P453. The principle of the marked image
P453. The principle of the marked image The subconscious and the mind themselves allocate a set of supporting signs of each perceived image. An image that has a set of selected reference features is called a labeled image. (3. 6. 7. ) 453
It is in expert systems that the supporting features of the subject have already been identified in advance by the experts themselves. But for the subconscious and the mind in an unrecognized image, most of the identified supporting signs are not yet available. " The matrix of the supporting features of the image" is a list of them, a set. This is literally a table of signs. Creating a matrix of supporting features of the image and attaching it to the image itself, as a result, gives a labeled image.
P454. The principle of the matrix of the supporting features of the image Giving the image of an object a matrix of its supporting features is a necessary logical operation preceding the recognition of this image. (3. 6. 7. ) 454
Giving an image of a matrix its supporting features is very similar to giving a kind of " label". 2009-09-12
1. Recognition of any visual image occurs according to the matrix of its supporting features. This is a relatively simple logical operation.
P455. The principle of a sufficient condition for intelligent recognition of an image The similarity of the matrix of the supporting signs of the visual image and the matrix of the sensitive signs of the concept corresponding to this object is a sufficient condition for its recognition. (3. 6. 8. ) 455
Like is cognized by like. Any concept has its own sensitive features. And when the value of the reference feature of the image coincides with the value of the sensitive feature of the concept that recognizes this image, a reflex of this feature of the concept occurs.
P456. The principle of recognition of the reference feature The reflex of a sensitive feature of a concept that recognizes an image denotes the presence of a similar supporting feature in the recognized image. (3. 6. 8. ) 456
But the sign is just a stimulus. It is not enough for image recognition. P457. The principle of concept sensitivity At the basis of the process of intelligent recognition of the image, there is a necessary reaction of the sensitive feature of the concept to such a supporting feature of the recognized image. And if, when analyzing the matrix of the supporting features of the image, most of the features of the concept automatically react, then they thereby include the activity of the core of the concept. Which means: " the image is known. " (3. 6. 8. ) 457
If the image becomes known to the concept, thereby, it also becomes known to the mind. Likewise, concepts recognize the images of terms. Unless the image of a written term corresponds to one name characteristic of its concept of the same name.
P458. The principle of sensitivity of the name attribute of a concept The personal attribute of a concept is its main sensitive attribute. Such a sign itself actively reacts to the image of the term of the same name. And the active state of this one feature is a sufficient condition for the activation of the activity of the core of the concept. (3. 6. 8. ) 458
If a person understands several terms of the text in a second, then only thanks to the automatic work of the nominal signs of concepts. The visual or verbal image of the term itself is already a supporting feature, which fully corresponds to the sensitive nominal feature of its concept of the same name. Feature matrices of marked images are a kind of " terms". And concepts such images instantly " read" like an open book. Or consider an example that is the opposite of sight recognition. We understand a certain visible object by the basic features of its image. This is where concepts work. But close your eyes, and... darkness. The concept will never " draw" an image of this subject, but they can offer you a list of its known features. This example is a strong argument for the above.
2. There is a real " conveyor" for supplying marked patterns for recognition. The material carrier of this conveyor is the projection area of the visual cortex of the brain (" cinema" ). The concepts themselves are located in several layers of associative neurons located above the projection area of view.
P459 The operative memory of the visual cortex, concepts and some logical organs of visual perception form one operating system of the vision of the mind. Moreover, each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex has its own operating system of vision. (3. 6. 8. ) 459
The operating system of vision is designed not only to accurately highlight new and new visual images and their supporting features, but also to demonstrate all this to concepts. The concepts are located just above this organ. There is a topology of mental organs, which necessarily coincides with the topology of their physiological carriers. But back to the visualization pipeline. It really exists, and concepts do not recognize their images simultaneously, but only sequentially. Why consistently? Because the recognizable image is in the spotlight. He is there for hundredths of a second, but this is enough to create the illusion that many images are recognized at the same time. No, the center of attention sequentially " snatches" individual already marked images from the operative memory of the projection visual zone and presents them for recognition to all concepts at once. Accordingly, the recognition of visual images occurs sequentially.
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