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The attributes of an object are either quantity, or quality, or individual fragments of this object. All signs of an object are its peculiar "signs".


The attributes of an object are either quantity, or quality, or individual fragments of this object. All signs of an object are its peculiar " signs".

                                                                                                            (2. 10. 8. ) 252


Similar signs are the same signs. If they say that two things have one quality, then it should be understood that they have the same qualities. The same goes for signs. Not a single sign exists by itself. It exists only as a sign of its subject.



A feature is absolutely inseparable from its subject (object). (3. 6. 6. ) 440


 Mentally separate the meaningful feature of the object (a fragment of its structure) from the object itself, and immediately this fragment will begin to exist independently. It will no longer belong to its former object, and thus it will no longer be its feature.



   The quantity and quality of an object are both its quantitative and qualitative features. Quantities and qualities are absolutely inseparable from their object.



All attributes of an object are reduced to three categories: content, quantitative and qualitative attributes. (3. 6. 7. ) 441


Moreover, any sign of necessity exists. And if it does not exist, then there is nothing further to talk about.



Any attribute of any object (object) is always and necessarily an existing object itself. (3. 6. 7. ) 442



P443. The principle of the attribute of an object

Any sign attribute of any object is always and necessarily an existing object that belongs only to its bearer object and is not capable of its separate existence. The sign denotes some fragment or some side of only its subject, but the designation is not a physical process. The role of the attributes of an object is performed by its quantities and qualities or fragments of its content, which exist regardless of whether we call them attributes or not. (3. 6. 6. ) 443


 The wording of this principle is necessary and timely, since many people confuse sign and attribute. For example: “ ATTRIBUTE, -a, m. Indicator, omen, sign, by which you can find out, define something. Distinctive features. Gender signs. Signs of spring. P. impatience. Without signs of life (in a state of death). Divisibility criteria (special). // adj. indicative, th, th (special)" (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999). As you can see, even in the norms of the Russian language there is confusion regarding the sign and the attribute. By the way, a very useful dictionary, there is no better one yet.



A sign is an object that always designates another object by virtue of the designation rule. The mark does not belong to the designated object. A attribute, unlike a sign, always and necessarily denotes only the object to which it belongs. It designates it only and is necessary due to its belonging to the designated object. (3. 6. 6. ) 444


In the material World, there are no such physical processes as coding and designation, therefore there is no need for a sign and a feature. But the fact that we use physical objects as signs and signs is necessary for our informational activity.

P445. The pragmatic law of sign and attribute

We use physical objects as signs and attributes in connection with the need to carry out information activities. First, the variety of signs and   attributes is millions of times less than the variety of objects. Secondly, the sign and  attribute are simple objects, the images of which make up a small amount of data. (3. 6. 6. ) 445


Such a number of principles is advisable due to the enormous importance of a  sign and   attribute  in the information activity of a person and a device. And given the confusion existing in the sciences regarding the attribute, there are still few of them.




Each object obviously has many features, and each of them necessarily has its own objective meaning. Not significant signs simply do not exist. This is consistent with the principle of trait (443).



 The subject meaning of a feature (attribute) is that it designates some fragment or some side of its object. (3. 6. 7. ) 446


  However, the objective meaning of the attribute of the perceived object is one thing, it is objective, but the meaning that this or that system of perception will give to this attribute is completely different, it is subjective.



 The semantic meaning of a feature(attribute) is knowledge about its objective meaning. (3. 6. 7. ) 447


Each system of perception has only its own active knowledge about a particular feature of an object. Often they don't even exist at all.


 Any recognizing system uses only its own semantic meanings of the attributes of perceived objects. (3. 6. 6. ) 448


And this means that each recognition system must have only its own estimates of the weight (priority) of each feature of each perceived object known to it.


P449. The principle of supporting signs of a perceived object

 The most significant signs of a perceived object for each specific system of perception are its supporting signs. (3. 6. 7. ) 449


Any of the signs of a perceived object can be significant (reference) or not for a particular system of perception.

One of them is the intelligent perception system. And here a lot already depends on the system of active knowledge of the mind of the perceiving subject. For example: “The human eye, ” wrote K. Marx, “perceives and enjoys differently than the coarse, inhuman eye, the human ear — differently from the coarse, undeveloped ear, etc. ”...

One or another level of knowledge inherent in a person influences in a certain way the nature of his perceptions. As a rule, the more a person knows, the more he sees. For example, even an ordinary lawn can tell a botanist, a plant specialist a lot, to which the other person will not pay any attention. " (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 157)

There is also a vivid example of the use of supporting signs: “It turns out that at the stage of abstract thinking we can form a rather visual, concrete image, as if“ gluing ”it from gradually from general and little visual concepts. Let us recall how Grigory Otrepiev described in Pushkin's tragedy Boris Godunov: " And he is 20 years old. And he is small in height, wide chest, one arm is shorter than the other, blue eyes, red hair, a wart on his cheek, another on his forehead. " Here is a visual image for you. ... The process that takes place here is reminiscent of assembling a model from parts of a children's designer: there are few standard parts, and the possibilities of their use are quite wide. " (Dialectical and historical materialism. M., Politizdat, 1971. p. 147)

Although Otrepiev had countless features in total, these eight became the content of the list (matrix) of supporting features, sufficient for its unambiguous recognition.



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