Detailed view area. Visual light image of the object. P364. The principle of materiality of an optical light image. P355. The principle of discreteness of the visual light image
Detailed view area.
P362 Photoreceptors of the central zone of the retina (about 1% of their total number) correspond to the zone of detailed vision. (3. 4. 1) 362
And the centers of attention of the psyche make the eye literally feel any object in the zone of its visual attention. According to Sechenov, " the eye examining an object produces essentially the same groping movements as the hand. " P363 On the basis of the control commands of the psyche, the eye directs its axis of view to one or another point of the observed object. Thus, he places the point of the light image of this object, which is of interest to the organs of perception, in the very center of the photomatrix. (3. 4. 1. ) 363 2008-09-28
VISUAL LIGHT IMAGE OF THE OBJECT A visual light image of an object is always an optical image, but not always the other way around, since the device can also create an optical image of an object.
1. The material nature of the visual light image is that it is really " woven" of material light, and not of material colors. The visual light image is created only by the optical system of the eye, since it is an organ of the vision system. The optical light image of the object appears only on the screen of the optical system. That is why it is optical. The optical image of an object consists only of material quanta of light. Therefore it is material. The optical light image of an object exists only in a brief moment of material interaction of the light reflected from this object and the screen of the optical system. And without interaction with the screen, these quanta of light remain rays, but only image elements.
P364. The principle of materiality of an optical light image Any optical light image of an object is necessary material, since it consists only of light quanta. It exists only in a brief moment of material interaction of the light reflected from this object and the screen of the optical system. (3. 4. 2) 364
The visual light image is the first material intermediate object of the physiological vision system. 2. The discreteness of the visual light image of an object is based on the fact that the moment of existence of any light image is extremely short, since light quanta instantly interact with the surface of the retina. That is why each visual light image of an object corresponds only to a certain state of this object.
P355. The principle of discreteness of the visual light image Any visual light image of an object must be discrete. The data of such an image is always and necessarily a fact that reflects the state of the depicted object. (3. 4. 1. ) 355 However, here we consider this image as a discrete material light model, so the previous principle should be supplemented with one more.
P365. The principle of discreteness of the visual light image of an object Any visual light image of an object is necessarily a discrete material light model of a specific state of this object. This model is created by the optical system of the eye on the light-sensitive surface of the retina. (3. 4. 2. ) 365
Therefore, an object moving in the field of vision of the eye corresponds only to a sequential series of its visual images. It can be said that a sequential series of states of the observed object corresponds to a sequential series of its visual light models formed by the optical system of the eye. (Definition ready)
P366 Not a single organ of sensation, except for the eye, is capable of creating material models of perceived objects. (3. 4. 2. ) 366
Vision literally " feels" the material light models of the observed objects by directing the visual axis to the most informative areas of the observed object. Thus, it places the desired fragment of its image in the most sensitive area of the retina.
3. A visual light image of an object is a material system (structure), although it exists for a very short moment in time. The light image of an object is a material model of only one state of this object, which is instantaneous. Therefore, it consists of quanta of the set, simultaneously reflected from this one specific state of the object. (The state of an object is an object that is in some of its definite state. ) Therefore, all these quanta of light are called simultaneous quanta or elementary light signal. Part of the quanta of the elementary light signal, which reached the screen of the optical system of the eye, are already a material system. And this is only because they entered into material interaction with the screen. Those quanta of the elementary signal that have reached the screen of the optical system of the eye are called effective quanta. But this is a very small part of the entire elementary signal, since the reflected light is uniformly scattered in space.
P367. The principle of the material structure of the visual light image The visual light image of an object is necessarily a material system of effective quanta of the elementary primary signal, since these quanta are connected with the retinal screen in an extremely brief material interaction. (3. 4. 2. ) 367
Without meeting the retinal screen, these quanta will remain signal elements, but will not become elements of the material structure.
4. The topical principle of the structure of the visual light image is based on the fact that each photoreceptor has its own specific place on the retina. Consider the material interaction of a quantum of light and a photoreceptor. Since each quantum of the visual light image of an object is really a material point, it materially interacts with a specific material point of the screen. And since the screen of the visual light image is the light-sensitive surface of the retina (photomatrix), consisting of 137 million photoreceptors, it is clear that each quantum of the image materially interacts with one specific receptor. Moreover, each point on the surface of the eye photomatrix is already determined by some of its photoreceptors, since each point has its own place on it. This is the topical principle of the photoreceptor (356).
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