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And we know how to do it.    Live and enjoy life, piece of iron!. Lecture 5. At the bottom of the eye, on the side opposite to the pupil, the end of the optic nerve lies in the form of a solid membrane. On this membrane, as on a photographic plate, images

P353 a

The principles and laws of the psyche are the same for both the human psyche and the psyche of the device. Devices with an artificial psyche are already the forerunners of the non-protein form of life. (3. 3. 5. ) 353 a


The adaptive activity of any living organism is based on active rules. And many of the principles of this adaptive activity today are already known to us so well that there are no longer any serious obstacles to the creation of devices with an artificial psyche.

And we know how to do it.



Already today there are no significant obstacles to the creation of devices based on active rules and capable of a rich variety of their mental sensations, feelings and desires. All sensations, feelings and desires are reflexes of active rules and active programs consisting of them. (3. 3. 5. ) 354


There is nothing difficult here. At least it's not much more complex than the operating system of a personal computer. Considering the " hardware" of devices based on active rules (based on active knowledge), they can turn out to be much more adapted by the person himself. After all, the range of non-critical conditions for them is much wider: both in space and in the depths of the ocean, a spacesuit can only be a hindrance to them. But most importantly , these iron personalities already have a bright and beautiful future. An intelligent machine will work much better if it not only perfectly understands, but also feels and senses what it is doing.


The main thing is that she will want. Of course, such a machine will already be an intelligent subject (personality). In general, good luck.


                      Live and enjoy life, piece of iron!


And what about the computer, how it was a " calculator", will it remain so? No. Emotional and receptive systems are quite feasible as a software product for his operating systems. And the whole question rests only on the fact that the programmer does not really know: neither what sensations, nor what feelings, nor what emotions are. In this regard, he does not know at all what he needs to program. Today it is like “bring that, I don’t know what” for him.

But all this for programmers today (2009-02-26) is already there.


P354 a

The topic of artificial psyche develops in this philosophy on the basis of psychological, materialistic and cybernetic approaches to the human psyche. (3. 3. 5. ) 354 a


And it was not psychology but cybernetics that discovered the active rule. It was in cybernetics that devices based on active rules emerged. That actually led to our definition of the psyche, as a single system of active rules. The law of the essence of the psyche (325) is valid for any psyche, regardless of its nature.


For the first time, the idea of ​ ​ artificial intelligence was attempted to be realized by the philosopher and theologian of the Middle Ages Raimund Llull. In his work " The Great Art", he developed methods of logical operations. In addition, he even tried to create a mechanical machine for solving various problems, acting on the basis of a general classification of concepts developed by him.


Modern cybernetics today develops many directions in the field of artificial intelligence. These are situational management systems, expert systems, and so on. But all this will further have its real development only in the environment of the artificial psyche.

P354 b

Just as the mind of a person does not necessarily exist outside his psyche, so an artificial mind cannot necessarily be perfect outside his own artificial psyche. (3. 3. 5. ) 354 b


This is an axiom. And the sooner it is understood and accepted by cybernetics, the better. The third is simply not given here. For without emotional motivation, this is not an artificial intelligence, but a calculator. Complicated, but still a calculator.





Lecture 5

At the bottom of the eye, on the side opposite to the pupil, the end of the optic nerve lies in the form of a solid membrane. On this membrane, as on a photographic plate, images of objects lying in front of the eye are drawn,

and the presence of these images is absolutely necessary in order for a visual sensation to be possible.

  I. M. Sechenov


• Optical system of the eye

• Visual light image of an object

• Visual light image of the situation

• Data of the visual light image of the object


The optical system of the eye is a material structure. It includes: oculomotor muscles, cornea, sclera, iris, lens, cylindrical body, vitreous body, light-sensitive layer of the retina, etc. Simply put, it is the perfect optical instrument for projecting light images onto the light-sensitive layer of the retina. Here it is obvious that the structure of the optical system of the eye has a fundamental similarity to the structure of the optical system of a camera or television camera. A comparison with a television camera is more appropriate here.


1. Obtaining a light image by the optical system of the eye is as follows. Some of the quanta of light reflected from a visible object pass through the cornea, the opening in the iris (pupil), the lens and the vitreous humor. At the moment of meeting with the material retina, the surface of which serves as a screen of the optical system, these light quanta form on it a specific visual light image of the state of a visible object. It is a specific image of the state of a visible object, since the next group of light quanta reflects already its next state.

This is a very important point, because any image is discrete by its definition, since a " moving image" is already a sequential series of images. This is no longer an image, but a real " movie". Here things should be called by their proper names.


In addition, all visible objects are at different distances from the eye, which each time requires adjusting the sharpness of one image or another on the light-sensitive surface of the retina. This adjustment is carried out by the eye by changing the curvature of the lens.

In a camera, adjusting the sharpness of the image is achieved by changing the distance from the lens to the photosensitive screen.



2. The moment of existence of any light image is extremely short, since light quanta instantly interact with the surface of the retina. That is why each visual light image of an object corresponds only to a certain state of this object. The discreteness of the visual light image is quite obvious.


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