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Key points of the visual perception process



• The image of the perceived object

• Signs of the subject

• Supporting signs of the visual image

• Allocation of supporting signs of the visual image

• Recognition of the visual image

• Intelligent image recognition tool

• Understanding the image and subject

• Machine recognition and perception


 Any image of a perceived object is an informational entity and consists of data. The given is a quantum of the image, therefore any image is passive in nature and obeys all the laws of existence of the given. This means that if a receptive image of an object " changes" its carrier in the process of perception, then only as a result of its coding by a psychic organ into a secondary image.

The secondary image is always similar to the primary image, but it is always different because the data does not leave its medium. And no matter how many times this image is already recoded, in any case, at the entrance to the coding system it will always be primary, and at the output - secondary. Everything here is like in the song: "... whoever is not the first with us is always the second. " The only image that is never secondary is the receptive image, because after the very first coding it loses this status forever.



1. A receptive image of a perceived object is a discrete information model of a really perceived object, created by a system of receptor rules. It is a data structure of automatic receptor responses to signals from a sensed object.

P399. The topical principle of the structure of the secondary data of the sensation of the visual light image of an object

  The structure of the mental sensation of the data of the visual light image of the object necessarily generates the corresponding structure of the secondary data of this sensation. (3. 5. 4. ) 399


The receptive image of the object of visual perception is formed only by the system of photoreceptor rules. However, it also belongs to the system of perception at the same time.


P408. The principle of receptivity of perception

The process of perceiving a directly perceptible object always and necessarily includes the process of its reception. (3. 6. 1. ) 408


 In other words.



The image of the perceived object is simultaneously the image of the perceived object, since any mental system of reception is always and necessarily included in the corresponding system of perception. (3. 6. 5. ) 431


Perception is receptive, it always begins with a perceived object, therefore the image of a perceived object is always an image of a perceived object and vice versa.


2. Any receptive image of a visually perceptible object is discrete and unchanging. This is due to the discreteness of the visual light image of this object. This is the principle of discreteness of the visual light image. (365)


P432. The principle of discreteness of the receptive visual image

Any receptive image of any visually perceptible object is always and necessarily a discrete (unchanging) structure of these sensations of its discrete visual light image. The appearance of this image is instantaneous, therefore it reflects only the specific state of its object. (3. 6. 5. ) 432


The image of a visually perceptible object is always a discrete informational model of the state of this object. There are many factors behind the discreteness of this image.

 Firstly. This image arises directly from the discrete image.

 Secondly, it consists of data that is immutable, and therefore discrete.


Since these factors are inherent in any image of an object, created by any system of reception, there is the necessary discreteness of any receptive image.


P433. The principle of discreteness of the receptive image

Any receptive image of a perceived object is always and necessarily a discrete (unchanging) structure of the given sensations of this object. The appearance of an image is instantaneous, so it reflects only the specific state of its object.

                                                                                                           (3. 6. 5. ) 433


And since for the discreteness of any mental image it is sufficient that the data are unchanged by their nature, then all mental images are necessarily discrete (unchanging).


P434. The law of discreteness of the mental image

 Any image of a perceived object is always and necessarily a discrete (unchanging) structure of the given sensations of this object. The appearance of an image is instantaneous, so it reflects only the specific state of its object. (3. 6. 5. ) 434


The changed image is already different, albeit similar.



  3. The flow of receptive visual images of the perceived object. Due to the discreteness of each receptive visual image and its brief existence, a sequential series of visual images of one observed object appears in the visual reception system. Such a series is a stream of images of the observed object, corresponding to a sequential series of discrete states of this object. The flow rate of successive images of the observed object is approximately 25 images per second.

Visual perception always deals with successive series of receptive images of the observed objects. Moreover, each image belongs to the image of its situation (the frame of the situation).



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