential for modeling purposes and, within the framework of these goals, completely replaces the original object”. (Informatics: Encyclopedic Dictionary for Beginners. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 121)


3. The eye and the reflected light constitute the material mechanism for the appearance of images, where the eye plays the role of a material instrument. And since any light image of an object is its discrete light material model, here the optical system of the eye performs a modeling action. And it forms dozens of discrete material images of various objects in the field of view in just one second. And each of them necessarily has its own information side in the form of a data structure of the image of this object. Moreover, each quantum of the light image of each visible object necessarily carries data about the place and time of its occurrence, and also about the color and brightness of the point of the source from which it was reflected.

 In general, judging by the volume and quality of the created information models of external objects, the organs of vision have no equal. This is confirmed by psychology. This was also noted by Aristotle: "... vision more than all other senses contributes to our knowledge and reveals many differences [in things]. " (Aristotle. Works. T. 1. M., " Thought", 1975. р. 65)



 4. The eye creates material models of visible objects in the form of material images, and then perceives each of them. And none the sensory organ, except for the eye, is incapable of creating material models of perceived objects. And if the item is not only in the field vision, but also in the center of attention of the psyche, then the eye literally " feels" its successive images by directing the axis of view to the most important points of this object.




Lecture 6

                             At the bottom of the eye, on the side opposite to the pupil, the end of the optic nerve lies in the form of a solid membrane. On this membrane, as on a photographic plate, images of objects lying in front of the eye are drawn, and the presence of these images is absolutely necessary in order for a visual sensation to be possible.

I. M. Sechenov



• Photoreceptor

• Narrow topological selectivity of the photoreceptor

• Other forms of photoreceptor selectivity

• Automatic photoreceptor actions

• The receptor is a magic pass between the material world and the spiritual world

• Photoreceptor rule

• Topical law of the photoreceptor rule

• Topographic selectivity of the photoreceptor rule

• The law of material nature of active rule

• Cybernetic rule principle


All photoreceptors materially interact with the light image of an object according to the topical principle of the structure of the visual light image (368). So and not otherwise. Another thing is that not every light quantum has enough energy to overcome the receptor sensitivity threshold. But, in any case, such material interaction always and necessarily occurs.



1. The key point in the nature of visual sensation is that every visual light image does not disappear without a trace. And those photoreceptors of the retina, on which it was projected by the optical system of the eye, absorb it in an instant process of material interaction. (Material interaction is always a material connection and always vice versa. )



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