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P368. The topical principle of the structure of the visual light image

P368. The topical principle of the structure of the visual light image

 Each quantum of the light visual image of an object on the light-sensitive surface of the retina necessarily has the place of the photoreceptor with which it materially interacts. Therefore, each quantum of the two-dimensional structure of any visual light image must be determined by the place of the retinal photoreceptor interacting with it. (3. 4. 2. ) 368


A specific material visual image of an object entered into a material connection with specific photoreceptors. And then it is up to each receptor to decide whether it will respond to interaction with its quantum of light or not.





 Here, first of all, the essence of the visual situation should be determined, otherwise it will not be clear what is actually being discussed later. And the fact is that a person is constantly surrounded by many visible and invisible objects. He is always surrounded by a multitude of changing objects, and this multitude is the environment, the setting.



The totality of objects directly surrounding a person is called the environment, the situation. (3. 4. 2. ) 369


Since each visual light image is discrete, it reflects only one state of the visible area of ​ ​ the environment. And this " one state of all environmental objects that are in the field of vision of the eye", we call the term " visual situation". So shorter.



A situation is a state of the environment. This is the state of a system of objects in their simultaneous states.


P370. The principle of the situation

 The simultaneous states of all objects surrounding a person at any given time is a situation. It is necessary discrete, since it corresponds only to one specific moment in time. (3. 4. 2. ) 370


A similar principle was formulated in the Beginnings, but it is slightly different, since there was a different topic.


 P35. The principle of the situation

 The connections and relationship of any object with the nearest surrounding objects - it is always and necessary is an instant fragment of Being, called a situation. A changed situation is a different situation. (1. 3. 7. ) 35


The same objects of the situation that are at the moment in the field of vision of the eye are only part of the situation. This part is the visual situation.


  P371. The principle of the visual situation

 Any visual situation is a specific state of the system of visible objects, therefore it is necessary instant, discrete and unique. (3. 4. 2. ) 371

Note: The term " situation" is used ambiguously today. For example: “SITUATION [fr. situation] - 1. position, situation, set of circumstances ”. (Dictionary of foreign words. M., " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1964) But the situation is only the state of a certain system of objects of which it consists. But what is usually called a changing situation should be called a changing situation or environment.

The situational vision area is the entire field of view of the eye.



 All photoreceptors of the retina must correspond to the area of ​ ​ the situational vision of the eye. (3. 4. 2. ) 372


Here the main thing is different: since the situation is unique, its image is also unique.


P373. The principle of the uniqueness of the visual light image of the situation

Any visual light image of a situation must be discrete and unique, since the situation consists of objects located in it, which, in turn, are in their last states from a number of those that have already occurred. (3. 4. 2. ) 373


It is as unique as every movie frame.


P373 а

A visual light image of a situation is a frame of a situation. (3. 4. 2. ) 373 a


We are forced to offer short synonyms, otherwise our new terms will consist of a dozen words. This is what the " movie" is.


There is another important point here: the optical system of the eye is not capable of forming light images of only objects that are necessary for the psyche, therefore the eye sees everything that only exists in its field of view.


P373 b

 All objects that exist in the field of vision of the eye are necessarily objects of the visual situation. (3. 4. 2. ) 373 b


Vision is selective, but not so selective as to see only the objects it needs. Everything is seen, but with a different quality, since the greatest density of receptors is in the central region of the retina.




 All data of the visual light image is structured and discrete, as is their medium, which is this image.



1. Each quantum of the light image of an object is a material point, and it is a material carrier of data about the source object. More precisely, data on that material point of the state of the source object, from which it was reflected.

It can be said in more detail, at the moment of its reflection from the object-source of information, this quantum carried away the traces of material interaction with it. Moreover, these traces are necessarily new material features of a given quantum, acquired by him in this interaction. And these new acquired characteristics have their information side: they are information about the source object, which are called the primary data of this object.


2. The informational (mental) side of the visual light image contains several key points.

· Any image of an object on the retinal photomatrix consists of effective quanta of an elementary light signal, reflected from this object in a certain definite state.

· Each such quantum carries data about the state of this object.

·  Each quantum of this image, due to the topical principle of the structure of the visual light image (348), has a photoreceptor interacting with it.





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